Online Therapist Influencers You Need To Follow

Online Therapist Influencers
Helpful Products

- Dr. Mariel Buquè
- Dr. Melissa Shepard
- Dr. Justin Puder
- Dr. Courtney Tracy
- Lindsay Fleming

Mental health awareness and support have become increasingly important in today's fast-paced world. Social media platforms have played a significant role in spreading mental health information and resources to young people, with online therapists and mental health influencers emerging as powerful advocates for mental wellness.

In this blog post, we'll explore the impact of online therapist influencers and introduce you to some inspiring voices you need to follow.

The Rise of Mental Health Influencers

The increasing popularity of social media platforms for mental health discussions

Social media platforms have become popular venues for discussing mental health struggles, enabling users to share their experiences and access valuable mental health resources.

How therapists are using social media to reach wider audiences

Many therapists and mental health professionals have embraced social media to connect with wider audiences, sharing their knowledge and promoting mental health awareness.

benefits of following online therapist influencers graphic

The benefits of following online therapist influencers

Top Online Therapist Influencers 

  1. Dr. Mariel Buquè
  2. Dr. Melissa Shepard
  3. Dr. Justin Puder
  4. Dr. Courtney Tracy
  5. Lindsay Fleming

Top Online Therapist Influencers to Follow

Mariel Buquè's Instagram profile filled with mental health content

Dr. Mariel Buquè




Content's specialization:

Followers: 253K


Why you should follow them:

Dr. Mariel Buquè is a clinical psychologist and mental health advocate whose presence on Instagram offers a unique and culturally sensitive approach to both mental health conditions and wellness. Following her allows individuals to benefit from her expertise and holistic approach, which emphasizes the integration of cultural sensitivity, social justice, and spirituality in mental health care.

This perspective can be constructive for individuals seeking a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of mental wellness and those looking for a mental health professional who is attuned to the experiences of marginalized communities, including people of color.

Moreover, Dr. Buquè creates relatable and engaging content that breaks down complex psychological concepts into accessible and practical advice. By following her, you can gain valuable insights into self-care, stress management, racial trauma therapy, and healing, among other topics. [1] [2]

Melissa Shepard's tiktok profile filled with mental health content

Dr. Melissa Shepard




Content's specialization:



Why you should follow her:

Dr. Melissa Shepard is a licensed clinical psychologist who has gained popularity on TikTok for her ability to create informative and engaging content in a platform-specific format.

By following her, individuals can benefit from her professional expertise and personal experience together, as she shares complex psychological concepts in a way that is easy to understand and apply to daily life. Her content covers a wide range of mental health topics, such as anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and relationship issues, making her an invaluable resource for those seeking advice, guidance, and support in various aspects of mental health.

Furthermore, Dr. Shepard is an intense mental health advocate, using her TikTok presence to raise awareness about mental health issues and challenge the stigma surrounding them. [3] [4]

Justin Puder's tiktok profile filled with mental health content

Dr. Justin Puder




Content's specialization:



Why you should follow him:

Dr. Justin Puder, a licensed clinical psychologist, offers valuable, mental health advice and content on TikTok that is informative and engaging. By following him, individuals can benefit from his professional expertise and experience as he shares complex psychological concepts in a way that is easily accessible and applicable to daily life.

Dr. Puder's content covers a diverse range of topics, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship issues, providing valuable insights for a broad audience seeking advice, guidance, and support in various aspects of mental health.

In addition to his expertise, Dr. Puder uses his TikTok platform to raise awareness about mental health issues and challenge the stigma surrounding them. His work inspires and empowers followers to prioritize their mental well-being and seek support when needed. [5][6]

An example of a mental health blogger, Dr Courtney Tracy talking about seeking mental health

Dr. Courtney Tracy




Content's specialization:



Why you should follow her:

Dr. Courtney Tracy, also known as "The Truth Doctor," is a licensed clinical social worker and therapist whose engaging and informative mental health content is on Instagram. By following her, individuals can benefit from her professional expertise and experience as she presents complex psychological concepts in an easily understandable and relatable manner.

Dr. Tracy's content covers a diverse range of topics, including anxiety, depression, trauma, self-care, and relationships, providing valuable insights for a broad audience seeking advice, guidance, and support in various aspects of mental health.

This genuine approach resonates with many followers and helps to challenge the stigma surrounding mental health issues. [7][8]

An example of Lindsay Fleming's social media profile

Lindsay Fleming







Why you should follow them:

Lindsay Fleming, a licensed professional counselor, has garnered a substantial following on TikTok for engaging and informative mental health content. By following her, individuals can benefit from her professional expertise and experience as she shares complex psychological concepts in a way that is easily accessible and applicable to daily life.

Lindsay's content covers a diverse range of topics, including anxiety, depression, self-care, stress management, and relationships, providing valuable insights for a broad audience seeking advice, guidance, and support in various aspects of mental health.

What sets Lindsay apart is her down-to-earth and relatable approach to mental health. [9][10]


Making connections and engaging with these online influencers will also inevitably enhance your overall mental health as your connections become stronger and more meaningful.

So, find someone you resonate with, create genuine relationships, and strive to build upon them over time - this could be a significant step towards taking up those goals and dreams you have always held so dear.


Are there any risks associated with seeking advice from an online influencer?

It is always advisable to consult a licensed mental health professional if you feel overwhelmed or struggle with your mental health. While online influencers can provide guidance and support, they sometimes do not have the same expertise as a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

What are some red flags to watch out for when considering an online therapist to follow?

It would help if you were wary of any online therapist who insists they can make you better quickly and easily, as this is unrealistic. Additionally, if the influencer promises a "quick fix" or claims to have all the answers, it may be best to proceed cautiously. It's also essential to look for content containing triggering language or advice that could be harmful if followed.


  1. TrendHero: Top 26 Mental Health Influencers on Instagram to Follow in 2022Dr. Mariel Buqué
  2. Everyday Heath: The Top Mental Health TikTok Influencers — and Why They’re Important
  3. Dr. Melissa
  4. Everyday Heath: The Top Mental Health TikTok Influencers — and Why They’re Important
  5. A Modern
  6. TrendHero: Top 26 Mental Health Influencers on Instagram to Follow in 2022
  7. The Truth
  8. Everyday Heath: The Top Mental Health TikTok Influencers — and Why They’re Important
  9. Lindsay Fleming