Can Online Therapy Help You Relax? Benefits of Online Therapy

Can online therapy help you relax? This question is vital as stress and anxiety increasingly impact mental health. Online therapy, known for its convenience and accessibility, offers support in addressing these issues. Our article delves into the evidence-based practices and benefits of online therapy for relaxation, presenting it as a valuable tool in mental health treatment.

Can Online Therapy Help You Relax?

Relaxation is a crucial aspect of managing stress and treating anxiety. It allows our minds and bodies to rest, recharge, and recover from the daily pressures of life. Studies have demonstrated that relaxation techniques, including mindfulness, meditation, and guided imagery, can relieve stress, alleviate anxiety and promote overall physical and mental well-being. [1]

However, finding the time and space to relax can be challenging in our fast-paced lives. This is where online therapy comes in handy. It provides a flexible and accessible option for individuals to practice relaxation techniques at home. So, yes. It has the ability to relax you in numerous ways, including the relaxation techniques mentioned above.

Exploring Online Therapy

A man with headphones intently uses a laptop, potentially participating in an online therapy session, in a serene home setting in a post about can online therapy help you relax

Online therapy, also referred to as teletherapy or virtual therapy, offers remote mental health services through online platforms that connect individuals with licensed therapists. Therapy sessions are provided using video conferencing, phone calls, or text messages.

This convenient form of therapy is gaining popularity as it eliminates the need to physically visit a therapist's office. It allows individuals, especially those with limited mobility, living in rural areas, or facing other barriers to meet an in-person therapist through an internet connection, to receive therapy from the comfort of their homes.

The interest in the teletherapy model increased during the Covid Pandemic as it became a safe alternative to in-person therapy. According to studies, patients had a positive attitude toward the idea of receiving teletherapy services, with most favoring video-based platforms. [2] This practice soon became famous, with more Authority figures and health experts recommending its use for addressing both physical and psychological issues. [3]

What Makes Online Therapy Effective?

Online platforms offer a wide range of therapeutic approaches and techniques, including relaxation-based interventions. An online therapist can guide individuals through relaxation exercises, such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and other techniques to help them relax and manage their stress and anxiety. These relaxation techniques can be easily adapted for telepsychology sessions, and the online therapy provider is trained to provide effective guidance and support through virtual means.

Benefits of Online Therapy for Relaxation

A young woman with bright red hair smiles as she listens through headphones and looks at a laptop, suggesting a relaxed online therapy session a post about can online therapy help you relax

An online therapist can provide several benefits for relaxation, making it an effective tool for managing stress and anxiety. Here are some key benefits of relaxation:


In conclusion, teletherapy offers convenient and customizable treatment for managing mental health conditions such as stress and anxiety. The benefits of teletherapy include accessibility, flexible scheduling, personalized techniques, privacy, evidence-based practices, cost-effectiveness, and the integration of technology. While not for everyone, online therapy can be an effective alternative to in-person therapy when used for both mental health issues and relaxation.

If you're unsure what therapy service to go for, we suggest reading The Best Free Online Therapy Services In The USA In 2024.


Can online therapy help with anxiety?

Yes, it can be a great tool to help people with anxiety. It allows individuals to access counseling services via an online platform in the comfort of their own homes, making it easier for them to open up and discuss their issues. Online therapists can provide education on understanding and managing anxiety, cognitive behavioral strategies to cope with fear, panic attacks or worry, and other forms of support or guidance.

Does online therapy actually work?

Online therapy is an effective form of treatment. Studies show that it is as good as in-person therapy in creating a lasting change in mental health [3]. Clients receive the same quality care since online therapy provides the same treatments. It's also more convenient due to its accessibility.


  1. Relaxation Techniques: What You Need To Know
  2. Online therapy: an added value for inpatient routine care? Perspectives from mental health care professionals
  3. Online therapy is here to stay
  4. Trust and respect in the patient-clinician relationship: preliminary development of a new scale

The Difference Between Online Therapy And Traditional Therapy

Difference Between Online Therapy And Traditional Therapy
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The Difference Between Online Therapy And Traditional Therapy
The Difference Between Online Therapy And Traditional Therapy is that online therapy offers flexibility, accessibility, and varied communication methods (text, video, audio) but may lack personal connection and immediate crisis support. Traditional therapy provides a personal, face-to-face experience with immediate feedback but requires physical presence and travel.

Online Therapy
- Convenience
- Cost
- Flexibility
- Anonymity

Traditional Therapy
- Personal interaction
- Non-verbal cues
- Immediate feedback

Online Therapy
- Technical difficulties
- Lack of non-verbal cues
- Security concerns

Traditional Therapy
- Accessibility
- Cost
- Time constraints

The difference between online therapy and traditional therapy is significant when treating mental health issues, crucial for those struggling with psychological problems. Therapy, in both forms, is effective in treating conditions like depression, anxiety, and trauma.

Traditional face-to-face therapy, while beneficial, isn't always accessible. The rise of technology has made online therapy a viable alternative. This blog delves into the contrasts between conventional and online therapy methods.

An example of online therapy sessions in a post about difference between online therapy and traditional therapy

Online Therapy

Online therapy involves using technology to provide therapy services remotely. Different modes of communication are available, such as videoconferencing, messaging, and phone calls.

Here are some of the types of online therapy:

An example of in person sessions in a therapist's office in a post about difference between online therapy and traditional therapy

Pros Of Online Therapy

Cons Of Online Therapy

Traditional Therapy

Traditional therapy, or in-person sessions, involves face-to-face therapy with a licensed therapist. It includes different therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and group therapy sessions. [4]

Pros Of Traditional Therapy

Cons Of Traditional Therapy

Table comparison in a post about difference between online therapy and traditional therapy

Comparison of Online Therapy and Traditional Therapy





Confidentiality and Privacy


Choosing between online counseling and in person therapy ultimately depends on your preferences, needs, and circumstances. Virtual therapy can offer more flexibility, comfort, and affordability, while in-person therapy can provide a more personal touch and be more effective for specific individuals.

Ultimately, the most important thing is finding a therapist you feel comfortable with and who can help you achieve your own mental health treatment goals. And if affordability is an issue, we suggest reading The Best Free Online Therapy Services In The USA In 2024.


What are the similarities between online therapy and traditional therapy?

Both online and in person therapy involves a licensed mental health professional providing counseling services to a patient. Both approaches help the patient develop insight, make positive changes, and work through difficult emotions.

How do I choose between online therapy and traditional therapy?

Choosing between them should ultimately come down to personal preference and which one better fits within an individual's lifestyle needs—whether remote comfortability is more critical than having face-to-face interactions or vice versa.


  1. Verywell Mind: What Is Teletherapy?
  2. Priory: The Benefits of Online Therapy
  3. Online Philosophy: What is online counselling or therapy?
  4. Move Your Mind: Traditional Therapy
  5. Reflect: Online Therapy vs. In-Person Therapy: What are the pros and cons?
  7. Talkspace: Online vs. Traditional Therapy: The Pros and Cons
  8. Psychology: Virtual Therapy vs. In-Person Therapy
  9. Talkspace: Online vs. Traditional Therapy: The Pros and Cons
  10. Psychology Today: Does Online Therapy Work?
  11. Psychology: Virtual Therapy vs. In-Person Therapy
  12. American Psychological Association: A growing wave of online therapy
  13. Psychology: Virtual Therapy vs. In-Person Therapy
  14. Everyday Health: The Pros and Cons of Online Therapy