Drama In The Workplace: Navigating Workplace Relationships And Ethics

It’s no secret that office romances are more common than ever. Whether you’re a manager, an employee, a supervisor, or just a co-worker who has observed workplace romances blossoming between colleagues, it can be difficult to know exactly how to handle them.

Navigating workplace ethics and company policies in regard to these romantic relationships can be tricky, especially when they happen to involve two people in different positions of power. In this blog post, we will explore how best to manage office romances in the workplace. [1]

Fun Fact

A 'Secure Attachment Style' is pivotal in fostering positive workplace relationships. People with this style are often better at conflict resolution.

Consider your workplace's policies of which could include:

Did you know?

Anger is a leading factor in how workplace relationships deteriorate. Understanding 'How Anger Damages Relationships' can lead to healthier office dynamics.

Office Romance Policies: Guardrails for Professionalism

Recognizing the intricacies and potential hazards tied to workplace romances, companies are progressively more mindful. As a consequence, several businesses have instituted policies to oversee or even deter such workplace relationships. This article investigates some prevalent policies and their success.

Non-Fraternization Policies

A number of businesses choose a direct route by adopting non-fraternization policies. These rules ban any form of romantic or sexual relationship among employees.

Effectiveness: While these policies provide a straightforward stance on workplace romances, they prove difficult to implement, often leading employees to hide their relationships. This lack of honesty can, ironically, aggravate issues related to workplace relationships.

Disclosure Policies

Some companies permit workplace relationships but demand that employees disclose any romantic feelings or relationships to HR or their supervisor. This approach allows the company to manage potential conflicts of interest and ensure all employees receive fair treatment.

Effectiveness: Disclosure policies advocate for transparency and equity in the workplace. However, for them to be effective, a robust culture of trust and respect for privacy is required.

Love Contracts

Certain companies resort to "love contracts" or consensual relationship agreements. These documents, signed by the involved couple, confirm that the relationship is consensual, and they commit to maintaining professionalism and understanding the company's policies against sexual harassment.

Effectiveness: Love contracts can be a useful tool in managing workplace relationships as they establish clear behavior expectations. However, they can be viewed as invasive, and their legal validity varies across jurisdictions.

Manager-Subordinate Relationships Prohibition

Numerous companies strictly forbid relationships between managers and their direct reports to prevent conflicts of interest and potential allegations of favoritism or exploitation.

Effectiveness: This policy is generally effective in avoiding conflicts of interest and safeguarding employees. Nevertheless, if a workplace romance does occur, it might lead to concealed relationships.

Transfer Policies

Some businesses have policies that allow for the transfer of one or both employees involved in a workplace romance to a different department or role.

Effectiveness: This policy can help minimize conflicts of interest and reduce discomfort among other team members. However, it demands flexible organizational structures and may not always be feasible in smaller companies. [11]

An example of work relationships getting caught by work colleagues

The Rise of Office Romances: A Look into the Modern Workplace

It's an undeniable reality that office romances have become more prevalent in our modern professional landscape. As we collectively clock in more hours at work, the lines between our professional and personal lives are becoming increasingly blurred.

A Close-Knit Corporate World

The modern workplace is evolving. The traditional 9-to-5 schedule is making way for flexible hours, and open-plan offices are fostering closer relationships between colleagues. As people spend more time at work, it's only natural that professional relationships may evolve into personal ones.

The Digital Influence

The digital age also plays a significant role in fostering workplace romances. With the rise of digital communication tools, colleagues are now connected 24/7. This constant interaction, even after office hours, can lead to deeper connections, often sparking romances.

Pro tip: 'Online Therapist Influencers' can provide valuable insights on maintaining healthy workplace relationships, making them great resources for work-life balance.

The Statistics

According to a recent survey by CNBC LLC:

The Millennial Effect

Interestingly, the rise in office romances seems to be particularly prominent among the younger workforce. Millennials, known for their preference for work-life integration over work-life balance, are more likely to be open to, or even seek, office romances. The possibility of finding love at work, it seems, is part of the millennial professional package.

Subtle Shift in Attitudes

There's also been a subtle shift in attitudes towards office romances. While these liaisons were once considered taboo, many companies now adopt a more lenient stance, as long as it does not disrupt workplace harmony.

While office romances are on the rise, it's crucial to tread carefully. As we'll discuss in the upcoming sections, these relationships come with their own set of challenges and ethical considerations.

The Consequences of Office Romances: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

While office romances can sometimes seem like a plot from a movie or sitcom, the real-life consequences of these relationships are far more complex and multifaceted. They can have significant impacts, not just on the individuals involved, but also on the teams and organizations they are a part of. Let's delve into some of these potential consequences.

The Positive Outcomes

Enhanced Job Satisfaction and Productivity

When two colleagues in a romantic relationship are happy, it can lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity for both. They may look forward to going to work more, which can boost their overall performance.

Improved Team Dynamics

Sometimes, an office romance can positively impact team dynamics. The shared understanding and rapport between the couple can spill over into their professional interactions, leading to better communication and teamwork. [13]

The Flip Side: Potential Downsides

Conflict of Interest and Favoritism

Office romances, particularly those involving a power dynamic (such as a manager and a direct report), can lead to perceived or actual conflicts of interest. Favoritism, or even the perception of it, can lead to discontent and lowered morale among other team members.

Decreased Productivity and Increased Distraction

While some office romances can boost job satisfaction and productivity, the opposite can also be true. Personal disagreements can spill over into the professional realm, leading to decreased productivity and increased distraction.

Awkwardness and Tension

If the relationship ends on a bad note, it can lead to an uncomfortable work environment, not just for the couple but also for their colleagues. This can impact team dynamics and overall morale.

Potential for Harassment Claims

In the worst-case scenario, if a relationship ends badly or if one party feels they were coerced into the relationship, it could lead to potential sexual harassment claims, which could have serious legal implications for the individuals involved and the organization. [14]

Helpful Tip: Interpreting love in workplace relationships can be tricky. If you wonder 'How Do I Tell If He Loves Me?' observe his respect for you, your career, and boundaries."

An example of workplace romance with a couple sharing a conversation in the workplace

Ethical Considerations in Office Romances: Walking the Tightrope

Office romances, while not uncommon, can present a host of ethical considerations that both parties involved need to carefully ponder. These considerations are crucial in ensuring that such relationships don't infringe upon professional decorum, hinder workplace productivity, or violate legal boundaries. Let's explore some of these ethical considerations in depth.

Navigating Power Dynamics

A primary ethical concern in workplace relationships emerges when there is an imbalance of power. If one individual in the relationship holds a position that can impact the other's career advancement or work tasks, it may result in conflicts of interest, perceived favoritism, and possible exploitation within the workplace.

Key Points to Consider:

Maintaining Professionalism

While it's natural for a couple to show affection, it's essential to maintain professionalism in the workplace. Public displays of affection or personal arguments can make others uncomfortable and disrupt the work environment.

Key Points to Consider:

Addressing Conflicts of Interest

An office romance can potentially create conflicts of interest, especially if one party is in a position to make decisions that affect the other's job.

Key Points to Consider:

Legal Ramifications

In some situations, office romances can lead to legal issues, particularly if the relationship ends badly or if one person feels they were coerced into the relationship.

Key Points to Consider:

Office romances demand a high degree of ethical consciousness from those involved. By considering these factors, employees can navigate their personal relationships while maintaining a professional and respectful workplace. [15]

Strategies to manage power dynamics and conflicts of interest

Address the power dynamics

Some relationships are not equal.

If one person has more power, they may try to control the other person's work or do things that are not fair. It is important to talk about this and make sure everyone involved knows what is okay and what is not. [4]

Identify conflicts of interest

A conflict of interest happens when someone's personal interests get in the way of their job. For example, if a person is dating their boss, they might get special treatment and other employees will think that it's not fair and can influence their productivity in the long run.

It is important to figure out if there are any conflicts of interest and do something to stop them. [5]

Maintain boundaries

When in a business environment, it is important to act like a professional and take responsibility for your actions and behavior. Don't do anything that shows that you are involved in an office romance. Make sure that your workplace relationship does not get in the way of the importance of doing your job properly. [6][7]

Get advice from HR

If there are worries about how people in companies with different amounts of power treat each other, or if there is a problem between two employees that affects their work, ask Human Resources (HR) for help. HR can give advice on what to do and make sure everyone follows the rules. [8]

Don't hide your relationship

If you are in a romantic relationship, it is important, to be honest about it. Tell your direct supervisors and department management about the relationship. This is especially important if there are any problems with your work or interests.

Legal considerations you must consider

Communication is important

Sometimes, workplace relationships can bring about confusion, conflict, and difficult decision-making. Whether you or your coworkers are looking for impartial advice or weighing the pros and cons of a romantic entanglement at work, therapy is a great option to consider.

Communication is an essential tool for cultivating positive personal relationships and making sound decisions. A trained therapist can help you understand how to approach your day-to-day conversations at work, helping you develop and build healthy interactions with colleagues both inside and outside the office environment. [10]

Tips for balancing your work life and relationships

When Office Romances Go Wrong: Navigating the Stormy Seas

Office romances can be quite thrilling, and when they go well, they can make the workplace a more enjoyable and satisfying place to be. However, when they go wrong, they can create a storm of challenges and complications for everyone involved. Let's take a closer look at some of these potential pitfalls and how they can impact the work environment.

A pair of co-workers with a tense relationship

The Fallout of Failed Office Romances

A Sudden Shift in Dynamics

When a romantic relationship in the office sours, the fallout can be swift and dramatic. The dynamics between the ex-partners can shift rapidly from amicable and cooperative to tense and confrontational. This abrupt change can disrupt the overall team dynamics and negatively impact productivity.

Awkwardness and Discomfort

A failed office romance can create an uncomfortable atmosphere for everyone in the workplace. Colleagues may feel awkward or unsure about how to interact with the former couple, which can lead to communication issues and decreased morale.

Impact on Career Progression

In some cases, a failed office romance can even impact the individuals' career progression. For example, if the relationship was with a superior, the fallout could potentially affect opportunities for advancement, or in severe cases, result in one party feeling the need to leave the company altogether.

Handling the Fallout

Establish Clear Boundaries

After the end of an office romance, it's crucial to establish clear boundaries. This may involve minimizing non-essential interactions or ensuring that any necessary communication remains strictly professional.

Seek Guidance from HR

Don't hesitate to seek guidance from the Human Resources department. They can provide advice on how to navigate this tricky situation and ensure that all interactions remain respectful and within company policies.

Avoid Gossip

Avoid participating in or encouraging gossip about the failed relationship. It's important to maintain professionalism and respect for everyone's privacy.

Prioritize Your Work

Remember, the primary reason you're in the office is to work. Despite the personal issues, try to stay focused on your responsibilities and maintain your performance.

Office romances that go wrong can be challenging to navigate. However, with clear communication, respect, and professionalism, it's possible to manage the fallout and maintain a positive work environment. In the next sections, we'll discuss some strategies for managing power dynamics and preventing conflicts of interest in office romances.[16]

Example of employees in a relationship

Real-Life Stories of Office Romances

Navigating the intricacies of office romances can be challenging, but there are instances where couples have successfully balanced their personal and professional lives. Here are a few real-life stories to provide you with some perspective.


In 2007, Trey, a 38-year-old public relations professional, moved from DC to New York, drawn by promising job prospects and the city's charm. On his first day at work, he encountered the woman who would eventually become his wife. Their initial meeting didn't spark instant romance. As a rather conservative Republican, his look was rigid, marked by parted hair and pleated pants. However, over the subsequent months, a strong bond of friendship blossomed between them.

One snowy evening, as they were exiting the Russian Vodka Room, she placed her hand in his coat pocket for warmth. That intimate moment marked the beginning of their romantic journey. Their lunch breaks turned into secret escapades, filled with hand-holding beneath the table and stolen kisses in the elevator. Once, in their haste, they even forgot to press the elevator button, leading to an awkward moment when the doors opened abruptly at the lobby. Their office romance has now matured into a marriage that has lasted over six years, and Trey has since abandoned his signature hair parting.

Read Trey's Story.


In the mid-eighties, Missy, a 50-year-old computer operator based in Los Angeles, was employed at a university. During that time, she had a relationship with Kevin, whom she helped secure a job at the same university but in a different department. Their romance lasted for over a year before they decided to part ways. Unaware of the unresolved issues between them, Missy transferred to Kevin's department.

However, things turned sour when Kevin began undermining her professionally, trying to tarnish her reputation and even attempting to get her fired. As it happened, Kevin had been irresponsibly sharing his computer accounts with individuals from another institution. When Missy discovered this, she reported him, although the university was already investigating the matter. Eventually, Kevin was the one who lost his job due to his unprofessional conduct.

Read Missy's Story.


In Richland, a 22-year-old nuclear power professional named Olivia encountered love in an unlikely place - her own department. Having quickly befriended a male colleague upon joining, they shared workplace stresses, laughter-filled breaks, and courtyard lunches. Despite her pre-existing relationship, Olivia found herself drawn to him, a feeling she struggled to repress.

A shared ride home and an unexpected kiss at his apartment marked a turning point, filling Olivia with guilt and leading her to distance herself. Their once-friendly workplace relationship turned awkward, with avoided eye contact and forced professionalism. A year later, Olivia ended her previous relationship, acknowledging the unique bond she held with her coworker. Sparks rekindled and they embraced their feelings, even officially informing HR. Despite departmental shifts, they remained at the same company, sharing commutes, lunches, and a home. Plans for an engagement are on the horizon, marking the next step in their journey together.

Read Olivia's Story.


By following the practices outlined above and always bearing ethical considerations in mind, everyone can work together to make sure that workplace relationships and behaviors are congruent with the goals of building a positive working environment.

Experiencing the benefits of online therapy can be transformative for workplace relationships. Through virtual sessions, professionals can learn essential communication and conflict-resolution skills. These tools empower individuals to nurture healthier, more productive interactions with colleagues.


How can I balance my work life and relationships?

You can start by setting aside time for your partner, communicating openly with them, making time for yourself, and setting boundaries within your workplace, but still not neglecting your relationship. Additionally, you could seek therapy or counseling if you’re struggling to create or maintain balance and exhibit ethical behavior.

What should I do if I feel like my work life is taking over?

If you feel like your work life is taking over, it’s important to remember that relationships are just as important. Make sure to set aside time for your partner and communicate openly with them. Additionally, focus on doing things well and spending quality time with your partner. out of the working environment. Don’t forget to make time and space for yourself and set specific boundaries.


  1. Office Romances: Usually a Bad Idea - UConn Health
  2. Co-Workers' Reactions to Workplace Romance Characteristics
  3. Workplace Romance and Fraternization Policies
  4. Impact of workplace romances on coworkers and workplace relationships
  5. Romance in the Workplace: When "Love" Becomes Litigation
  6. Relationships at Work - Maricopa Open Digital Press
  7. Teambuilding: How to Handle Office Romance as a Managers
  8. Insider: My office romance turned into a marriage
  9. Coworkers’ Perceptions of, and Communication With, Workplace Romance Participants: Proposing and Testing a Model
  10. Independent: Everything you need to know before engaging in a workplace relationship, according to HR professionals
  11. University of Rhode Island: Workplace Romance and Fraternization Policies
  12. CNBC LLC: One in three Americans has dated a co-worker, but office romances may be on the decline
  13. Research Gate: Impact of Workplace Romance on Organizational Settings and Policies
  14. Research Gate: The effect of dissolved workplace romances on the psychosocial functioning and productivity of the employees involved
  15. Research Gate: Ethical Analysis of Office Romance and Sexual Favoritism Policies in the #MeToo Workplace and “Cancel Culture” Era
  17. Insider: We asked and you answered: Here are your top stories about falling in (and out) of love in the office

Dissociation at Work: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Coping Methods

Impact of Dissociation
Coping Method To Stop Dissociation
Helpful Products

- Decreased productivity
- Difficulty in task completion
- Impaired communication
- Strained relationships
- Increased stress and burnout
- Job dissatisfaction
- Poor performance evaluations

- Seek professional help
- Grounding techniques
- Establish a routine
- Take breaks
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Stay organized
- Limit distractions
- Communicate with your supervisor
- Social support
- Practice self-compassion

Do you often emotionally check out at work – or even zone out completely? Do you go into a state of "flight" and feel disconnected from what's happening around you? If so, you may be experiencing dissociative symptoms in the workplace.

Dissociation is a common experience, yet it can become an issue if it hinders your productivity at work. In this blog, we'll explore the common signs of workplace dissociation, and how it impacts your workplace. We discuss the causes, signs, and symptoms you should look out for, as well as some tips to help manage dissociation and strategies for managing it.

What is Dissociation?

The American Psychiatric Association has defined dissociation as a disruption to the usual integration of behavior, memory, identity, consciousness, emotion, perception, body representation, and motor control. This interruption can result in fractured experiences that may feel disconnected from reality or normal life [1].

Dissociation can range from mild to severe, and most people experience dissociation to some degree in their daily lives[1]. Examples of mild dissociation include daydreaming or feeling "checked out" while driving long distances.

If a person experiences an on-set of dissociative symptoms for a long time, they may be suffering from an underlying mental health condition known as Dissociative Disorder [1].

According to American Psychiatric Association, there are five types of Dissociative Disorders[1].

Helpful tip

Learning grounding techniques, seeking therapy, practicing self-care, and utilizing mindfulness exercises are effective ways to regain connection and gradually get out of dissociation.
A girl with posttraumatic stress disorder

Understanding Types of Dissociative Disorders and How They Manifest



Depersonalization is a dissociative experience where individuals feel detached from their own bodies and thoughts as if they are observing themselves from an external perspective.

Common symptoms:

Emotional numbness, feeling disconnected from one's body, feeling like an observer of one's own life, and difficulty recognizing one's own reflection.


An employee experiencing depersonalization may find it challenging to connect with their emotions during a team meeting or feel as if they are watching their workday unfold from an outsider's perspective.



Derealization involves feeling detached from one's surroundings as if the external world is unreal, distorted, or dream-like.

Common symptoms:

Distortions in perception, such as seeing objects as blurry or distorted, feeling like the world is flat or two-dimensional, and experiencing a sense of time distortion.


An employee with derealization may struggle to concentrate on their work tasks, as they feel like their office environment is an illusory or dream-like space.

Dissociative Amnesia


Dissociative amnesia is characterized by an inability to recall important personal information or specific events, often related to a traumatic or highly stressful experience.

Common symptoms:

Memory gaps, difficulty recalling certain events or periods in life, and confusion about personal identity.


A worker with dissociative amnesia may have trouble remembering important deadlines or project details, potentially impacting their job performance and team collaboration.

Identity Alterations


Identity alterations involve a disruption in one's sense of self, which can manifest as multiple personality states or identities (also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder).

Common symptoms:

Switching between different personality states, memory lapses between identity shifts, and differences in preferences or abilities among the various identities.


An employee experiencing identity alterations may display inconsistent work habits, fluctuating between periods of high productivity and disorganization, depending on the active identity state. [7]

Fun fact: Dissociation serves as an unhealthy coping mechanism because it hinders long-term healing and integration.

A girl with a mental health issue

The Link Between Stress and Dissociation

The human brain is equipped to handle a certain amount of stress. However, when stress becomes overwhelming or chronic, the brain might use dissociation as a coping mechanism to protect itself from emotional distress. This response can be both adaptive and maladaptive, depending on the circumstances and the severity of the dissociation. [8]

Causes of Dissociation

Wikipedia states that several causes of dissociation exist. These include but are not limited to trauma (especially early life traumatic memories or physical abuse), anxiety, neurobiological mechanisms, and psychoactive drugs [2]. 

. [9]

A man struggling to deal his dissociative experiences

Workplace Culture and Dissociation

A toxic workplace culture can contribute to the experience of dissociation at work. Factors such as high-pressure deadlines, unreasonable expectations, constant criticism, and workplace bullying can lead to chronic stress, increasing the risk of dissociation in employees.

Childhood Trauma and its Long-Term Effects

Childhood trauma refers to any adverse experience during one's early years, such as abuse, neglect, or witnessing violence. These experiences can have long-lasting effects on an individual's mental health and emotional well-being. Research has shown that children exposed to trauma are more likely to develop various psychological issues, including dissociation, in adulthood.

A woman struggling with dissociation

The Link Between Childhood Trauma and Dissociation

Neurobiological Factors

The human brain continues to develop throughout childhood and adolescence, making it particularly vulnerable to the effects of trauma. Studies have shown that traumatic experiences can alter the brain's structure and functioning, particularly in areas associated with memory, emotion regulation, and stress response.

These changes can increase the likelihood of dissociative symptoms in adulthood, as the brain struggles to process and integrate traumatic memories.

Attachment Theory

Attachment theory posits that secure attachments to caregivers during childhood are crucial for healthy emotional development. Children who experience trauma may develop insecure or disorganized attachment styles, leading to difficulties in forming healthy relationships and regulating emotions in adulthood.

Dissociation may serve as a coping mechanism for individuals with insecure attachment styles, helping them manage overwhelming emotions and maintain emotional distance from others.

Dissociation as a Survival Mechanism

For children exposed to trauma, dissociation can serve as a protective mechanism, helping them escape from the immediate emotional pain and distress associated with the traumatic event. By detaching from the traumatic experience, children can maintain a sense of safety and control in an otherwise chaotic and unpredictable environment.

However, this adaptive coping strategy can become maladaptive in adulthood, as individuals continue to rely on dissociation to manage stress and emotional distress, leading to persistent dissociative symptoms. [10]

Important: Coping mechanisms are adaptive strategies that help individuals manage stress and navigate challenges, while defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological processes that protect against anxiety by distorting reality. Understanding the distinction between coping and defense mechanisms can promote healthier emotional regulation.

A man struggling with post traumatic stress

Signs of Dissociation at Work

WebMD refers to several dissociation symptoms and signs, which include [3];

In the workplace environment, some of the most common signs and symptoms of dissociation include:

If you experience any of these signs, you should talk to a mental health professional to help identify the underlying cause because dissociation can sometimes be a symptom of a number of mental health conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, or anxiety [5].

A man struggling with his post traumatic stress disorder

Impact of Dissociation at Work

Although your employer can not discriminate against you due to a mental illness, the effects of dissociation can have serious impacts on your ability to do your job[4]. Dissociative symptoms can make it difficult to focus, concentrate and stay on task. Memory deficits can lead to missed deadlines or mistakes in work. Dissociation can also cause a decrease in motivation, a lack of energy, or fatigue and lead to work absenteeism.

These can lead to negative relationships with co-workers and supervisors, as well as potential disciplinary action. So, even though you have mild or infrequent symptoms, it is important to tell your manager and seek support in the workplace.

Treatment Options for Dissociation

Treatment options vary depending on the type of dissociation and the severity of the symptoms. Treatment typically includes psychotherapy and medication used to treat other mental disorders like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety[6]. Psychotherapy treatments include;

Medications include antidepressants, antianxiety, and sleep medications [6]. Your mental health provider will assess your symptoms and decide the best treatment plan for you.

Fun fact

The benefits of therapy are vast and include improved self-awareness, enhanced coping skills, emotional healing, personal growth, and the cultivation of healthier relationships and behaviors.
A woman learning to deal with dissociation

Coping Methods For Dissociation 

While the best treatment for dissociation is therapy and medication, there are some things you can do on your own to cope with this condition. Here are a few coping methods that you can try:

Creating a Supportive Work Environment

Employers can help employees who experience dissociation by fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. This may include providing reasonable accommodations, offering flexible work hours, promoting open communication, and providing access to mental health resources, such as OnlineTherapy.com.

When to Seek Professional Help

If dissociation at work is significantly impacting your daily functioning, it is essential to seek professional help. Mental health professionals can help you explore the underlying causes of your dissociation and provide guidance on coping strategies and treatment options.


Experiencing dissociation in the workplace can significantly hinder your efficiency and concentration, making it essential to remain attentive and anchored. We've touched upon the triggers, indicators, and manifestations to be vigilant about, in addition to offering guidance on handling dissociation. If the sensation becomes too intense or unmanageable, don't hesitate to consult a therapist for assistance. We invite you to share your insights on online therapy in the comments section below, and let's foster a constructive, conversation around this vital topic.


What triggers dissociation?

Dissociation can be triggered by a variety of different factors, including trauma, stress, psychiatric disorders, and substance abuse. An individual's environment or lifestyle can also be a contributing factor.

How long does dissociation last?

The length of time that dissociation lasts can vary depending on the individual. Some people experience it for a few seconds, while others may feel disconnected from reality for several hours or even days.


  1. Dissociation debates: everything you know is wrong
  2. Dissociation (psychology)
  3. What Is Dissociation?
  4. Depression, PTSD, & Other Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace: Your Legal Rights
  5. Dissociation in relation to other mental health conditions
  6. Dissociative Disorder
  7. Research Gate: Evaluation of the Evidence for the Trauma and Fantasy Models of Dissociation
  8. Research Gate: Cognitive Processes in Dissociation: An Analysis of Core Theoretical Assumptions
  9. Research Gate: Trauma-related Dissociation in the Workplace