Effective Strategies: How to Help Someone with Burnout

Burnout is a serious issue that can affect anyone who is overwhelmed with too much stress. It can lead to decreased productivity, loss of enthusiasm, and even depression. If you suspect someone you know may be suffering from burnout, it's important to take steps to help them regain their sense of balance and well-being. 

A tired woman struggling with life in a post about how to help someone with burnout

What is Burnout?

Burnout is the result of a prolonged stress response, often brought about by relentless working and/or personal pressures. It's characterized by mental and emotional exhaustion caused, by decreased motivation, catastrophic thinking disorder, lack of pleasure from activities usually enjoyed, self-doubt, guilt, and even physical symptoms such as headaches, gastrointestinal problems, and other stress-related problems like anxiety, anxiousness, nervousness, depression, as well as other mental health issues.[1]

And if you're an introvert struggling with this, try out our other blog Introvert Burnout: How To Recharge And Care For Your Needs.

Recognizing the Signs of Burnout 

Burnout can manifest in many different ways, so it’s important to pay attention to the signs. Some common burnout symptoms include: 

A man struggling to work in a post about how to help someone with burnout

Understanding the Causes of Burnout 

The first step in helping someone with burnout is to understand the root cause. Stress is typically a major factor, especially when it goes unmanaged for a long period. Other common causes include:

A man trying focus in a post about how to help someone with burnout

Helpful Tips To Help Someone With Burnout

Burnout is a serious issue that can have lasting effects if not addressed. It’s important to recognize the signs and take steps to help someone with burnout before their situation becomes worse. Here are some helpful tips on how to help someone with burnout:

Understand How They Feel:

The first step in helping someone overcome burnout is to understand how they’re feeling. Try to get an idea of their struggles and ask questions about what’s going on to gain insight into their situation.

It's important to be a good listener, always make eye contact, and let them know you're there for them without judging or trying to fix the problem.


Active Listening: When the person expresses their struggles, keep eye contact and remain attentive. Try your best not to offer solutions or judgments during this time - just be there for them and give them your full attention.

Empathy: Take a moment to imagine what it must feel like for the person in their current state. How can you be understanding and compassionate of their struggles to provide the best support possible? Show them that you care deeply about their well-being and do your best to validate their feelings.

Provide Positive Reassurance:

It’s essential to provide positive reinforcement and remind them that they can make it through their current situation. Encourage them to take small steps each day and stay focused on the positives rather than getting overwhelmed by all the negatives.

Encourage the person to keep trying and remind them that they have the strength to overcome their current situation. Show your support and offer reassuring compliments, such as acknowledging their hard work or praising them for dealing with their stress. Reassurance is one of the most effective tools in helping someone cope with burnout, so be sure to let them know that you are there and they’re not alone.

Here are some ways to provide positive reassurance:

• Acknowledge their hard work

• Give compliments on their handling of difficult situations

• Let them know you appreciate everything they do

• Offer words of affirmation and support

• Remind them they are strong and capable

• Help them recognize positive experiences and achievements

In addition to providing reassurance, it is important to create a safe environment where they can freely express their feelings. This allows you to understand the root cause of their burnout and find ways to help. Make sure that they know you will listen without judgment and make them feel comfortable talking about the issue.

Offer Support:

It’s important to provide your support by offering practical help such as helping with errands, giving them space to rest, or providing words of encouragement. Practical assistance can ease their stress and make things easier for them.

Here are some ideas on how you can offer support:

Encourage Self-Care:

It's important to encourage them to practice self-care and take time for themselves so that they can recharge their energy levels. Suggest activities such as going for a walk, practicing meditation, or getting enough sleep.

Prioritize Positive Thinking:

Positive thinking is key when dealing with burnout as negative energy can easily lead to a downward spiral. Encourage the burned-out person to think positively and focus on their successes and strengths. Positive thinking can help lift their mood, increase motivation, and restore energy levels.

Here are some ways to encourage positive thinking:

Offer Emotional Support:

Most importantly, offer emotional support and understanding to the person struggling with burnout. Be bold and talk openly and honestly about their struggles; provide an open, safe environment where they feel comfortable discussing their feelings. Let them know that you are there for them no matter what, and encourage them to practice self-care strategies such as meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and journaling. Offer to take on some of their tasks or responsibilities to lighten the load and allow them more time to rest.

Here are a few additional tips for helping someone with burnout:

Employees working together in a post about how to help someone with burnout

Seek Professional Help:

If the person is struggling with severe burnout, it might be beneficial to suggest they seek professional help. Burnout can be a difficult issue to manage on your own, so they must get the right support and guidance so that they can tackle the issue head-on.

For example, they could receive cognitive behavioral therapy which helps people identify patterns in their thinking that could be causing them to feel overwhelmed and develop strategies for dealing with their stress.


"Burnout prevention is an incredibly challenging experience, but it doesn’t have to be a life sentence. With the right support and understanding from those around them, people can learn how to manage their burnout and find ways to move forward with hope and resilience.

By being mindful of the signs of burnout and taking proactive steps to help someone with burnout prevention, you can play a key role in their recovery and make the journey back to well-being a little easier.[2]


How To Help Someone With Burnout?

To help someone with burnout, it is important to be understanding and compassionate. Establish a safe space where they can openly talk about their feelings and concerns and provide emotional support. Suggest activities that can help them relax, take a break from their responsibilities, and practice self-care. Encourage them to seek professional help if necessary.

What Does Professional Help Involve? 

Professional help involves working with a therapist or counselor who can provide valuable support during times of stress & burnout. They will work on understanding why the individual is feeling burned out & assist them in developing strategies & solutions aimed at reducing stress & increasing well-being through evidence-based therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), crippling anxiety & mindfulness approaches as well as lifestyle interventions depending on each person's needs & preferences.


  1. mentalhealth-uk: Burnout
  2. helpguide: Burnout Prevention and Treatment

Introvert Burnout: How To Recharge And Care For Your Needs

Are you struggling with introvert burnout? Are you an introvert feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and burnt out? If so, know that you are not alone! Most introverts struggle with a burnout at some point in their lives.

Burnout is a painful experience that can leave us feeling drained and discouraged, but it doesn't have to last forever. As introverts, we can do many things to recharge our energy and take care of our needs. 

Pro Tip: Journaling is an excellent way for introverts to track their needs and conveniently. The Best Self-Care Journals For Women's Mental Health should be able to help you with this.

An introvert hiding behind a book from other 2 women in a post about Introvert Burnout

What does it mean to be an introverted personality?

Having an introverted personality means that a person tends to gain energy from spending time alone and may feel drained after spending time in social situations or environments that are stimulating.

Additionally, introversion does not mean that a person is shy or socially anxious, although those can be related but are different traits. It's simply a personality trait; about 50% of the population is introverted. Deloitte reports that an overwhelming amount of respondents (91%) claim unmanageable stress and frustration degrade the quality of their work. Additionally, 83% state burnout from work can damage personal relationships.

Introverts may prefer more solitary activities, such as reading, writing, or working on a hobby, and may find that they need time alone to recharge after being in a group setting.

An introvert women hiding in a box in a post about Introvert Burnout

Definition of introvert burnout

Introvert burnout is a state of mental and physical stress caused by excessive socialization or a lack of time for solitude and rest, as stated by Introversion: relationship with mental well-being. It's experienced by introverts who feel drained and overwhelmed by the demands of social interactions and the need to be "on constantly."

Introvert burnout can lead to frustration, irritability, and a lack of motivation or energy. In severe cases, introvert burnout can result in physical illness or a decline in overall well-being. Introverts need to recognize the signs of burnout and take steps to prevent it by setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care.

A women hiding in her room in a post about Introvert Burnout

Why it's important to recognize and address introvert burnout

Introvert burnout occurs when introverts, who typically require much alone time to recharge, are constantly in social or stimulating environments without sufficient time to recharge.

This can lead to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, as explained by the University of Northern Iowa's study called Introversion: relationship with mental well-being. Recognizing and addressing introvert burnout is essential because, if left unacknowledged, it can lead to more severe issues.

Introvert Burnout Impacts Your Health

Burnout can have adverse effects on your physical and mental health. Chronic fatigue, irritability, and a lack of motivation can take a toll on your well-being and lead to physical illness.

Introvert Burnout Impacts Relationships

Burnout can impact your relationships and social life. Feeling overwhelmed and drained, you may withdraw from social activities or have a more challenging time connecting with others.

Introvert Burnout Impacts Your Productivity

Burnout can affect your productivity and overall quality of life. Concentrating or getting things done can be challenging when you're burnt out, which can impact your work or other areas of your life.

Recognizing and addressing burnout can help you prevent it from getting worse. You can protect your health, relationships, and overall well-being by avoiding burnout. You can even take control of your well-being and prevent it from negatively impacting your life.

A stressed women feeling depressed in a post about Introvert Burnout

Symptoms of introvert burnout

Experiencing introvert burnout can be a tricky and challenging situation to manage. It is essential to recognize the signs indicating that you are at risk of or in the throes of introvert burnout. According to Sage Journals, symptoms can include;

Physical symptoms of introvert burnout 

These symptoms can be caused by the body being stressed and overworked. Physical signs of introvert burnout can include:

Emotional symptoms of introvert burnout

This can happen when we feel overwhelmed and drained. Emotional symptoms of introvert burnout can include:

Behavioral symptoms of introvert burnout 

This can happen when we don't have enough energy or motivation. Behavioral symptoms of introvert burnout can include:

Pay attention to these symptoms and take breaks or ask for help if you need it. Ignoring these symptoms can make them worse and lead to even more problems.

An introvert women being judged at work in a post about Introvert Burnout

Causes of introvert burnout

According to Research Gate's study Introversion, Solitude, and Subjective Well-Being, Introvert burnout is a growing problem in our overstimulated world. It occurs when one's energy and motivation are depleted from being constantly exposed to heavy social demands.

Chronic social exhaustion

Introverts may experience fatigue and depletion after prolonged social interactions or exposure to large groups of people. This can lead to burnout as they struggle to recharge their energy through solitude and introspection.

Overstimulation from external sources

Introverts may be sensitive to loud noises, bright lights, and other external stimuli that can be overwhelming and draining. This can lead to burnout as they navigate a world that is only sometimes conducive to their needs.

Lack of alone time or opportunities for solitude

Introverts may require regular periods to recharge and rejuvenate. When this need is not met, they may experience burnout as they struggle to find ways to be alone and restore their energy.

Pressure to conform to extroverted societal norms

Introverts may feel pressure to conform to societal standards that value extroversion and social interaction. This can lead to feelings of burnout as they try to fit into a world that may not fully understand or appreciate their needs.

Difficulty setting boundaries and saying no to social invitations or demands

Introverts may have trouble setting boundaries and saying no to social invitations or requests. This can lead to feelings of burnout as they struggle to maintain a balance between their need for solitude and the demands of their social life.

Inadequate time for self-care and self-reflection

Introverts may struggle to make time for self-care and self-reflection. This can lead to feelings of burnout as they neglect their own needs in favor of meeting the demands of others.

Constant stimulation from technology and social media

Introverts may be sensitive to continual stimulation from technology and social media. This can lead to feelings of burnout as they struggle to disconnect and find time for solitude and introspection.

Difficulty expressing oneself and communicating needs

Introverts may need help speaking and sharing their needs. This can lead to feelings of burnout as they struggle to be understood and have their needs met.

Inability to recharge energy through introspection

Introverts may struggle to restore their power through reflection and solitude. This can lead to feelings of burnout as they try to find ways to recharge and rejuvenate.

Lack of understanding and validation from others

Introverts may feel misunderstood and undervalued by others. This can lead to feelings of burnout as they struggle to find confirmation and acceptance for their unique needs and preferences.

Paying attention to these things and balancing your social commitments with enough time for rest and self-care is essential. This can help prevent burnout.

An introvert hiding a box with headphones in a post about Introvert Burnout

Strategies for preventing and addressing introvert burnout

There are several strategies you can use to prevent and address introvert burnout:

Prioritize self-care

Introverts need to make time for self-care, which can help them recharge and feel more energized.

This can include exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep. Additionally, introverts should take care of their emotional and mental well-being by engaging in activities they enjoy, such as reading or writing.

Set boundaries

Introverts often feel drained by social interactions and obligations, so setting boundaries and learning to say no to commitments that are not essential is essential. This can help introverts conserve their energy and avoid burnout.

Find some alone time

Introverts often find solitude to be rejuvenating, so it's essential to find ways to be alone and recharge. This can include meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness practices can help introverts stay present at the moment and reduce stress and anxiety. This can include deep breathing, yoga, or tai chi. A Yoga Mat should help you to get started.

Take time for hobbies

Engaging in activities they enjoy, such as reading, writing, or playing an instrument, can help introverts relax and recharge.

Practice good communication

Good communication is essential for introverts to express their needs and feelings to others. This can include being clear and direct in their contact and learning to say no when necessary.

4 Essential Keys to Effective Communication in Love, Life, Work can teach you to communicate correctly, and in a way, others will understand you.

Seek a mental health professional

If an introvert is experiencing burnout, they should consider seeking the help of an online therapist or counselor. A professional can help them identify the root causes of their burnout and develop strategies to manage it.

Limit social media

Spending too much time on social media can be draining for introverts, as it can lead to constant stimulation and comparison to others. Limiting social media use can help introverts reduce stress and conserve energy.

Plan downtime

Scheduling regular time to relax and recharge, such as taking a walk or a nap, can help introverts avoid burnout.

Get organized

Organizing their schedule and prioritizing tasks can help introverts reduce stress and increase productivity.

Learn to relax

Relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi, or deep breathing can help introverts unwind and reduce stress. This can include activities such as reading a book, watching a movie, or listening to music

Seeking support from friends or a therapist can also be helpful. Talking to someone about how you're feeling can be a great way to relieve stress and get help. Using these strategies can prevent introvert burnout and take better care of yourself.


Introversion can be both a blessing and a curse, but introverts should not let it limit them. They can succeed with the right strategies while staying true to their personalities.

Introverts can thrive in any environment by taking time to recharge, organizing their schedule, and seeking support when needed.


In What Ways Can Introverts Recover From Introvert Burnout?

By establishing limits and scheduling self-care activities that meet their requirements, introverts can overcome burnout. Limiting social interactions, planning frequent alone time, partaking in introverted pursuits like reading or writing, and finding ways to refuel their energy, like by spending time in nature, are a few examples of how to do this. In order to recover from burnout, it can also be helpful to seek professional assistance or counseling.

How Can An Introvert Thrive In A Extrovert's World?

By acknowledging and accepting their introverted character, establishing boundaries, and finding ways to replenish their energy, introverts can succeed in an outgoing environment. This might entail limiting social encounters, planning frequent alone time, and partaking in activities for introverts that suit their requirements and interests. Introverts can also develop excellent communication skills for expressing their needs to others and develop authentic self-advocacy.


  1. forbes: So Begins A Quiet Revolution Of The 50 Percent
  2. University of Northern Iowa: Introversion
  3. Burnout Research: Emergence and Scientific Investigation of a Contested Diagnosis
  4. Research Gate: Solitude, and Subjective Well-Being

How To Talk To Your Boss About Burnout

If you're wondering how to talk to your boss about burnout, especially when feeling overwhelmed by job stress, you're taking a crucial step. Job burnout, characterized by long hours, tight deadlines, and sometimes a lack of recognition, is a common issue.

While the idea of discussing work-related stress with your supervisor might seem daunting, it can be a constructive and beneficial conversation.

In this post, we'll guide you through effective ways to communicate with your boss. These tips are designed to help you address burnout and maintain a healthy balance in your work life.

Skeleton feeling burnout from his job in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Start by Recognizing What Burnout Is

It's important to recognize burnout – a prolonged response to prolonged stressors and stop being judgmental before recognizing it. This means that it doesn't just happen suddenly but builds up over time as our challenging tasks become more difficult, our unsafe working environments become more demanding, and our resources are depleted.

Knowing this will help you communicate with your boss from an informed standpoint and increase the chances of success for both parties.

Work Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive stress or pressure at work. It often results in helplessness and hopelessness when faced with job-related tasks. Some Common burnout signs that you may be experiencing burnout include:

Worker practicing his speech in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Express How You Feel in a Professional Way

Once you have identified that you are experiencing burnout, it is important to express your feelings professionally. When speaking to your boss, focus on the facts and avoid negativity or blame. Be honest about your feelings and explain how your current workload is taking a toll on your energy levels and productivity. You can also provide suggestions for better ways to help manage the situation, such as delegating tasks, adjusting working hours, or reducing the project scope.

conversation between an employee and a boss in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Be Respectful

It’s important to always be respectful and professional when speaking to your boss about burnout. Be mindful of their time constraints, stand up for yourself without being confrontational, and be open to any feedback they provide. Remember that your boss wants you to succeed as much as you do and is likely to be open to working together to find the best solution for everyone.

A person engaging in self-care activities in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Take Care of Yourself

Your mental and emotional well-being should always come first, so make sure that you’re taking steps to manage your stress levels. This might include getting enough rest, exercising regularly, eating healthily, and taking some time to yourself each day. When you’re in a better place mentally and physically, you can address any issues with your boss and work through them.

well-organized workspace in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Be Prepared

Before speaking with your boss about burnout, clearly understand what you want to say. How do you feel? How is it affecting your work? How can you and your boss work together to combat it? Having this all laid out in advance will help ensure that the conversation runs smoothly and efficiently.

A calendar with a marked appointment in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Set A Right Time To Meet With Your Boss

Once you have identified the problem, set aside time to meet with your boss and let them know what's happening. Make sure you come prepared:

Most bosses will appreciate seeing evidence of research and preparation when discussing a sensitive topic like employee burnout. 

An employee and boss in a candid conversation in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Be Open And Honest When Discussing

When discussing how to talk To Your boss about burnout, it is essential to be open and honest:

employee expressing themselves in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Don't Apologize For Feeling Burnt Out 

It's natural for us to feel bad or embarrassed when we admit we're struggling but don't apologize for feeling burnt out – there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking care of yourself!

Instead, explain why addressing the issue promptly is important (e.g., increased productivity) so they understand why addressing it now rather than later is key.  

employee taking a short break at work in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Find Ways To Take Care Of Yourself During Work Hours 

One way to reduce feelings of burnout during work hours is by making small changes that prioritize self-care, such as:

All these strategies can help keep feelings of overwhelming at bay while also allowing us some time for ourselves during hectic days at work!  

email being written in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Follow Up As Needed 

Finally - once you have had an initial conversation with your boss about your feelings of burnout - don't forget to follow up regularly with them afterward!

Reassure them that all suggestions were considered and put into practice - they may even be grateful for this kind reminder!

Plus, this provides an opportunity for further discussion should any issues arise regarding managing workloads or other most mentally draining aspect related to burnout prevention and treatment in future weeks/months, etc.[2]

Doing this will demonstrate commitment and responsibility, too - something every employer looks favorably upon!


Burnout can be a difficult thing to talk about, but you must do so to protect yourself from long-term damage. Talking to your boss about burnout is a critical skill that you should practice to prevent and manage burnout at chronic workplace stress and also read how to be a better boss.

By following these steps, you'll have the best chance of talking to your boss openly and effectively about this important issue and starting a burnout recovery plan. Good luck!


Q: How do you talk to your boss about burnout?

Talking to your boss about burnout can be daunting, but it is important to protect your health and work-life balance. When discussing the issue with your boss, you are honest and explain how the situation has impacted your job performance and well-being. Ask them for support in finding solutions that will reduce personal stress or manageable workload and ensure that any proposed solutions are achievable given current resources.

Q: How do I demonstrate to my boss that I'm burned out?

The best way to demonstrate to your boss that you are feeling burnout is by being honest and open about your current state. Describe how the situation has impacted your job performance and well-being, and provide evidence of changes in behavior or output. Explain its impact on your overall energy and motivation levels, with specific examples if possible. Lastly, propose solutions that would help reduce stress or workload and ensure that any proposed solutions are achievable given current resources.

Q: How can I make sure my boss takes this request seriously?

Make sure to have clear evidence and examples of how burnout is impacting your work, and emphasize the importance of reducing stress and workload to ensure job performance. Be prepared to discuss potential solutions that are realistic, given current resources. Communicate why this issue is important, and be open to feedback from your boss. By taking a professional, respectful approach and being prepared to discuss the issue, you will show your boss that this is a priority for you.


  1. betterup: Signs of burnout at work — and what to do about it
  2. helpguide: Burnout Prevention and Treatment