Can Online Therapy Help You Relax? Benefits of Online Therapy

Can online therapy help you relax? This question is vital as stress and anxiety increasingly impact mental health. Online therapy, known for its convenience and accessibility, offers support in addressing these issues. Our article delves into the evidence-based practices and benefits of online therapy for relaxation, presenting it as a valuable tool in mental health treatment.

Can Online Therapy Help You Relax?

Relaxation is a crucial aspect of managing stress and treating anxiety. It allows our minds and bodies to rest, recharge, and recover from the daily pressures of life. Studies have demonstrated that relaxation techniques, including mindfulness, meditation, and guided imagery, can relieve stress, alleviate anxiety and promote overall physical and mental well-being. [1]

However, finding the time and space to relax can be challenging in our fast-paced lives. This is where online therapy comes in handy. It provides a flexible and accessible option for individuals to practice relaxation techniques at home. So, yes. It has the ability to relax you in numerous ways, including the relaxation techniques mentioned above.

Exploring Online Therapy

A man with headphones intently uses a laptop, potentially participating in an online therapy session, in a serene home setting in a post about can online therapy help you relax

Online therapy, also referred to as teletherapy or virtual therapy, offers remote mental health services through online platforms that connect individuals with licensed therapists. Therapy sessions are provided using video conferencing, phone calls, or text messages.

This convenient form of therapy is gaining popularity as it eliminates the need to physically visit a therapist's office. It allows individuals, especially those with limited mobility, living in rural areas, or facing other barriers to meet an in-person therapist through an internet connection, to receive therapy from the comfort of their homes.

The interest in the teletherapy model increased during the Covid Pandemic as it became a safe alternative to in-person therapy. According to studies, patients had a positive attitude toward the idea of receiving teletherapy services, with most favoring video-based platforms. [2] This practice soon became famous, with more Authority figures and health experts recommending its use for addressing both physical and psychological issues. [3]

What Makes Online Therapy Effective?

Online platforms offer a wide range of therapeutic approaches and techniques, including relaxation-based interventions. An online therapist can guide individuals through relaxation exercises, such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and other techniques to help them relax and manage their stress and anxiety. These relaxation techniques can be easily adapted for telepsychology sessions, and the online therapy provider is trained to provide effective guidance and support through virtual means.

Benefits of Online Therapy for Relaxation

A young woman with bright red hair smiles as she listens through headphones and looks at a laptop, suggesting a relaxed online therapy session a post about can online therapy help you relax

An online therapist can provide several benefits for relaxation, making it an effective tool for managing stress and anxiety. Here are some key benefits of relaxation:


In conclusion, teletherapy offers convenient and customizable treatment for managing mental health conditions such as stress and anxiety. The benefits of teletherapy include accessibility, flexible scheduling, personalized techniques, privacy, evidence-based practices, cost-effectiveness, and the integration of technology. While not for everyone, online therapy can be an effective alternative to in-person therapy when used for both mental health issues and relaxation.

If you're unsure what therapy service to go for, we suggest reading The Best Free Online Therapy Services In The USA In 2024.


Can online therapy help with anxiety?

Yes, it can be a great tool to help people with anxiety. It allows individuals to access counseling services via an online platform in the comfort of their own homes, making it easier for them to open up and discuss their issues. Online therapists can provide education on understanding and managing anxiety, cognitive behavioral strategies to cope with fear, panic attacks or worry, and other forms of support or guidance.

Does online therapy actually work?

Online therapy is an effective form of treatment. Studies show that it is as good as in-person therapy in creating a lasting change in mental health [3]. Clients receive the same quality care since online therapy provides the same treatments. It's also more convenient due to its accessibility.


  1. Relaxation Techniques: What You Need To Know
  2. Online therapy: an added value for inpatient routine care? Perspectives from mental health care professionals
  3. Online therapy is here to stay
  4. Trust and respect in the patient-clinician relationship: preliminary development of a new scale

The Difference Between Online Therapy And Traditional Therapy

Difference Between Online Therapy And Traditional Therapy
Helpful Products

The Difference Between Online Therapy And Traditional Therapy
The Difference Between Online Therapy And Traditional Therapy is that online therapy offers flexibility, accessibility, and varied communication methods (text, video, audio) but may lack personal connection and immediate crisis support. Traditional therapy provides a personal, face-to-face experience with immediate feedback but requires physical presence and travel.

Online Therapy
- Convenience
- Cost
- Flexibility
- Anonymity

Traditional Therapy
- Personal interaction
- Non-verbal cues
- Immediate feedback

Online Therapy
- Technical difficulties
- Lack of non-verbal cues
- Security concerns

Traditional Therapy
- Accessibility
- Cost
- Time constraints

The difference between online therapy and traditional therapy is significant when treating mental health issues, crucial for those struggling with psychological problems. Therapy, in both forms, is effective in treating conditions like depression, anxiety, and trauma.

Traditional face-to-face therapy, while beneficial, isn't always accessible. The rise of technology has made online therapy a viable alternative. This blog delves into the contrasts between conventional and online therapy methods.

An example of online therapy sessions in a post about difference between online therapy and traditional therapy

Online Therapy

Online therapy involves using technology to provide therapy services remotely. Different modes of communication are available, such as videoconferencing, messaging, and phone calls.

Here are some of the types of online therapy:

An example of in person sessions in a therapist's office in a post about difference between online therapy and traditional therapy

Pros Of Online Therapy

Cons Of Online Therapy

Traditional Therapy

Traditional therapy, or in-person sessions, involves face-to-face therapy with a licensed therapist. It includes different therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and group therapy sessions. [4]

Pros Of Traditional Therapy

Cons Of Traditional Therapy

Table comparison in a post about difference between online therapy and traditional therapy

Comparison of Online Therapy and Traditional Therapy





Confidentiality and Privacy


Choosing between online counseling and in person therapy ultimately depends on your preferences, needs, and circumstances. Virtual therapy can offer more flexibility, comfort, and affordability, while in-person therapy can provide a more personal touch and be more effective for specific individuals.

Ultimately, the most important thing is finding a therapist you feel comfortable with and who can help you achieve your own mental health treatment goals. And if affordability is an issue, we suggest reading The Best Free Online Therapy Services In The USA In 2024.


What are the similarities between online therapy and traditional therapy?

Both online and in person therapy involves a licensed mental health professional providing counseling services to a patient. Both approaches help the patient develop insight, make positive changes, and work through difficult emotions.

How do I choose between online therapy and traditional therapy?

Choosing between them should ultimately come down to personal preference and which one better fits within an individual's lifestyle needs—whether remote comfortability is more critical than having face-to-face interactions or vice versa.


  1. Verywell Mind: What Is Teletherapy?
  2. Priory: The Benefits of Online Therapy
  3. Online Philosophy: What is online counselling or therapy?
  4. Move Your Mind: Traditional Therapy
  5. Reflect: Online Therapy vs. In-Person Therapy: What are the pros and cons?
  7. Talkspace: Online vs. Traditional Therapy: The Pros and Cons
  8. Psychology: Virtual Therapy vs. In-Person Therapy
  9. Talkspace: Online vs. Traditional Therapy: The Pros and Cons
  10. Psychology Today: Does Online Therapy Work?
  11. Psychology: Virtual Therapy vs. In-Person Therapy
  12. American Psychological Association: A growing wave of online therapy
  13. Psychology: Virtual Therapy vs. In-Person Therapy
  14. Everyday Health: The Pros and Cons of Online Therapy

Online Therapist Influencers You Need To Follow

Online Therapist Influencers
Helpful Products

- Dr. Mariel Buquè
- Dr. Melissa Shepard
- Dr. Justin Puder
- Dr. Courtney Tracy
- Lindsay Fleming

Mental health awareness and support have become increasingly important in today's fast-paced world. Social media platforms have played a significant role in spreading mental health information and resources to young people, with online therapists and mental health influencers emerging as powerful advocates for mental wellness.

In this blog post, we'll explore the impact of online therapist influencers and introduce you to some inspiring voices you need to follow.

The Rise of Mental Health Influencers

The increasing popularity of social media platforms for mental health discussions

Social media platforms have become popular venues for discussing mental health struggles, enabling users to share their experiences and access valuable mental health resources.

How therapists are using social media to reach wider audiences

Many therapists and mental health professionals have embraced social media to connect with wider audiences, sharing their knowledge and promoting mental health awareness.

benefits of following online therapist influencers graphic

The benefits of following online therapist influencers

Top Online Therapist Influencers 

  1. Dr. Mariel Buquè
  2. Dr. Melissa Shepard
  3. Dr. Justin Puder
  4. Dr. Courtney Tracy
  5. Lindsay Fleming

Top Online Therapist Influencers to Follow

Mariel Buquè's Instagram profile filled with mental health content

Dr. Mariel Buquè




Content's specialization:

Followers: 253K


Why you should follow them:

Dr. Mariel Buquè is a clinical psychologist and mental health advocate whose presence on Instagram offers a unique and culturally sensitive approach to both mental health conditions and wellness. Following her allows individuals to benefit from her expertise and holistic approach, which emphasizes the integration of cultural sensitivity, social justice, and spirituality in mental health care.

This perspective can be constructive for individuals seeking a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of mental wellness and those looking for a mental health professional who is attuned to the experiences of marginalized communities, including people of color.

Moreover, Dr. Buquè creates relatable and engaging content that breaks down complex psychological concepts into accessible and practical advice. By following her, you can gain valuable insights into self-care, stress management, racial trauma therapy, and healing, among other topics. [1] [2]

Melissa Shepard's tiktok profile filled with mental health content

Dr. Melissa Shepard




Content's specialization:



Why you should follow her:

Dr. Melissa Shepard is a licensed clinical psychologist who has gained popularity on TikTok for her ability to create informative and engaging content in a platform-specific format.

By following her, individuals can benefit from her professional expertise and personal experience together, as she shares complex psychological concepts in a way that is easy to understand and apply to daily life. Her content covers a wide range of mental health topics, such as anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and relationship issues, making her an invaluable resource for those seeking advice, guidance, and support in various aspects of mental health.

Furthermore, Dr. Shepard is an intense mental health advocate, using her TikTok presence to raise awareness about mental health issues and challenge the stigma surrounding them. [3] [4]

Justin Puder's tiktok profile filled with mental health content

Dr. Justin Puder




Content's specialization:



Why you should follow him:

Dr. Justin Puder, a licensed clinical psychologist, offers valuable, mental health advice and content on TikTok that is informative and engaging. By following him, individuals can benefit from his professional expertise and experience as he shares complex psychological concepts in a way that is easily accessible and applicable to daily life.

Dr. Puder's content covers a diverse range of topics, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship issues, providing valuable insights for a broad audience seeking advice, guidance, and support in various aspects of mental health.

In addition to his expertise, Dr. Puder uses his TikTok platform to raise awareness about mental health issues and challenge the stigma surrounding them. His work inspires and empowers followers to prioritize their mental well-being and seek support when needed. [5][6]

An example of a mental health blogger, Dr Courtney Tracy talking about seeking mental health

Dr. Courtney Tracy




Content's specialization:



Why you should follow her:

Dr. Courtney Tracy, also known as "The Truth Doctor," is a licensed clinical social worker and therapist whose engaging and informative mental health content is on Instagram. By following her, individuals can benefit from her professional expertise and experience as she presents complex psychological concepts in an easily understandable and relatable manner.

Dr. Tracy's content covers a diverse range of topics, including anxiety, depression, trauma, self-care, and relationships, providing valuable insights for a broad audience seeking advice, guidance, and support in various aspects of mental health.

This genuine approach resonates with many followers and helps to challenge the stigma surrounding mental health issues. [7][8]

An example of Lindsay Fleming's social media profile

Lindsay Fleming







Why you should follow them:

Lindsay Fleming, a licensed professional counselor, has garnered a substantial following on TikTok for engaging and informative mental health content. By following her, individuals can benefit from her professional expertise and experience as she shares complex psychological concepts in a way that is easily accessible and applicable to daily life.

Lindsay's content covers a diverse range of topics, including anxiety, depression, self-care, stress management, and relationships, providing valuable insights for a broad audience seeking advice, guidance, and support in various aspects of mental health.

What sets Lindsay apart is her down-to-earth and relatable approach to mental health. [9][10]


Making connections and engaging with these online influencers will also inevitably enhance your overall mental health as your connections become stronger and more meaningful.

So, find someone you resonate with, create genuine relationships, and strive to build upon them over time - this could be a significant step towards taking up those goals and dreams you have always held so dear.


Are there any risks associated with seeking advice from an online influencer?

It is always advisable to consult a licensed mental health professional if you feel overwhelmed or struggle with your mental health. While online influencers can provide guidance and support, they sometimes do not have the same expertise as a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

What are some red flags to watch out for when considering an online therapist to follow?

It would help if you were wary of any online therapist who insists they can make you better quickly and easily, as this is unrealistic. Additionally, if the influencer promises a "quick fix" or claims to have all the answers, it may be best to proceed cautiously. It's also essential to look for content containing triggering language or advice that could be harmful if followed.


  1. TrendHero: Top 26 Mental Health Influencers on Instagram to Follow in 2022Dr. Mariel Buqué
  2. Everyday Heath: The Top Mental Health TikTok Influencers — and Why They’re Important
  3. Dr. Melissa
  4. Everyday Heath: The Top Mental Health TikTok Influencers — and Why They’re Important
  5. A Modern
  6. TrendHero: Top 26 Mental Health Influencers on Instagram to Follow in 2022
  7. The Truth
  8. Everyday Heath: The Top Mental Health TikTok Influencers — and Why They’re Important
  9. Lindsay Fleming

The Surprising Benefits Of Seeing An Online Therapist

Helpful Products

- Accessibility
- Convenience
- Flexible scheduling
- Anonymity
- Greater choice of therapists
- Cost-effectiveness
- Comfort
- Consistency
- Access to specialized services
- Reducing stigma

This blog will explore some of the many benefits of online therapy. As the world becomes increasingly digital, many people are turning from traditional counseling to online therapy to seek mental health care and support. While some may be skeptical about the effectiveness of online therapy treatment, research has shown that it can be just as effective as traditional in-person therapy, with several additional benefits.

Interesting tip

Online influencers can help normalize therapy, making it accessible. Their experiences with online therapy can inspire you to seek help too!

Accessibility and Convenience

One of the most significant benefits of online therapy is its accessibility and convenience. The online treatment eliminates the need for clients to seek in-person therapy, which can be particularly helpful for those who live in remote or rural areas, have mobility issues, or find it challenging to take time off from work or school.

With these online mental health treatment services, clients can easily schedule appointments at a convenient time without worrying about transportation or childcare. [1]

A young girl sharing good news with her therapist

Anonymity and Privacy

Online therapy provides an additional level of privacy and anonymity for mental health treatment. For some clients, walking into a therapist's office can be intimidating or uncomfortable. Online therapy can give a sense of safety and security, as clients can participate in treatment from the comfort of their own homes.

Online therapy can also benefit those dealing with sensitive mental health issues or stigmatized issues, such as anxiety disorders, addiction, or trauma. [2]


Online therapy offers greater flexibility for both clients and therapists. With online treatment, therapists can offer extended hours or weekend appointments, which can be helpful for clients with busy schedules.

Additionally, online therapy can benefit clients who travel frequently, as they can continue their online sessions from wherever they are in the world. [3]

Increased comfort

Online therapy can be more comfortable for some clients than traditional therapy. For example, clients uncomfortable with face-to-face interaction may find it easier to open up in an online environment. Additionally, clients who struggle with a social anxiety disorder or agoraphobia may find online therapy less intimidating than traditional therapy. [4]

A girl improving her mental health with online counseling

Potential for greater focus

Online therapy can lead to greater focus and more productive therapy sessions. Clients of online therapists can be more present and engaged during online sessions without the distractions of a physical office or waiting room.

Additionally, clients may be more likely to complete homework assignments or practice new skills between sessions, as they can easily access their therapist through online messaging platforms. [5]

A woman talking with her online therapist

Potential for greater connection

The lack of physical presence in online therapy can also lead to a greater connection between client and therapist. This is especially beneficial if clients struggle with physical or emotional boundaries, as there will be no pressure to maintain contact outside the digital conversations. [6]

An online therapist talking with his client

More options

Online therapy provides clients with more options when selecting online counseling with a therapist. Clients can choose from a wider pool of licensed therapists regardless of location, enabling them to access mental health care with a therapist specializing in their specific needs. [7]


Online therapy can be more cost-effective than in-person therapy, as clients do not need to pay for transportation or parking. Additionally, therapists may offer lower fees for online therapy sessions as they do not need to pay for physical office space. [8]

Better documentation

Online therapy can provide better documentation of any online therapy session as everything is recorded electronically. This can be helpful for both clients and therapists, as it ensures that all critical information is saved and easily accessible. [9]

A therapist helping a client talk through their feelings

More control

Clients may feel more in control during online and counseling services, as they can choose where they want to participate and can easily disconnect if they feel uncomfortable. This sense of control can lead to a more positive therapy and online counseling experience.

More comfortable environment

For some clients, being in their own environment can provide a sense of comfort and security that may not be present during an in-person therapy session. This can help them feel more relaxed and open during online counseling, leading to a more effective therapy experience.

Mental health professionals recognize the importance of creating a comfortable and safe environment for their clients, whether it's in person or online. [10]

Preparation for Your First Online Therapy Session: A Comprehensive Guide

Online therapy offers a convenient, flexible, and effective means of accessing mental health support. However, the first session can be a bit daunting, especially if you're new to the concept. This guide aims to prepare you for your initial online therapy session, offering you insights and tips to help you get the most out of your online counseling journey.

Understanding the Process

Before you embark on your first session, it's essential to understand what online therapy entails. This can help you set realistic expectations and ensure that you're comfortable with the process. Here are some key points to note:

  1. Communication Method: Online therapy can take various forms such as video calls, phone calls, or text-based conversations. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the communication method that your therapist prefers.
  2. Therapy Style: Just like in traditional therapy, different therapists may use different therapeutic approaches, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychoanalysis, or Humanistic Therapy. Understanding your therapist's style can help you prepare for the type of conversations and exercises you might engage in.
  3. Session Duration: Generally, online therapy sessions last for about an hour, but this can vary. Be sure to confirm the duration with your therapist to avoid any misunderstandings.

Setting Up Your Space

Creating a conducive environment for your therapy session is crucial. Here's what you can do:

  1. Find a Quiet Spot: Choose a place where you won't be disturbed during your session. A quiet room in your house could be ideal.
  2. Ensure Comfort: Opt for a comfortable seating arrangement. If possible, use headphones to enhance audio quality and maintain privacy.
  3. Check Your Tech: Test your internet connection, camera, and microphone ahead of time. Also, make sure your device is fully charged or plugged in.

Mental Preparation

Your mindset plays a significant role in the effectiveness of your therapy. Here are a few tips:

  1. Have an Open Mind: Approach therapy with a willingness to explore your feelings and discuss your issues.
  2. Be Patient with Yourself: Change takes time, so don't expect immediate results. Therapy is a process, and every step you take is significant.

Preparing Your Questions

It's natural to have queries during your first online therapy session. You might want to prepare questions like:

Reflecting on Your Goals

Consider your expectations and goals for therapy. Are you looking to manage anxiety, cope with stress, improve relationships, or achieve personal growth? Clearly defined goals can help your therapist tailor the sessions to your needs. [10]

Helpful tip: Understanding the 6 Anxiety Recovery Stages can guide your healing journey. An online therapist can provide expert support at each stage!"

Choosing the Right Online Therapist: Your Personal Guide

Navigating the digital world of online therapy can be daunting, especially when faced with an abundance of therapists to choose from. The key to a successful therapy journey lies in selecting the right professional who aligns with your needs and preferences. This guide will walk you through crucial factors to consider when choosing an online therapist.

Check the Therapist's Qualifications

Primarily, it's important to ensure that your online therapist is appropriately qualified and licensed. Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Degree: Therapists should have a master's or doctoral degree in psychology or a related field from an accredited institution.
  2. License: They must be licensed by a state board to practice therapy. The specific title may vary—Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), or a Psychologist.
  3. Specializations: Check if the therapist has specialized training in areas relevant to your needs, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for anxiety or trauma-focused therapy for PTSD.

Consider Their Experience

Beyond qualifications, the therapist's experience plays a significant role in their effectiveness. You might want to explore:

  1. Years of Practice: Experience comes with time. Therapists who have been practicing for several years are likely to have a broader range of skills and insights.
  2. Experience with Your Issue: If you're seeking help for a specific issue, such as depression, addiction, or grief, it's essential to choose a therapist who has relevant experience.

Assess Therapeutic Approach

Therapists can use different approaches or 'modalities' to help you. Understanding these can help you decide what might work best for you. Common modalities include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Humanistic Therapy, and others. You might want to research these approaches to find one that resonates with you.

Establishing a Connection

Therapy works best when you're comfortable with your therapist. Therefore, consider these aspects:

  1. Communication Style: You'll want a therapist who communicates clearly and makes you feel heard and understood. They should be able to explain concepts in ways you understand.
  2. Empathy: Look for a therapist who shows genuine empathy. You should feel that they understand and care about your feelings and experiences.
  3. Comfort Level: You should feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings with your therapist. If you don't, therapy might not be as effective.


Finally, consider practical factors that can influence your therapy experience:

  1. Availability: Check the therapist's availability to ensure it matches your schedule. Remember, consistency is crucial in therapy.
  2. Cost: Therapy fees can vary widely. Check if the therapist's fees fit within your budget. Some therapists offer a sliding scale based on income.
  3. Platform Used: Ensure you're comfortable with the technology the therapist uses for online sessions.

Initial Consultation

Many therapists offer an initial consultation, either free or at a reduced cost. Use this opportunity to ask any questions you might have and get a feel for the therapist's style and approach. [11]


Starting this form of psychological support may initially feel intimidating, but taking the plunge and trying out some suited online therapy services could offer immediate relief. Whether you prefer face-to-face meetings or online support, getting help is the first step toward recovery and stability by sorting out neglected mental health conditions.


How do I know if seeing an online therapist is right for me?

The best way to know if teletherapy is right for you is to make contact with a licensed therapist and discuss what mental health services are suitable for your mental well-being. A qualified professional will be able to help you decide if this form of therapy would be beneficial or not.

What should I expect during my first session with an online therapist?

Your first session with an online therapist should be used to get acquainted and discuss the services available and what mental health treatment your therapist suggests. A qualified therapist will help you create a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. This may include addressing any underlying issues, setting achievable goals, and developing strategies for achieving those goals. The right therapist or online counselor can also provide support and guidance throughout the process and put you on the right therapy journey.


  1. Centre for Psychotherapy: Online Counselling - The Pros and Cons
  2. Health Reporter: What Is Anonymous Therapy? Exploring the Concept
  3. Informa UK Limited: Features and benefits of online counseling: Trinity College online mental health community
  4. Helpguide: What is online therapy?
  5. CNBC LLC: This type of therapy can help people with depression be more productive at work: study
  6. Wearemore: 7 Benefits of Online Therapy: What It Is and How to Get Started
  7. University of Northern Iowa: Online counseling: effectiveness, benefits, roadblocks, and...
  8. quadcare: Top 10 Benefits of Telehealth for South African Patients and Doctors NOT A MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC
  9. My Online Therapy: What are the benefits of online therapy?
  10. My Online Therapy: What are the benefits of online therapy?
  11. Psychology Today: How to Prepare for Your First Virtual Therapy Session
  12. American Psychological Association: What you need to know before choosing online therapy

The Pros And Cons Of Using Online Therapy For Couples Counseling

Helpful Products

- Accessibility
- Flexibility
- Anonymity
- Comfort
- Wide range of therapists
- Cost-effectiveness
- Continuity of care

- Lack of non-verbal cues
- Technical issues
- Privacy concerns
- Limited interventions
- Emotional distance
- Not suitable for all situations
- Therapist licensure limitations

For many couples, going to couples counseling may be intimidating. With the help of technology, couples now have access to online therapy for couples counseling and therewith improving their relationship. Online therapy offers several advantages such as convenience and privacy but can also present some challenges.

In this blog post, we will explain more about what online therapy is and discuss the pros and cons of virtual therapy and using it for couples counseling sessions so that you can decide if it is right for you.

An example of a couple making use of mental health professional providing online couples therapy

Pros of online relationship counseling

  • Convenience and accessibility
  • Affordability
  • Increased comfort and privacy
  • Expanded options
  • Greater flexibility in session length
  • Easier access to session materials
  • Reduced stigma
  • Greater control over your environment

Cons of Using Online Therapy for Couples Counseling

  • Technical issues (Internet)
  • Limited non-verbal communication
  • Lack of physical presence
  • Potential for misunderstandings
  • Technology requirements

The Pros far outweigh the cons when it comes to online therapy and a good online therapist that focuses on couples therapy will be able to mitigate the no physical presence cons thus offering even more pros when it comes to you and your partners relationship and using online therapy.

Pros of online relationship counseling

Convenience and accessibility

One of the biggest advantages of online therapy is the convenience and accessibility it offers. With online therapy, you can schedule sessions at a time that is convenient for you without having to worry about travel time or other commitments. Online counseling can be particularly helpful for couples who have busy schedules or live in different locations. [1]


Online relationship therapy is often more affordable than traditional in-person counseling. This is because therapists who offer online counseling via an online therapy platform do not have to pay for office space or other expenses associated with traditional in-person therapy. [2]

Helpful tip: Finding the best online therapy that takes insurance can save you money while still providing quality mental health support. Always check coverage!

Helpful tip

Finding the best online therapy that takes insurance can save you money while still providing quality mental health support. Always check coverage!

Increased comfort and privacy

Online therapy allows you to participate in therapy from the comfort of your own home, which can be particularly helpful for couples who may feel uncomfortable or vulnerable in a traditional counseling setting. Additionally, online therapy provides increased anonymity and privacy, which can be particularly important for couples who are dealing with sensitive relationship issues, and a mental illness. [3] Read our blog on "How do i tell if he loves me? to get some insights on our relationship."

Expanded options

Online therapy provides a greater range of therapists to choose from, which can be particularly helpful for couples who are looking for a therapist who specializes in a particular mental health issue or a family therapist who has a particular approach to counseling. [4]

Greater flexibility in session length

Online therapy can offer greater flexibility in session length, allowing couples to schedule shorter or longer sessions as needed. This can be particularly helpful for couples who are dealing with time constraints or who need more or less time to process their emotions.[5]

Easier access to session materials

With online therapy, couples may have easier access to session materials such as worksheets or readings. This can help couples to continue their work outside of therapy sessions and reinforce the skills and concepts they are learning in the online relationship counseling sessions.[6]

Reduced stigma

For some couples, online therapy may feel less stigmatizing than traditional in-person counseling. This may be particularly true for couples who are hesitant to seek traditional therapy due to social and or cultural barriers. [7]

Greater control over your environment

With online therapy, couples have greater control over their environment during therapy sessions. This can include adjusting the lighting, temperature, and other factors to create a more comfortable and relaxing environment for therapy. [8]

Cons of Using Online Therapy for Couples Counseling

Technical issues

Online therapy requires a stable internet connection and functioning audio and video equipment. Technical issues and technical difficulties can be frustrating and may disrupt the therapeutic process. [9]

Limited non-verbal communication

With in-person therapy, mental health professionals can read non-verbal cues such as body language and facial expressions which provide important context for communication.

Online therapy may limit non-verbal communication, like body language which can be particularly important in couples counseling. [10]

Lack of physical presence

Online therapy may make it more difficult for couples to feel fully engaged in an online relationship counseling session. Additionally, distractions and interruptions may also be more common in an online relationship therapy setting. [11]

Potential for misunderstandings

Misinterpretation of tone or inflection, as well as physical limitations such as difficulty with timing and turn-taking in conversations, can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication in an online therapy setting. Some clients may not even speak English. [12]

Technology requirements

To participate, couples must have access to the necessary technology and equipment for online relationship counseling such as a reliable internet connection, a computer or mobile device, and a webcam. This can be a barrier for couples who do not have access to this technology or who are not comfortable using it. [13]

Recognizing the Signals: When Might Couples Benefit from Therapy?

Navigating relationships can often feel like an expedition. With thrilling peaks, challenging terrains, and occasional storms, it can be tough. But how do you distinguish a normal squabble from a more serious, embedded issue? Understanding and recognizing the signs that indicate your relationship may benefit from therapy can be the first step toward a healthier, happier relationship.

Communication Breakdown

Effective communication is the backbone of any relationship. If your conversations often leave you feeling unheard, misunderstood, or even worthless, it could indicate a communication breakdown. Couples therapy can help facilitate better understanding and develop healthier communication patterns.

The Same Arguments Occur Repeatedly

Ever find yourselves caught in a loop, arguing over the same issues time and time again? It's a common sign that there are unresolved conflicts or underlying issues that you might not be able to address effectively on your own. A therapist can provide a neutral perspective and equip you with strategies to resolve these recurring disagreements.

You Feel a Disturbance in Your Intimacy

Intimacy is not just about physical closeness; it's also about emotional connection. If you find the intimacy fading, be it decreased affection, a lackluster sex life, or feelings of disconnect, couples therapy might help reignite that spark and help you reconnect on a deeper level.

Escalated or Unhealthy Conflict

Disagreements are part and parcel of every relationship. However, if conflicts escalate quickly, involve name-calling, disrespect, or even aggressive behavior, it's a red flag. A couples therapist can provide guidance and tools to manage conflict constructively.

An Affair has Occurred

Infidelity can wreak havoc on a relationship. However, it doesn't have to spell the end. If both partners are committed to healing and rebuilding trust, couples therapy can provide a safe space to navigate this challenging time.

Dissatisfaction Lingers

If a constant sense of dissatisfaction or unhappiness lingers when you think about your relationship, it might be time to seek help. It can indicate deeper issues that could benefit from professional intervention.

Important Life Decisions Lead to Conflict

Whether it's about finances, parenting, or future goals, differences in making crucial life decisions can cause severe strain. If you're unable to find common ground, a therapist could provide strategies to reach compromises that satisfy both partners.

Something Just Feels "Off"

Sometimes, you can't put a finger on what's wrong, but something just doesn't feel right. Trust your instincts. Couples therapy can provide a space to explore these feelings and identify any underlying issues.

Growing Apart Instead of Together

If you feel like you and your partner are drifting apart, or if you're evolving in different directions, therapy might be beneficial. A couples therapist can help you explore ways to grow individually, without growing apart.

In the end, remember that seeking help is not a sign of failure, but a testament to your commitment to each other and the relationship. Therapy is a tool, and there's no shame in using it to build a stronger, healthier bond.

Take note that every relationship is unique, and it's okay to seek help even if your specific situation isn't listed here. If you believe your relationship might benefit from therapy, trust your judgment. After all, it's not about finding the perfect relationship—it's about making your relationship perfect for you. [13]

Helpful tip: Unchecked anger damaging relationships can be harmful. Seek help in anger management for healthier interactions and stronger bonds. Stay calm, stay connected!

A couple discussing their great news with their therapist

Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Hesitations About Couples Therapy

While couples therapy has shown its efficacy in helping relationships thrive, there can be some hurdles that make people hesitant to take this helpful step. Understanding these concerns and finding ways to overcome them can make the path to a healthier relationship smoother and more manageable.

Fear of Judgment

Concern: "The therapist might judge us or take sides."

It's a common concern that the therapist might favor one party over the other. The fear of judgment can be daunting, making couples reluctant to open up about their relationship issues.

Overcoming the Barrier:

It's important to remember that therapists are trained professionals who adhere to strict ethical guidelines, including impartiality. Their goal is to understand both parties, provide unbiased support, and facilitate healthier communication. If you ever feel uncomfortable or judged, it's essential to voice your concerns to the therapist.

Concerns About Privacy

Concern: "Our problems will be exposed."

The thought of discussing intimate issues with a third party can be off-putting. Some may worry about confidentiality and the fear of their problems being exposed.

Overcoming the Barrier:

Therapists are bound by confidentiality laws and ethical guidelines, meaning what you discuss in therapy stays in therapy. Before starting, discuss any confidentiality concerns with your therapist to clear doubts and build trust.

Fear of the Unknown

Concern: "We don’t know what to expect."

The idea of therapy can be daunting if you've never experienced it before. Uncertainty about what will happen in a session can be a significant deterrent.

Overcoming the Barrier:

Most therapists will gladly explain the therapy process and answer any questions during an initial consultation. Online resources, like this blog, can also provide insight into what to expect from couples therapy.

Financial Considerations

Concern: "Therapy is too expensive."

The cost of therapy can be a roadblock for some couples. Therapy is an investment, but financial constraints are a real concern for many people.

Overcoming the Barrier:

Many therapists offer sliding scale fees based on income. Additionally, online therapy often comes at a reduced cost compared to traditional in-person therapy. Remember to discuss the financial aspect with your therapist to find a plan that fits your budget.

Time Constraints

Concern: "We just don't have the time."

In the fast-paced world we live in, finding time for therapy can seem like a challenge. Busy schedules can make committing to regular sessions daunting.

Overcoming the Barrier:

Flexibility is one of the key advantages of online therapy. You can schedule sessions at convenient times, and you'll save on travel time. Plus, investing time in your relationship's health can save you time in resolving conflicts in the long run. [4]


Striving for good mental health services and a healthy, harmonious relationship takes determination, but with the right online relationship counseling and excellent online therapists available, it is possible to achieve your goals as a couple. If online sessions for your mental health concerns seem like a viable option, an experienced online therapist should be consulted to ensure that you get everything you need out of your session. And for the best online mental health care for couples, we recommend our partner.


What are the things to consider before starting online therapy for couples counseling?

Consider the type of mental health services you as a couple need and strive to get the best online counseling therapist available. Lastly, make sure they are a good fit. You should also take into account the cost, privacy concerns, the technology needed to participate in sessions, insurance coverage, and any other potential scheduling conflicts. Additionally, you should discuss any expectations or goals you and your partner may have to ensure that these are met during the counseling sessions.

What are the success rates of online therapy for couples counseling?

The average success rate of relationship counseling for most couples was about 50 percent. Useful skills were learned, including how to listen to each other and appreciate the other's point of view.


  1. NCOA: What Is Online Therapy & Does It Work?
  2. American Psychological Association: A growing wave of online therapy
  3. Domental: Anonymous Therapy
  4. Talked: 8 Reasons Why Online Counselling is Better Than Face to Face
  5. Rural Health: Resources Needed for Implementing Telehealth Programs
  6. Pubmed: Effects of online stigma‐reduction programme for people experiencing mental health conditions: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  7. Talked: 8 Reasons Why Online Counselling is Better Than Face to Face
  8. PrognoCIS EHR: Advantages and Disadvantages of Telemedicine
  9. CBC: Online communication is a lifeline during pandemic, but lacks non-verbal cues: behavioural scientist
  10. Routledge: Four Common Challenges in Teletherapy and How to Overcome Them
  12. University of Northern Iowa: Online counseling : effectiveness, benefits, roadblocks, andethical dilemmas
  13. Bustle: 12 Signs You Need Couples Counseling

Can online therapists diagnose you?

Can online therapists diagnose you?
Helpful Products

No, online therapists cannot officially diagnose you. While they can provide valuable insights, support, and guidance based on your symptoms and experiences, an official diagnosis should come from a licensed mental health professional after a comprehensive evaluation, typically conducted in person.

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Online therapy and online treatment have gained great traction in the past decade. It provides access to mental health care for many individuals who need psychiatric care but would not be able to get it otherwise due to the cost of health insurance, location, or time constraints.

In this modern age of convenience and increase access to technology, is it also possible for online therapists to diagnose you with a mental disorder? We’ll explore how online mental health services can provide an accessible diagnosis while still upholding ethical standards of practice.

Types of therapists who can diagnose and treat patients

A woman working as a online therapist.

What mental illnesses can be diagnosed by online therapy?

It's important to note that some mental health conditions may require in-person assessments, such as a physical exam or lab tests, to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Additionally, some mental health conditions may be more difficult to diagnose online due to the limitations of online communication, such as difficulties in observing nonverbal cues or interactions. [3]

An example of online therapist that accepts health insurance

What mental illnesses can't be diagnosed by online therapy?

The validity and effectiveness of online therapy

Research studies on online psychiatry have shown that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy for many mental health conditions, including depression, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

However, online therapy does have some limitations, such as the inability to conduct physical exams or observe nonverbal cues. Despite these limitations, online therapy sessions can still be a valuable form of both mental health services and mental health treatment for many people. [9]

Qualifications and training of online therapists

Online therapists are required to have the same qualifications and training as in-person therapists. They must be a licensed therapist or certified to practice in their state or country, and they must meet the same professional standards as any other mental health therapist. [10]

The Journey of Online Diagnosis: A Step-by-Step Guide

As we step into the digital age, the medical field is not far behind. Online therapy, or teletherapy, has now become a mainstream practice, delivering mental health care right at the patient's doorstep. How does this virtual diagnosis process work, and how does it differ from traditional in-person sessions? Let's explore.

Step 1: Initial Consultation

Online Therapy:

The initial consultation in online therapy typically takes place via a video call, telephone call, or even text-based chat, depending on the platform and patient preference. The therapist gathers preliminary information about the patient, their mental health history, and their current concerns. Online therapists use these details to form an initial impression about potential mental health issues.

Traditional Therapy:

In traditional therapy, the initial consultation occurs in the therapist's office. This face-to-face meeting allows therapists to observe the patient's nonverbal cues - a valuable tool in gathering information.

Step 2: Assessment

Online Therapy:

Online therapists may use digital versions of standard psychological assessments. These can be filled out by patients in their own time, making the process more flexible. Online therapists also rely more heavily on verbal and written communication cues to gauge the patient's mental state.

Traditional Therapy:

In-person therapists use a mix of psychological assessments, interviews, and observation in the therapy room to assess a patient's condition. The availability of nonverbal cues and immediate responses often provide a more holistic picture.

Step 3: Observation

Online Therapy:

In online therapy, observation primarily revolves around the patient's communication style, emotional expressions, and self-reported behavior. Therapists need to be particularly astute as the online format may limit their ability to pick up on nonverbal or environmental cues.

Traditional Therapy:

Observation in a traditional therapy setting is comprehensive. Therapists can observe the patient's appearance, body language, and even how they interact with the physical space around them.

Step 4: Diagnosis

Online Therapy:

Using the information gleaned from the consultation, assessment, and observations, online therapists can then make a diagnosis. The process heavily relies on the patient's self-reported experiences. It is, however, important to note that certain diagnoses may require in-person evaluation.

Traditional Therapy:

In-person therapists utilize all the collected information, including nonverbal cues and direct observation, to make a diagnosis. Some diagnoses may require additional physical health checks or lab tests.

Step 5: Treatment Planning

Online Therapy:

Upon reaching a diagnosis, the online therapist discusses the appropriate treatment plan with the patient via their chosen digital platform. This could include cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulness exercises, psychoeducation, and more. The therapist may also recommend digital mental health resources or apps that the patient can access.

Traditional Therapy:

Once a diagnosis is made, an in-person therapist also formulates a treatment plan tailored to the patient's needs. This might involve psychotherapy, group therapy, medication, or a combination thereof. [13]

The role of diagnosis in therapy

Diagnosis is the process of identifying mental health conditions based on their symptoms and other factors. A diagnosis of a mental illness can help to guide a treatment plan and ensure that the individual receives the most appropriate care for their specific mental health condition.

However, diagnosis is not always necessary or helpful for every individual, and some people may prefer a medical doctor to focus on their specific symptoms and experiences rather than a formal diagnosis.

Can online therapists accurately diagnose mental health conditions?

Research studies have shown mixed results on this question.

Some studies of online psychiatrists have found that online therapists can accurately diagnose mental health conditions at a similar rate to in-person therapists. However, other studies have found that online therapists may be less accurate in their diagnoses, particularly when it comes to more complex mental health conditions. [11]

Limitations of diagnoses in online therapy

Navigating the Digital Landscape: Tools and Techniques in Online Therapy Diagnosis

The world of online therapy has opened up a new avenue for mental health professionals, armed with innovative tools and techniques to provide diagnostic services remotely. This shift from traditional face-to-face therapy has not only made mental health care more accessible but also pushed the boundaries of how therapy can be delivered.

Video Conferencing: The Virtual Couch

The primary tool used in online therapy is video conferencing software. Platforms like Zoom, Skype, or bespoke teletherapy platforms allow therapists to conduct face-to-face sessions in real-time, albeit through a screen. While it may not exactly replicate an in-person session, it provides an effective way for therapists to observe their clients' verbal cues, facial expressions, and emotional responses.

Online Questionnaires and Assessments: The Digital Clipboard

Online questionnaires and assessments are valuable diagnostic tools in online therapy. They mirror traditional paper-based assessments but are delivered digitally. This can include symptom checklists, diagnostic quizzes, and self-report scales for mental health conditions. Online delivery can offer a degree of flexibility and convenience to clients as they can complete these in their own time and comfort.

Chat and Email: The E-Ink Dialogue

Online therapists may also use chat and email as a means of communication. Asynchronous forms of communication, these methods allow clients to express themselves in writing, which can sometimes help them articulate their thoughts and feelings better. For the therapist, these written records can provide valuable insights into the client's mental and emotional state.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: The Future of Diagnosis

AI and machine learning are emerging as exciting tools in online therapy. Some platforms are using AI to conduct initial screenings based on the client's reported symptoms. Machine learning algorithms can analyze patterns in a client's speech or text communications to identify signs of mental health issues, providing valuable data to support a therapist's diagnosis.

Virtual Reality (VR): Immersive Therapy

Although not as widely used, VR is becoming an increasingly promising tool in mental health treatment. In terms of diagnosis, VR environments can provide therapists with a unique perspective by observing how clients interact within a virtual space. This can be particularly beneficial for assessing conditions like phobias or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Secure Patient Portals: Safe Spaces

Secure patient portals are another tool often used in online therapy. These portals serve as a safe and confidential space for patients to access their therapy materials, schedule appointments, communicate with their therapist, and track their progress. These portals can support the diagnosis process by providing a streamlined platform for information exchange between the therapist and the client. [14]


Overall, yes online therapists can diagnose you with mental health problems such as anxiety and depression accurately. While research studies on online therapies have shown mixed results on this question, online therapy can still be a valuable form of online mental health services and mental health treatment for many people.

If you're considering online therapy, it's important to do your research and choose a well-licensed therapist who can provide you with the mental health treatment, support, and care you need. At Shrink's Office, we suggest mental health therapy at Online-Therapy.


Do online therapists provide the same diagnosis as in-person therapists?

Therapists specializing in online therapy are just as capable of providing accurate diagnoses as in-person therapists, though there may be limitations to online mental health care and treatment sessions due to the lack of nonverbal cues during online sessions and other technical difficulties with online sites.

Are there any risks associated with seeing an online therapist?

There are some risks associated with online chat and therapy, such as the risk of miscommunication, or of sharing sensitive information over unsecured networks.


  1. Youper: Can Therapists Diagnose Mental Health Issues?
  2. Safesleepsystems: Can An Online Therapist Diagnose You?
  3. The diagnostic and triage accuracy of digital and online symptom checker tools: a systematic review
  4. Mayo Clinic: Schizophrenia - Diagnosis and treatment
  5. Verywell Mind: What Is Suicidal Ideation?
  6. Mayoclinic: Drug addiction (substance use disorder)
  7. Boston Children's Hospital: Developmental Disabilities
  8. Brightquest: Complex PTSD Symptoms and Diagnosis
  9. National Center for Health Research: Does Online Therapy Work?
  10. ivetriedthat: 10 Places Where You Can Find Online Therapist Jobs
  11. American Psychological Association: Online therapy is here to stay
  12. Holanuna: How does online therapy work? Advantages and disadvantages
  14. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Using Technology-Based Therapeutic Tools in Behavioral Health Services