Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
Cutting, pinshing or hurting yourself in anyway to provide momonteray releave from your pain.
Substance Abuse
using Illegal or prescrpition medication to provide releave.
Over Eathing
eating more then you should.
Risk-Taking Behaviors
anything from risky sex or deardevil activities.
isolating yourself to deal with a dificult situation.
acoiding your friends or tasks you need to do.
Excessive Shopping
shopping to the point where you spend all your money or start acumilating debt.
abusing yourself or others to elisid fellings of power as a coping mechanism.
What Are Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms?
Unhealthy coping mechanisms are things that people do to try to feel better in the short term but can actually cause more harm in the long term.
Types Of Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
Unhealthy coping mechanisms can be anything that will cause more harm then good when trying to deal with the situation. this can inlcude: