How To Deal With Social Anxiety At School

Deal With Social Anxiety
Helpful Products

Strategies On How To Overcome Love Addiction
- Talk to your child's teacher
- Foster a positive outlook at home
- Encourage your child to make friends outside of school
- Promote positive self-talk
- Teach your child relaxation techniques
- Don't put pressure on your child

Causes of Social Anxiety In School
- Negative experiences
- Low self-esteem
- Pressure to fit in
- Learning difficulties

"How can you help your child who is struggling with social anxiety at school?" Social anxiety is a debilitating mental health condition for children, particularly in a school environment filled with peers and interaction expectations.

As a parent, witnessing your child's struggle can be distressing. Fortunately, there are effective methods to assist them. We'll explore various approaches on how to deal with social anxiety at school', including communication with teachers and counselors, and developing healthy coping strategies.

7 Ways To Help Your Child Overcome Social Anxiety At School

Overcoming social anxiety can help calm physical reactions that make your child feel socially awkward in certain situations. Here are seven ways to help your kid overcome social anxiety disorder at school:

1. Talk to your child's teacher

Your child’s teacher can provide valuable insight into their social interactions in the classroom and help you develop a plan to address any issues that may arise.

Be sure to mention your child's social anxiety, so they know what to look out for.

Also, you should ask if there are any particular strategies they can use to help your child feel more comfortable in class.

The teacher may suggest activities that encourage positive interactions between students or provide an alternative way for your child to participate without putting them in an uncomfortable situation.

2. Foster a positive outlook at home

It’s essential to create an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding for your child so that they can feel safe and secure. Here are some tips:

A positive outlook at home is essential for helping your child manage social anxiety at school. It allows them to feel accepted and supported, reducing fear and anxiety when interacting with peers. For more on fostering a positive environment, consider reading about hormones that cause anxiety and how to manage them.

3. Encourage your child to make friends outside of school

Making friends outside of school can be an excellent way for children with a social anxiety disorder to feel more comfortable in a social situation.

This could involve joining a local sports team, participating in group therapy or support groups at the local community center, or even finding a friend to hang out with.

Also, you can encourage your child to attend events such as birthday parties, movie nights, and other social gatherings to help them practice social skills in a safe, low-pressure setting. For more tips on making friends with social anxiety, check out How To Make Friends When You Have Social Anxiety.

4. Promote positive self-talk

Positive self-talk can help your child to build confidence and tackle their social anxiety symptoms. You can encourage your child to practice positive self-talk by praising their successes, no matter how small.

Create positive mantras they can repeat to themselves while taking a few deep breaths to reduce the anxious feelings that come randomly.

Also, remind them that it's okay to make mistakes and that it doesn’t define them. Most of all, ensure you provide them with constant love and support. They may not be able to conquer their social anxiety overnight, but with your help and support, they can learn to cope and thrive at school.

5. Teach your child relaxation techniques

Relaxation exercises are crucial for managing physical symptoms like increased heart rate and shallow breathing caused by social anxiety. [1] For more relaxation techniques, consider exploring resources on movies with social anxiety for relatable content and relaxation ideas.

Here are some activities you can teach your child:

  1. Physical exercise and Progressive muscle relaxation reduce the tension in the body. Ask your child to slowly tense and relax different muscle groups, starting with their feet and moving up their body.
  2. Guided imagery: Have your child imagine a peaceful, calming scene like a beach or forest.
  3. Deep breathing: Have your child take deep breaths in and out of their stomach to slow down their heart rate and help them feel more relaxed.
  4. Mindfulness: Help your child focus on current events and practice being mindful of their thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  5. Positive affirmations: Encourage your child to repeat positive affirmations to themselves, such as “I am strong” or “I am capable.”

6. Seek help from a mental health professional

If your child's social anxiety impacts their daily life, it might be time to get help from an Online Therapist. Therapists can help your child learn how to identify and challenge the negative thoughts causing them to experience social phobia.

Treatments like CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) can be very helpful for those dealing with social anxiety. During therapy sessions, the patient works together with their therapist to understand the cause of their anxiety and find ways to cope with it effectively. [2]

Through small talk and role-play, patients can practice positive thought patterns and behaviors that can replace the self-conscious ones contributing to severe social anxiety.

Additionally, they can teach your child coping skills that will enable them to manage their anxiety in different social situations and build relationships in social settings.

Furthermore, a therapist can recommend a psychiatrist that'll prescribe medication for social anxiety disorders. Your family member or child's everyday life can improve with psychological and pharmacological interventions.

7. Don't put pressure on your child

It's understandable to want your child to cope with the demands of school, but it's also important to recognize that this isn't something that can be forced.

Putting too much pressure on a child can increase anxiety rather than help them overcome it.

Instead of pressuring your child to make friends or act a certain way, encourage them to take small steps.

Allow your child to approach things at their own pace and focus on building their confidence. This may mean they need more time to adjust to new environments or try out different activities before settling in.

Sometimes children may need space and reassurance. If you are worried about your child, offering support and guidance is vital, rather than pushing them to do something they are not ready for.

Be patient and don’t set expectations – your child will eventually reach their milestones in their own time.

What causes social anxiety in school?

Social anxiety in school can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Negative experiences: If a student has had negative experiences with social interactions in the past, such as being bullied or rejected, it can create a fear of future social situations.
  2. Low self-esteem: Students with poor self-esteem may feel inadequate or inferior to their peers, leading them to avoid social situations or feel anxious when interacting with others.
  3. Pressure to fit in: School environments can be highly competitive, and students may feel pressure to fit in with their peers to be accepted.
  4. Learning difficulties: Students struggling academically may feel embarrassed or ashamed, leading to social anxiety in the classroom.
  5. Family or home life: Family problems or difficult home environments can also contribute to social anxiety in school. [3]


Social anxiety is a mental illness that can be challenging and distressing for pupils and students. However, by implementing some effective strategies, parents can help their children manage the condition and reduce its symptoms.

These strategies include encouraging them to practice mindfulness meditation, regular exercise, deep breathing exercises, including herbs in their diet, and seeking professional help if necessary.

Parents of children with social anxiety need to understand that they're not alone and that social anxiety is a common issue that many people face.

By taking these steps socially anxious individuals can feel more confident and comfortable in social situations, and enjoy their school experience.

Remember, it's okay to ask for help and support, and taking care of one's mental health is just as important as taking care of their physical health.

You can take this quick anxiety test to confirm if your child has social anxiety.


Can social anxiety disorder be cured naturally?

While there is no known cure for social anxiety disorder, there are natural ways to manage and reduce its symptoms. These include exercise, mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, herbal remedies, and a healthy diet. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and stress and boost mood. Similarly, mindfulness meditation is a technique that involves focusing on the present moment and accepting thoughts and feelings without judgment. It can help reduce anxiety.


  1. Relaxation Techniques
  2. Cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of social phobia
  3. Parental and Peer Predictors of Social Anxiety in Youth

How To Make Friends When You Have Social Anxiety

How To Make Friends
Helpful Products

- Understand your social anxiety
- Set some goals for yourself
- Take baby steps
- Talk to people who make you feel comfortable
- Join a group or club
- Don't be afraid to be yourself
- Be patient
- Seek professional help if needed

Do you struggle to make friends because of your social anxiety? If so, you’re not alone.

A person suffering from a social anxiety disorder [SAD] will likely find it difficult to meet people and make new friends. Social situations can be intimidating, so breaking the ice and starting a conversation becomes difficult when you feel overwhelmed and intimidated.

However, even if you have social anxiety, you can make new friends with the help of a few tips and tricks. With patience and practice, it's easy to find new people who understand your struggles, are willing to listen to you, and are cool with becoming your friends for life.

So, how do you make friends when you have a social anxiety disorder?

Continue reading to find out.

Definition of Social Anxiety

Have you ever felt an overwhelming fear of being judged, embarrassed or humiliated in front of others? This intense worry is what characterizes social anxiety - its more than just typical shyness or introversion. When left unaddressed this fear can significantly impact a persons overall health and happiness. Those with social anxiety may feel compelled to withdraw from all forms of social interaction due to their overwhelming fears about negative evaluation.

Helpful tip: Taking an anxiety test can provide valuable insights into your mental well-being. Seek professional guidance for an accurate assessment and appropriate support.

Symptoms of Social Anxiety Social

Social anxiety can manifest through a variety of physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. These symptoms may vary in intensity and can be triggered by different social situations. Some common symptoms include:

Physical Symptoms:

Emotional Symptoms:

Behavioral Symptoms:

Impact on Daily Life Social

Anxiety can have a significant impact on various aspects of an individual's life, including:

Interpersonal Relationships:

Academic or Professional Life:

Emotional Well-being:

8 Guaranteed Ways To Break The Ice And Form Friendships

Social anxiety can be a significant barrier to building meaningful friendships, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. Let's explore how to make friends when you have social anxiety, from identifying triggers to implementing coping strategies:

1. Understand your social anxiety

Understand your social anxiety

One of the most critical steps to making friends is to understand the details of your social phobia. According to the National Institute Of Health, SAD is a disorder that brings about intense fear of social interaction, leading to negative thinking, depression, and self-consciousness. It's caused by experiences of being judged or humiliated in public, having difficulty communicating with others, or feeling uncomfortable in new situations. [1]

Nevertheless, you should know that these feelings are a normal part of life, and it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. The more you learn about social interactions, body language, and how it affects you, the better you will face your fears and build lasting connections with others.

2. Set some goals for yourself

Making new connections becomes easy when you set small, attainable goals.

Have you ever done a personal interview? Well, you can start by setting small goals and gradually increase the difficulty as you gain more confidence. It might be as simple as joining a group or book club or talking to someone you find fascinating in public. Remember to choose something that feels comfortable and achievable for you. [2]

To make sure your goals are realistic, consider what triggers your SAD. Ask yourself if certain settings or people make you feel more or less anxious, and start making plans around those situations. Once you have identified what triggers your SAD, set a timeline for achieving each goal. This will help you trust the process and stay motivated.

3. Take baby steps

No, we don't mean you should walk like a baby.

You can start by saying hello to new people you pass by in the hallway or smiling at someone in line at the store. Little interactions like these can be an excellent first step to forming relationships with others. As you become more comfortable, try starting conversations with new people, even if they’re short and simple.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to your family. They can provide a safe space for talk therapy and practice your conversation skills with people.

4. Talk to people who make you feel comfortable

These can be people you already know, such as old classmates, family members, or co-workers. Even if they don't become close, they can provide a supportive environment to help you practice your social skills and build your confidence. [3]

If you don't know anyone, try conversing with someone at work or school who's willing to spend time with you. Ask open-ended questions and listen attentively to their responses. Try to be yourself and don't be afraid to show your vulnerability. You may even find that some people can relate to your experiences and help you feel more relaxed and accepted. [3]

5. Join a group or club

Support group

It can be intimidating to put yourself out there and converse with strangers, but being in a group setting gives you a chance to observe other people's interactions and see how they interact. You may also find it easier to approach someone when you already know the setting and have a common interest. [4]

When looking for a group or club to join, consider what kind of activities and conversations you are interested in. This could include book clubs, sports teams, crafting clubs, volunteer organizations, etc. Many of these groups are also available online, so even if there isn't one near you, you can still connect with others from around the world.

6. Don't be afraid to be yourself

Being yourself is essential when it comes to making friends. When you have SAD, opening up and revealing your true self to new people can be difficult. However, being open about who you are and keeping eye contact is a great way to connect with others. [5]

Try to let go of any fear or worry about what other people might think of you. It's natural to fear rejection, but remember that everyone has insecurities and flaws. You don't have to put on an act to impress others. Refrain from revealing too much too quickly. Start with the basics, like conversing about your interests or hobbies, and gradually work your way up to deeper conversations.

7. Be patient

It can take time to build up your confidence and to make meaningful connections with people, so don't expect everything to happen overnight. Take small steps and build on them over time, and don't be too hard on yourself if things don't go as planned.

Also, just have fun, rather than trying to force new friendships. Focus on joining activities that you enjoy or trying out different hobbies, as this will help you to relax and focus on the present moment. In time, you may find that you naturally start to open up to new acquaintances.

8. Seek professional help if needed

Seek professional help

If your SAD is getting in the way of making potential friends, seek help from an Online Therapist today. Talking to a qualified mental health professional can help you learn ways to manage your SAD because they'll provide support, guidance, and resources.

Seeking help is not a sign of weakness or an indication that you're “broken.” Rather, it's an important step towards improving your mental health and building meaningful connections with others. Don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health therapist today.

If you want to confirm whether you have anxiety or not, you can take this quick anxiety test.

Building and Maintaining Friendships

For people battling social anxiety, creating and upkeeping friendships may pose difficulties. However, implementing appropriate techniques while maintaining a hopeful mindset can help develop meaningful associations that stand the test of time. The following practical suggestions can lend guidance as you embark on this journey:

Nurturing Existing Friendships

  1. Regular Communication: Keep your friendship alive by staying connected with your friends through regular communication. Whether its through phone calls, text messages, or online chats making the effort to connect on a consistent basis will help keep you both feeling close and reinforce your bond.
  2. Quality Time: Plan and engage in activities with your friends that you both enjoy. It could be watching a movie, going for a walk, or having a meal together. Spending quality time together fosters deeper connections.
  3. Active Listening: Practice active listening when your friends share their thoughts, feelings, or experiences. Show genuine interest and empathy by giving them your full attention, maintaining eye contact, and asking follow-up questions.

Helpful tip: A secure attachment style forms a foundation of trust and emotional security in relationships. Nurture open communication and mutual support for lasting connections.

Overcoming the Fear of Rejection

  1. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Recognize that negative thoughts of being rejected or judged are often products of your anxiety rather than actual evidence. Challenge these thoughts by questioning their validity and replacing them with more positive and realistic beliefs.
  2. Start with Safe Social Interactions: Begin by engaging in low-pressure social interactions with people you feel comfortable around, such as close friends or family members. Gradually expose yourself to slightly more challenging social situations to build confidence.
  3. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and remember that making mistakes or facing rejection is a normal part of building friendships. Treat yourself with compassion and remind yourself that everyone experiences setbacks along the way.

Setting Realistic Expectations

  1. Understand Different Friendship Dynamics: Recognize that friendships come in various forms and intensities. Not all friendships will be deeply intimate, and that is okay. Each friendship can bring unique value to your life.
  2. Focus on Quality over Quantity: Instead of trying to accumulate a large number of friends, prioritize cultivating a few meaningful connections. Quality friendships provide genuine support, understanding, and companionship.
  3. Accept Individual Differences: Friends may have diverse personalities, interests, and communication styles. Embrace these differences and appreciate the unique perspectives and experiences your friends bring to the relationship.

Communicating Openly and Honestly

  1. Express Your Needs and Boundaries: Communicate openly with your friends about your social anxiety and any specific needs or boundaries you may have. Sharing your feelings and concerns can deepen understanding and foster a supportive environment.
  2. Be Authentic: Allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic in your interactions. Sharing your true thoughts and emotions can help build trust and create a more meaningful connection with your friends.
  3. Conflict Resolution: Address conflicts or misunderstandings in a calm and respectful manner. Practice active listening, express your perspective without judgment, and work together to find mutually satisfactory resolutions.

Being a Good Listener and Offering Support

  1. Practice Empathy: Put yourself in your friends' shoes and try to understand their perspectives and emotions. Show empathy by offering support, validation, and encouragement when they face challenges or share their feelings.
  2. Be Reliable and Trustworthy: Show up for your friends and be reliable in your commitments. Respect their confidentiality and be someone they can trust and confide in.
  3. Celebrate Their Successes: Be genuinely happy for your friends' achievements and milestones. Celebrate their successes and provide them with the encouragement and support they need.


Making friends when you have SAD can be nerve-racking. It’s important to understand the source of your anxiety and how it affects you to take the necessary steps to make friends. Don’t be afraid, take one step at a time. Start with people who make you feel comfortable, join a group or club, and be patient.

Most importantly, don't forget to be yourself! If you need extra support, don't be afraid to seek help. Consider exploring online therapy, where professionals can guide you in building social connections, overcoming social anxiety, and enjoying a fulfilling life. With mutual effort and support, you can build your social circle, form in-person connections, and thrive.


What is the root cause of social anxiety?

The root cause of SAD is not fully understood, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Some possible causes of social anxiety include genetics, brain chemistry, environmental factors, learned behavior, and personality traits. [6]

Can social anxiety cause you to have no friends?

Yes, social anxiety can cause a person to have difficulty making and maintaining friends. People with social anxiety tend to experience intense fear and anxiety in social situations, which can make them avoid social situations. This can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and a lack of social support.


  1. Social Anxiety Disorder: More Than Just Shyness
  2. Tips and Tricks for Overcoming Social Anxiety
  3. How to Socialize When You Have Social Anxiety Disorder
  4. 8 ways to manage Social Anxiety Disorder
  5. 6 Ways to Overcome Social Anxiety
  6. Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)