Why Do My Parents Hate Me?

Content Warning: The following article contains topics such as abuse, childhood trauma, and child neglect, among other potentially triggering topics. Read with discretion.

As teenagers and young adults navigate life and the challenging process of growing up, they may sometimes find themselves asking, "Why do my parents hate me?" It can be hard to cope when we feel like our parents don't love us, and of course, it's crucial to keep in mind that just because people tend we feel that way doesn't necessarily make it true.

In this blog post, we'll examine the reasons why someone might feel this way and we hope to provide practical tips on how to deal with these feelings.

An example of a parent hates on their own children

Understanding the Roots of Parental Behavior

Exploring Generational Patterns

Child abuse and neglect have devastating consequences on children's well-being. According to the Centers Of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2020, an estimated 1,750 children in the United States were victims of child abuse and neglect. [19]

Children who are abused or neglected are more likely to experience mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. [20] They are also more likely to have problems in school, such as low academic achievement and dropping out. [21] As adults, they are more likely to have problems with substance abuse, criminal behavior, and homelessness. [22] Understanding the roots of parental behavior can help prevent these adverse outcomes and promote healthier parent-child relationships.

To understand the roots of parental behavior, it's essential to consider how these patterns influence current parenting practices:

Remember: Feelings of parental hatred often stem from their struggles, especially with mentally ill parents. Remember, it's not your fault. Seek supportive resources and therapy to help navigate your emotions.

The Impact of Societal Expectations on Parenting Styles

Societal expectations can greatly influence parenting styles and the ways in which parents interact with their children. These expectations can vary across cultures, communities, and even individual families. Here are some ways societal expectations can impact parenting:

Tips for Breaking Generational Patterns and Overcoming Societal Expectations

Become aware of your own upbringing

Reflect on your childhood experiences and how they might be influencing your parenting style. Consider whether there are any patterns or behaviors you want to change.

Develop your own parenting philosophy

Establish your values and beliefs about parenting, and create a parenting style that aligns with those principles. This will help you resist societal pressure and create a more authentic relationship with your child.

Seek support from others

Connect with other parents, join parenting groups, or attend workshops to learn different parenting techniques and gain new perspectives. This can help you make more informed decisions about your parenting approach.

Practice open communication

Encourage open and honest communication within your family. This can help break down barriers and prevent the perpetuation of unhealthy generational patterns.

Consider professional help

If you're struggling with breaking free from generational patterns or societal expectations, consider seeking the help of a therapist or counselor specializing in family dynamics. They can provide guidance and support to help you make positive changes in your parenting style.

A family sitting together for a meal

The Importance of Empathy in Parent-Child Relationships

Empathy plays a crucial role in fostering strong, supportive relationships between parents and children. By understanding each other's perspectives and developing emotional intelligence, families can build deeper connections and better navigate the challenges of parenting.

Seeing Things from Your Parents' Perspective

Understanding the experiences and motivations of your parents can help improve communication and create a more harmonious relationship. Here are some ways to see things from your parents' perspective:

Developing Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions in ourselves and others. Developing this skill is essential for building empathy in parent-child relationships. Here are some tips for enhancing emotional intelligence:

Interesting fact: Narcissistic mothers often project their insecurities onto their children, leading to feelings of being unloved. Recognizing this is key to understanding it's their issue, not a reflection of you.

A mother hugging her son

Building Empathy in Parent-Child Relationships: Tips for Parents and Children

  1. Model empathetic behavior: As a parent, demonstrate empathy in your interactions with others, including your spouse and friends. This will teach your children the importance of empathy and how to practice it in their own relationships.
  2. Encourage open conversations: Create a safe space for discussing emotions and feelings within your family. This will help build trust and understanding among family members.
  3. Teach empathy through storytelling: Share stories that highlight the experiences and emotions of different characters. This can help children develop empathy and understanding for others.
  4. Validate emotions: Acknowledge and validate the emotions of your child, even if you don't necessarily agree with them. This demonstrates empathy and encourages open communication.
  5. Practice perspective-taking: Encourage your children to consider different viewpoints and imagine how others might feel in various situations. This can help develop empathy and understanding. [24]
A mother hugging her daughter

Reasons why you might feel like your parents hate you

Poor communication

Miscommunication or lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings and create the feeling that your parents don't care about you. If your parents don't understand what you're going through, for example, it may feel like they're not interested in listening and understanding. [1]

Harsh discipline

Some parents are stricter than others when it comes to enforcing rules and punishing bad behavior. If your parents are too harsh, you might feel like they don't love or care about you. [2]

Overly critical

Criticism is often necessary for personal growth, but if you have toxic parents that are overly critical of everything you do, it can make you feel like they hate you. [3]

Lack of respect

Respect is a two-way street and if your parents don't show you respect, it can make you feel like they don't value you as an individual. [4]

Too much discipline

Discipline is important, but if it's too strict or severe it can make you feel like your parents don't trust you. [5]

Not enough love or affection

You may feel like your parents don't care about you if they are not showing you enough love and affection, which can make you feel isolated and alone. [6]


If one of your siblings is favored over the others it can cause jealousy and conflict in the extended family too. This situation can lead to feelings of inadequacy or resentment from those who are not favored.[7]

Unfair expectations

If your parents or other members have unrealistic expectations for the future for you, it can be difficult to please them and meet their standards. This can lead to feelings of frustration and helplessness as you try to live up to your parents and friends' set of impossible expectations. [8]


If family members do not communicate openly and effectively, it can be difficult to resolve conflicts and understand each other. Poor communication can also lead to feelings of distrust and alienation within the same family unit. [9]

Physical abuse

Physical abuse can make kids fear their parents rather than trust them since it is traumatizing to be hit or hurt physically. Because it has become commonplace in various societies and generations, physical punishment is widely seen as harmful and is associated with poor developmental results. [10]

Emotional Abuse

Similar to physical abuse, emotional abuse by parents harms a child's emotional growth and impairs their ability to have self-esteem and a positive self-image. As a result, their attachment to their relationship with their guardians suffers, which makes many kids fear that their caregivers disapprove of everything they do. [11]

They compare you to someone else

Constantly being compared to others makes you feel like you are inadequate.

Despite your parents' expectations, you feel like you can never measure up to your sibling/cousin or achieve anything worth praise. [12]

They have emotional or mental health problems of their own

Parents of children who have mental health problems will show it in their parenting. Even inadvertent coldness, dismissal, or strange and frightful acts can make kids feel unloved or unsafe. [13]

They aren't present emotionally

Childhood emotional neglect has been determined to be as detrimental as other types of neglect or abuse, despite the fact that for most parents its effects are difficult to notice. Many youngsters who are raised in emotionally negligent families experience feelings of emptiness or unwanted without ever fully knowing why. [14]

They are physically absent

Many kids internalize it and put the blame on life and themselves when a parent is always absent due to employment, physical distance, or incarceration. They feel unlovable or hated since they don't understand their parent's absence in person. [15]

They're in denial of any trauma you experience

It can be much more distressing for a youngster when their trauma or abuse is denied by a parent or family members. The child will frequently internalize this as self-blame or self-hatred, believing that the family does not support or love them, for instance, if they are sexually abused or molested by a babysitter or another family member and the parent(s) do not believe them.

Signs of an unhealthy relationship with parents

Helpful tip

For a child with reactive attachment disorder, consistent care, patience, and professional therapy are crucial. If a parental conflict exists, remember it's not a reflection of the child's worth.
A father and his son posing for the camera

8 tips for what to do if you think your parents hate you

Remember that there is a difference between punishment and abuse

Many young individuals believe that their parents must not like them if they punish them for breaking household rules. So, it's critical to keep in mind there's a difference between abuse and punishment.

Rules are put in place to keep kids safe and teach them responsibility when they are just and age-appropriate.

Identify what is causing their behavior

As difficult as it may be to consider, our parents frequently act in ways that are a result of their personal anxieties that drive them to their own actions and project their own emotional pain or fears onto their kids.

Some parents struggle to build ties with their children because of personal traumas or mental health issues, or they may have an attachment disorder.

Use healthy communication methods

A child can convey their final thoughts and feelings to their parents and communicate with them more effectively by using healthy communication techniques. This can be achieved by pausing before responding.

Using "I" statements could be as simple as saying, "I feel angry about what happened in this circumstance," or "I feel terrified when you yell." This may prevent your parents from being hostile.

Seek out support

If you are having difficulty communicating with your parents, it can be helpful to seek out support from a therapist or counselor. Talking to someone in a safe environment who is trained to assist people with such issues can provide the guidance needed to improve communication and help build healthy connections and relationships with your parents.

Look out for opportunities to spend time with them

Even if you realize you don't have a good relationship with your parents, it is important to try and reach out and spend time with them. This could mean going out for breakfast or coffee or simply offering to help them with tasks around the house. Showing that you care and are willing to invest in the relationship can often be enough to start bridging the gap between you and your parents.

Address issues directly, instead of being passive-aggressive

If you have an issue with your parents, it is important to approach the matter with them directly. Being passive-aggressive or avoiding the topic will only add to the tension and make it harder for both of you to reach a point of resolution.

When addressing issues, be sure to come from a place of understanding and respect in order to ensure that both parties are heard. Also, ensure that you're open to compromise.

Find an outlet for your stress

It can be difficult to manage the stress that comes when dealing with parental conflict. One way to reduce your stress is by finding an outlet such as exercising, writing, spending time alone, or talking to a trusted adult friend or family member. Taking some time away from the situation can help you gain perspective and handle it more effectively.

Set boundaries

If communication is difficult or emotions run high, it might be helpful to set boundaries for communication. This could mean deciding on certain times of the day when you will talk about the issue or establishing ground rules for how each person should behave during the conversation. [17]

Seek out professional help

Sometimes parental conflict can become too intense to handle without outside help. A therapist or family counselor can provide guidance and emotional support to help you navigate the situation in a healthy way.

They say online therapy may also be able to offer strategies for communication, such as active listening and assertive expression therapy, and other factors that can reduce conflict and foster understanding between parents.

foster understanding between parents. We would recommend trying OnlineTherapy.com. [18]

A fathering holding

Cultivating Trust and Mutual Respect

Developing trust and mutual respect is fundamental to building healthy parent-child relationships. Honesty, transparency, and open communication are key ingredients for cultivating these vital elements. In this section, we'll explore the role of honesty and transparency in building trust, as well as how to show respect and expect it in return.

The Role of Honesty and Transparency in Building Trust

Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship. Honesty and transparency play crucial roles in establishing trust between parents and their children. Here's how they contribute:

How to Show Respect and Expect It in Return

Mutual respect is essential for maintaining a healthy parent-child relationship. Both parties must demonstrate respect for each other's feelings, opinions, and boundaries. Here's how to show respect and expect it in return:

A mother embracing her child

Additional Tips for Fostering Trust and Mutual Respect

  1. Be patient: Building trust and mutual respect takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and your parents as you work towards developing a healthier relationship.
  2. Celebrate successes: Acknowledge and celebrate the positive aspects of your relationship with your parents. This helps reinforce the importance of trust and respect in your interactions.
  3. Seek professional guidance: If trust and mutual respect are significantly lacking in your relationship, consider seeking help from a family therapist or an online counselor. These professionals can offer guidance and support in fostering these critical elements.


It can be difficult as a child to feel like your parents don't love you, or in this case, feel like they hate you. However, it's important to remember that they most likely aren't letting out their dislike for you in the way they intended. Attempting to nurture a strong and loving connection with your parents is not only beneficial for the relationship between you both but also for your own mental health.

To learn more about disciplining children with reactive attachment disorder and fostering emotional connections, read Fostering Emotional Connection: How To Discipline A Child With Reactive Attachment Disorder. The journey to having a better relationship with your parents won't be easy but with understanding and patience from both sides, it is certainly possible. All relationships take work and effort, so don't give up on yours just yet.


What are some strategies for dealing with parental conflict?

Some strategies for managing parental conflict include setting aside specific times to discuss the issue, establishing ground rules for how each person should behave during conversations, and seeking out professional help if needed.

Is it possible to resolve issues between parents without outside help?

It is possible to resolve issues between parents without outside help, but it can be challenging. If the conflict has become entrenched and damaging to family relationships, it may be helpful to seek assistance from a qualified therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and tools for communication that can help both parties find common ground.


  1. Pyschecentral: How a Lack of Clear Communication Can Affect Your Life, and Ways to Improve It
  2. Bustle: 14 Subtle Ways Having A Toxic Parent Affects You As An Adult
  3. Lifehack: 13 Signs Of A Toxic Parent That Many People Don’t Realize
  4. Welldoing: 10 Signs You Grew Up With Emotionally Immature Parents
  5. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: The Do's and Don'ts of Disciplining Your Child
  6. Ideapod: 17 signs your parents don’t care about you (and what to do about it)
  7. Reader's Digest: 11 Serious Consequences of Favoring One Child over Another
  8. Shabaira Junaid: Stop Overburdening Your Kids With the Weight of Your Unrealistic Expectations
  9. The Springboard Center: The Effects of Poor Family Communication
  10. Choosing Therapy: 15 Signs of Abusive Parents
  11. Bustle: 15 Signs You Had An Emotionally Abusive Parent
  12. MomJunction: 15 Signs Of Emotionally Abusive Parents And How To Deal With Them
  13. Bloomintoparenting: Why Do Parents Abuse Their Children? – 10 Real Reasons Behind
  14. Exploringyourmind: Growing Up with Emotionally Absent Parents
  15. Verywellmind: Characteristics and Effects of an Uninvolved Parenting Style
  16. Insider: Signs of Bad Relationship With Parents
  17. Cleveland Clinic: How to Tell if You Have a Toxic Parent
  18. Psychology Today: 10 Ways to Heal from Childhood Trauma
  19. Psychology Today: 10 Ways to Heal from Childhood Trauma
  20. CDC: Fast Facts: Preventing Child Abuse & Neglect
  21. Pubmed: The Long-term Health Outcomes of Childhood Abuse
  23. Pubmed: Child Abuse, Street Victimization, and Substance Use Among Homeless Young Adults
  25. Pubmed: Linking Parent-Child and Peer Relationship Quality to Empathy in Adolescence: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis
  26. Sage Journals: Change Leadership: The Role of Emotional Intelligence
  27. Edutopia: Social and Emotional Learning: Strategies for Parents