The Surprising Benefits Of Seeing An Online Therapist

Helpful Products

- Accessibility
- Convenience
- Flexible scheduling
- Anonymity
- Greater choice of therapists
- Cost-effectiveness
- Comfort
- Consistency
- Access to specialized services
- Reducing stigma

This blog will explore some of the many benefits of online therapy. As the world becomes increasingly digital, many people are turning from traditional counseling to online therapy to seek mental health care and support. While some may be skeptical about the effectiveness of online therapy treatment, research has shown that it can be just as effective as traditional in-person therapy, with several additional benefits.

Interesting tip

Online influencers can help normalize therapy, making it accessible. Their experiences with online therapy can inspire you to seek help too!

Accessibility and Convenience

One of the most significant benefits of online therapy is its accessibility and convenience. The online treatment eliminates the need for clients to seek in-person therapy, which can be particularly helpful for those who live in remote or rural areas, have mobility issues, or find it challenging to take time off from work or school.

With these online mental health treatment services, clients can easily schedule appointments at a convenient time without worrying about transportation or childcare. [1]

A young girl sharing good news with her therapist

Anonymity and Privacy

Online therapy provides an additional level of privacy and anonymity for mental health treatment. For some clients, walking into a therapist's office can be intimidating or uncomfortable. Online therapy can give a sense of safety and security, as clients can participate in treatment from the comfort of their own homes.

Online therapy can also benefit those dealing with sensitive mental health issues or stigmatized issues, such as anxiety disorders, addiction, or trauma. [2]


Online therapy offers greater flexibility for both clients and therapists. With online treatment, therapists can offer extended hours or weekend appointments, which can be helpful for clients with busy schedules.

Additionally, online therapy can benefit clients who travel frequently, as they can continue their online sessions from wherever they are in the world. [3]

Increased comfort

Online therapy can be more comfortable for some clients than traditional therapy. For example, clients uncomfortable with face-to-face interaction may find it easier to open up in an online environment. Additionally, clients who struggle with a social anxiety disorder or agoraphobia may find online therapy less intimidating than traditional therapy. [4]

A girl improving her mental health with online counseling

Potential for greater focus

Online therapy can lead to greater focus and more productive therapy sessions. Clients of online therapists can be more present and engaged during online sessions without the distractions of a physical office or waiting room.

Additionally, clients may be more likely to complete homework assignments or practice new skills between sessions, as they can easily access their therapist through online messaging platforms. [5]

A woman talking with her online therapist

Potential for greater connection

The lack of physical presence in online therapy can also lead to a greater connection between client and therapist. This is especially beneficial if clients struggle with physical or emotional boundaries, as there will be no pressure to maintain contact outside the digital conversations. [6]

An online therapist talking with his client

More options

Online therapy provides clients with more options when selecting online counseling with a therapist. Clients can choose from a wider pool of licensed therapists regardless of location, enabling them to access mental health care with a therapist specializing in their specific needs. [7]


Online therapy can be more cost-effective than in-person therapy, as clients do not need to pay for transportation or parking. Additionally, therapists may offer lower fees for online therapy sessions as they do not need to pay for physical office space. [8]

Better documentation

Online therapy can provide better documentation of any online therapy session as everything is recorded electronically. This can be helpful for both clients and therapists, as it ensures that all critical information is saved and easily accessible. [9]

A therapist helping a client talk through their feelings

More control

Clients may feel more in control during online and counseling services, as they can choose where they want to participate and can easily disconnect if they feel uncomfortable. This sense of control can lead to a more positive therapy and online counseling experience.

More comfortable environment

For some clients, being in their own environment can provide a sense of comfort and security that may not be present during an in-person therapy session. This can help them feel more relaxed and open during online counseling, leading to a more effective therapy experience.

Mental health professionals recognize the importance of creating a comfortable and safe environment for their clients, whether it's in person or online. [10]

Preparation for Your First Online Therapy Session: A Comprehensive Guide

Online therapy offers a convenient, flexible, and effective means of accessing mental health support. However, the first session can be a bit daunting, especially if you're new to the concept. This guide aims to prepare you for your initial online therapy session, offering you insights and tips to help you get the most out of your online counseling journey.

Understanding the Process

Before you embark on your first session, it's essential to understand what online therapy entails. This can help you set realistic expectations and ensure that you're comfortable with the process. Here are some key points to note:

  1. Communication Method: Online therapy can take various forms such as video calls, phone calls, or text-based conversations. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the communication method that your therapist prefers.
  2. Therapy Style: Just like in traditional therapy, different therapists may use different therapeutic approaches, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychoanalysis, or Humanistic Therapy. Understanding your therapist's style can help you prepare for the type of conversations and exercises you might engage in.
  3. Session Duration: Generally, online therapy sessions last for about an hour, but this can vary. Be sure to confirm the duration with your therapist to avoid any misunderstandings.

Setting Up Your Space

Creating a conducive environment for your therapy session is crucial. Here's what you can do:

  1. Find a Quiet Spot: Choose a place where you won't be disturbed during your session. A quiet room in your house could be ideal.
  2. Ensure Comfort: Opt for a comfortable seating arrangement. If possible, use headphones to enhance audio quality and maintain privacy.
  3. Check Your Tech: Test your internet connection, camera, and microphone ahead of time. Also, make sure your device is fully charged or plugged in.

Mental Preparation

Your mindset plays a significant role in the effectiveness of your therapy. Here are a few tips:

  1. Have an Open Mind: Approach therapy with a willingness to explore your feelings and discuss your issues.
  2. Be Patient with Yourself: Change takes time, so don't expect immediate results. Therapy is a process, and every step you take is significant.

Preparing Your Questions

It's natural to have queries during your first online therapy session. You might want to prepare questions like:

Reflecting on Your Goals

Consider your expectations and goals for therapy. Are you looking to manage anxiety, cope with stress, improve relationships, or achieve personal growth? Clearly defined goals can help your therapist tailor the sessions to your needs. [10]

Helpful tip: Understanding the 6 Anxiety Recovery Stages can guide your healing journey. An online therapist can provide expert support at each stage!"

Choosing the Right Online Therapist: Your Personal Guide

Navigating the digital world of online therapy can be daunting, especially when faced with an abundance of therapists to choose from. The key to a successful therapy journey lies in selecting the right professional who aligns with your needs and preferences. This guide will walk you through crucial factors to consider when choosing an online therapist.

Check the Therapist's Qualifications

Primarily, it's important to ensure that your online therapist is appropriately qualified and licensed. Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Degree: Therapists should have a master's or doctoral degree in psychology or a related field from an accredited institution.
  2. License: They must be licensed by a state board to practice therapy. The specific title may vary—Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), or a Psychologist.
  3. Specializations: Check if the therapist has specialized training in areas relevant to your needs, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for anxiety or trauma-focused therapy for PTSD.

Consider Their Experience

Beyond qualifications, the therapist's experience plays a significant role in their effectiveness. You might want to explore:

  1. Years of Practice: Experience comes with time. Therapists who have been practicing for several years are likely to have a broader range of skills and insights.
  2. Experience with Your Issue: If you're seeking help for a specific issue, such as depression, addiction, or grief, it's essential to choose a therapist who has relevant experience.

Assess Therapeutic Approach

Therapists can use different approaches or 'modalities' to help you. Understanding these can help you decide what might work best for you. Common modalities include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Humanistic Therapy, and others. You might want to research these approaches to find one that resonates with you.

Establishing a Connection

Therapy works best when you're comfortable with your therapist. Therefore, consider these aspects:

  1. Communication Style: You'll want a therapist who communicates clearly and makes you feel heard and understood. They should be able to explain concepts in ways you understand.
  2. Empathy: Look for a therapist who shows genuine empathy. You should feel that they understand and care about your feelings and experiences.
  3. Comfort Level: You should feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings with your therapist. If you don't, therapy might not be as effective.


Finally, consider practical factors that can influence your therapy experience:

  1. Availability: Check the therapist's availability to ensure it matches your schedule. Remember, consistency is crucial in therapy.
  2. Cost: Therapy fees can vary widely. Check if the therapist's fees fit within your budget. Some therapists offer a sliding scale based on income.
  3. Platform Used: Ensure you're comfortable with the technology the therapist uses for online sessions.

Initial Consultation

Many therapists offer an initial consultation, either free or at a reduced cost. Use this opportunity to ask any questions you might have and get a feel for the therapist's style and approach. [11]


Starting this form of psychological support may initially feel intimidating, but taking the plunge and trying out some suited online therapy services could offer immediate relief. Whether you prefer face-to-face meetings or online support, getting help is the first step toward recovery and stability by sorting out neglected mental health conditions.


How do I know if seeing an online therapist is right for me?

The best way to know if teletherapy is right for you is to make contact with a licensed therapist and discuss what mental health services are suitable for your mental well-being. A qualified professional will be able to help you decide if this form of therapy would be beneficial or not.

What should I expect during my first session with an online therapist?

Your first session with an online therapist should be used to get acquainted and discuss the services available and what mental health treatment your therapist suggests. A qualified therapist will help you create a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. This may include addressing any underlying issues, setting achievable goals, and developing strategies for achieving those goals. The right therapist or online counselor can also provide support and guidance throughout the process and put you on the right therapy journey.


  1. Centre for Psychotherapy: Online Counselling - The Pros and Cons
  2. Health Reporter: What Is Anonymous Therapy? Exploring the Concept
  3. Informa UK Limited: Features and benefits of online counseling: Trinity College online mental health community
  4. Helpguide: What is online therapy?
  5. CNBC LLC: This type of therapy can help people with depression be more productive at work: study
  6. Wearemore: 7 Benefits of Online Therapy: What It Is and How to Get Started
  7. University of Northern Iowa: Online counseling: effectiveness, benefits, roadblocks, and...
  8. quadcare: Top 10 Benefits of Telehealth for South African Patients and Doctors NOT A MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC
  9. My Online Therapy: What are the benefits of online therapy?
  10. My Online Therapy: What are the benefits of online therapy?
  11. Psychology Today: How to Prepare for Your First Virtual Therapy Session
  12. American Psychological Association: What you need to know before choosing online therapy

The Pros And Cons Of Using Online Therapy For Couples Counseling

Helpful Products

- Accessibility
- Flexibility
- Anonymity
- Comfort
- Wide range of therapists
- Cost-effectiveness
- Continuity of care

- Lack of non-verbal cues
- Technical issues
- Privacy concerns
- Limited interventions
- Emotional distance
- Not suitable for all situations
- Therapist licensure limitations

For many couples, going to couples counseling may be intimidating. With the help of technology, couples now have access to online therapy for couples counseling and therewith improving their relationship. Online therapy offers several advantages such as convenience and privacy but can also present some challenges.

In this blog post, we will explain more about what online therapy is and discuss the pros and cons of virtual therapy and using it for couples counseling sessions so that you can decide if it is right for you.

An example of a couple making use of mental health professional providing online couples therapy

Pros of online relationship counseling

  • Convenience and accessibility
  • Affordability
  • Increased comfort and privacy
  • Expanded options
  • Greater flexibility in session length
  • Easier access to session materials
  • Reduced stigma
  • Greater control over your environment

Cons of Using Online Therapy for Couples Counseling

  • Technical issues (Internet)
  • Limited non-verbal communication
  • Lack of physical presence
  • Potential for misunderstandings
  • Technology requirements

The Pros far outweigh the cons when it comes to online therapy and a good online therapist that focuses on couples therapy will be able to mitigate the no physical presence cons thus offering even more pros when it comes to you and your partners relationship and using online therapy.

Pros of online relationship counseling

Convenience and accessibility

One of the biggest advantages of online therapy is the convenience and accessibility it offers. With online therapy, you can schedule sessions at a time that is convenient for you without having to worry about travel time or other commitments. Online counseling can be particularly helpful for couples who have busy schedules or live in different locations. [1]


Online relationship therapy is often more affordable than traditional in-person counseling. This is because therapists who offer online counseling via an online therapy platform do not have to pay for office space or other expenses associated with traditional in-person therapy. [2]

Helpful tip: Finding the best online therapy that takes insurance can save you money while still providing quality mental health support. Always check coverage!

Helpful tip

Finding the best online therapy that takes insurance can save you money while still providing quality mental health support. Always check coverage!

Increased comfort and privacy

Online therapy allows you to participate in therapy from the comfort of your own home, which can be particularly helpful for couples who may feel uncomfortable or vulnerable in a traditional counseling setting. Additionally, online therapy provides increased anonymity and privacy, which can be particularly important for couples who are dealing with sensitive relationship issues, and a mental illness. [3] Read our blog on "How do i tell if he loves me? to get some insights on our relationship."

Expanded options

Online therapy provides a greater range of therapists to choose from, which can be particularly helpful for couples who are looking for a therapist who specializes in a particular mental health issue or a family therapist who has a particular approach to counseling. [4]

Greater flexibility in session length

Online therapy can offer greater flexibility in session length, allowing couples to schedule shorter or longer sessions as needed. This can be particularly helpful for couples who are dealing with time constraints or who need more or less time to process their emotions.[5]

Easier access to session materials

With online therapy, couples may have easier access to session materials such as worksheets or readings. This can help couples to continue their work outside of therapy sessions and reinforce the skills and concepts they are learning in the online relationship counseling sessions.[6]

Reduced stigma

For some couples, online therapy may feel less stigmatizing than traditional in-person counseling. This may be particularly true for couples who are hesitant to seek traditional therapy due to social and or cultural barriers. [7]

Greater control over your environment

With online therapy, couples have greater control over their environment during therapy sessions. This can include adjusting the lighting, temperature, and other factors to create a more comfortable and relaxing environment for therapy. [8]

Cons of Using Online Therapy for Couples Counseling

Technical issues

Online therapy requires a stable internet connection and functioning audio and video equipment. Technical issues and technical difficulties can be frustrating and may disrupt the therapeutic process. [9]

Limited non-verbal communication

With in-person therapy, mental health professionals can read non-verbal cues such as body language and facial expressions which provide important context for communication.

Online therapy may limit non-verbal communication, like body language which can be particularly important in couples counseling. [10]

Lack of physical presence

Online therapy may make it more difficult for couples to feel fully engaged in an online relationship counseling session. Additionally, distractions and interruptions may also be more common in an online relationship therapy setting. [11]

Potential for misunderstandings

Misinterpretation of tone or inflection, as well as physical limitations such as difficulty with timing and turn-taking in conversations, can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication in an online therapy setting. Some clients may not even speak English. [12]

Technology requirements

To participate, couples must have access to the necessary technology and equipment for online relationship counseling such as a reliable internet connection, a computer or mobile device, and a webcam. This can be a barrier for couples who do not have access to this technology or who are not comfortable using it. [13]

Recognizing the Signals: When Might Couples Benefit from Therapy?

Navigating relationships can often feel like an expedition. With thrilling peaks, challenging terrains, and occasional storms, it can be tough. But how do you distinguish a normal squabble from a more serious, embedded issue? Understanding and recognizing the signs that indicate your relationship may benefit from therapy can be the first step toward a healthier, happier relationship.

Communication Breakdown

Effective communication is the backbone of any relationship. If your conversations often leave you feeling unheard, misunderstood, or even worthless, it could indicate a communication breakdown. Couples therapy can help facilitate better understanding and develop healthier communication patterns.

The Same Arguments Occur Repeatedly

Ever find yourselves caught in a loop, arguing over the same issues time and time again? It's a common sign that there are unresolved conflicts or underlying issues that you might not be able to address effectively on your own. A therapist can provide a neutral perspective and equip you with strategies to resolve these recurring disagreements.

You Feel a Disturbance in Your Intimacy

Intimacy is not just about physical closeness; it's also about emotional connection. If you find the intimacy fading, be it decreased affection, a lackluster sex life, or feelings of disconnect, couples therapy might help reignite that spark and help you reconnect on a deeper level.

Escalated or Unhealthy Conflict

Disagreements are part and parcel of every relationship. However, if conflicts escalate quickly, involve name-calling, disrespect, or even aggressive behavior, it's a red flag. A couples therapist can provide guidance and tools to manage conflict constructively.

An Affair has Occurred

Infidelity can wreak havoc on a relationship. However, it doesn't have to spell the end. If both partners are committed to healing and rebuilding trust, couples therapy can provide a safe space to navigate this challenging time.

Dissatisfaction Lingers

If a constant sense of dissatisfaction or unhappiness lingers when you think about your relationship, it might be time to seek help. It can indicate deeper issues that could benefit from professional intervention.

Important Life Decisions Lead to Conflict

Whether it's about finances, parenting, or future goals, differences in making crucial life decisions can cause severe strain. If you're unable to find common ground, a therapist could provide strategies to reach compromises that satisfy both partners.

Something Just Feels "Off"

Sometimes, you can't put a finger on what's wrong, but something just doesn't feel right. Trust your instincts. Couples therapy can provide a space to explore these feelings and identify any underlying issues.

Growing Apart Instead of Together

If you feel like you and your partner are drifting apart, or if you're evolving in different directions, therapy might be beneficial. A couples therapist can help you explore ways to grow individually, without growing apart.

In the end, remember that seeking help is not a sign of failure, but a testament to your commitment to each other and the relationship. Therapy is a tool, and there's no shame in using it to build a stronger, healthier bond.

Take note that every relationship is unique, and it's okay to seek help even if your specific situation isn't listed here. If you believe your relationship might benefit from therapy, trust your judgment. After all, it's not about finding the perfect relationship—it's about making your relationship perfect for you. [13]

Helpful tip: Unchecked anger damaging relationships can be harmful. Seek help in anger management for healthier interactions and stronger bonds. Stay calm, stay connected!

A couple discussing their great news with their therapist

Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Hesitations About Couples Therapy

While couples therapy has shown its efficacy in helping relationships thrive, there can be some hurdles that make people hesitant to take this helpful step. Understanding these concerns and finding ways to overcome them can make the path to a healthier relationship smoother and more manageable.

Fear of Judgment

Concern: "The therapist might judge us or take sides."

It's a common concern that the therapist might favor one party over the other. The fear of judgment can be daunting, making couples reluctant to open up about their relationship issues.

Overcoming the Barrier:

It's important to remember that therapists are trained professionals who adhere to strict ethical guidelines, including impartiality. Their goal is to understand both parties, provide unbiased support, and facilitate healthier communication. If you ever feel uncomfortable or judged, it's essential to voice your concerns to the therapist.

Concerns About Privacy

Concern: "Our problems will be exposed."

The thought of discussing intimate issues with a third party can be off-putting. Some may worry about confidentiality and the fear of their problems being exposed.

Overcoming the Barrier:

Therapists are bound by confidentiality laws and ethical guidelines, meaning what you discuss in therapy stays in therapy. Before starting, discuss any confidentiality concerns with your therapist to clear doubts and build trust.

Fear of the Unknown

Concern: "We don’t know what to expect."

The idea of therapy can be daunting if you've never experienced it before. Uncertainty about what will happen in a session can be a significant deterrent.

Overcoming the Barrier:

Most therapists will gladly explain the therapy process and answer any questions during an initial consultation. Online resources, like this blog, can also provide insight into what to expect from couples therapy.

Financial Considerations

Concern: "Therapy is too expensive."

The cost of therapy can be a roadblock for some couples. Therapy is an investment, but financial constraints are a real concern for many people.

Overcoming the Barrier:

Many therapists offer sliding scale fees based on income. Additionally, online therapy often comes at a reduced cost compared to traditional in-person therapy. Remember to discuss the financial aspect with your therapist to find a plan that fits your budget.

Time Constraints

Concern: "We just don't have the time."

In the fast-paced world we live in, finding time for therapy can seem like a challenge. Busy schedules can make committing to regular sessions daunting.

Overcoming the Barrier:

Flexibility is one of the key advantages of online therapy. You can schedule sessions at convenient times, and you'll save on travel time. Plus, investing time in your relationship's health can save you time in resolving conflicts in the long run. [4]


Striving for good mental health services and a healthy, harmonious relationship takes determination, but with the right online relationship counseling and excellent online therapists available, it is possible to achieve your goals as a couple. If online sessions for your mental health concerns seem like a viable option, an experienced online therapist should be consulted to ensure that you get everything you need out of your session. And for the best online mental health care for couples, we recommend our partner.


What are the things to consider before starting online therapy for couples counseling?

Consider the type of mental health services you as a couple need and strive to get the best online counseling therapist available. Lastly, make sure they are a good fit. You should also take into account the cost, privacy concerns, the technology needed to participate in sessions, insurance coverage, and any other potential scheduling conflicts. Additionally, you should discuss any expectations or goals you and your partner may have to ensure that these are met during the counseling sessions.

What are the success rates of online therapy for couples counseling?

The average success rate of relationship counseling for most couples was about 50 percent. Useful skills were learned, including how to listen to each other and appreciate the other's point of view.


  1. NCOA: What Is Online Therapy & Does It Work?
  2. American Psychological Association: A growing wave of online therapy
  3. Domental: Anonymous Therapy
  4. Talked: 8 Reasons Why Online Counselling is Better Than Face to Face
  5. Rural Health: Resources Needed for Implementing Telehealth Programs
  6. Pubmed: Effects of online stigma‐reduction programme for people experiencing mental health conditions: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  7. Talked: 8 Reasons Why Online Counselling is Better Than Face to Face
  8. PrognoCIS EHR: Advantages and Disadvantages of Telemedicine
  9. CBC: Online communication is a lifeline during pandemic, but lacks non-verbal cues: behavioural scientist
  10. Routledge: Four Common Challenges in Teletherapy and How to Overcome Them
  12. University of Northern Iowa: Online counseling : effectiveness, benefits, roadblocks, andethical dilemmas
  13. Bustle: 12 Signs You Need Couples Counseling

Secure Attachment Style: Can You Cultivate A Long Lasting Relationship?

What Is It?
How It Develops?
Helpful Products

A secure way to connect with others involves trusting and feeling comfortable in close relationships. People who have secure attachment styles and relationships tend also to have optimistic beliefs about themselves and others. They also feel comfortable with intimacy, emotional support, and closeness.

When babies are born, they need someone to take care of them. They rely on their caregiver to provide food, comfort, and safety. When the caregiver responds to the baby's needs consistently, and with love, the baby feels secure and learns to trust that their caregiver will always be there for them.

Over time, this emotional connection creates a special bond between the baby and its caregiver. The baby learns to count on their caregiver, even when things are scary or difficult. This feeling of safety and trust is what we call a secure attachment.

- Comfortable being close to each other
- Comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings.
- They can trust others and feel secure in their relationships.
- They feel confident in themselves and their ability to handle relationships.
- Able to be emotionally intimate with others and feel close to them
- They can handle conflict constructively.
- They can give and receive love freely.
- People who can forgive others and move on from past hurts.
- They have a strong sense of self-worth and feel good about themselves.
- They are comfortable with intimacy and do not fear being close to someone else.
- They don't need constant reassurance from others and feel secure in themselves.

- Able to regulate emotions
- Raise securely attached children
- Ability to manage stress and complex situations with poise
- Better mental health, including fewer bouts of anxiety and depression
- Improved relationships with partners, family, and friends
- Higher levels of trust in oneself
- Creating more trust in others
- Improved communication skills
- Ability to express oneself clearly and listen actively
- Improve your conflict resolution abilities.
- Better at establishing and maintaining firm boundaries
- Better social support and community bonding
- Better self-control and the ability to effectively take care of emotional needs
- The ability to be more intimate and form deeper connections with other human beings

Secure attachment is essential for human development and having healthy personal relationships. But what does it mean to be a secure person and to have a secure attachment style? And how can you develop one?

This article will explore the characteristics and benefits of a secure attachment style. We will also provide some tips for the secure attachment process and cultivating it.

A couple doing the tango

What is a secure attachment style?

A secure way to connect with others involves trusting and feeling comfortable in close relationships. People who have secure attachment styles and relationships tend also to have optimistic beliefs about themselves and others. They also feel comfortable with intimacy, emotional support, and closeness.

Individuals with a secure attachment style usually had caregivers who were continually responsive to their needs and established a sense of safety and security during their early childhood. This nurtured a sense of trust and security in close relationships throughout their lives.

People who exhibit secure attachment style traits are characterized by the following:

An example of adult relationships with people who are securely attached in their intimate relationship

How does a secure attachment develop?

According to attachment theory, when babies are born, they need someone to take care of them. They rely on their caregiver to provide food, comfort, and safety. When the caregiver responds to the baby's needs consistently, and with love, the baby feels secure and learns to trust that their caregiver will always be there for them.

Over time, this emotional connection creates a special bond between the baby and its caregiver. The baby learns to count on their caregiver, even when things are scary or difficult. This feeling of safety and trust is what we call a secure attachment. [2]

Helpful tip

Embrace self-care and mindfulness to ease anxiety. Recognizing your anxious-avoidant attachment style is the first step to healthier relationships!
A mother holding her child

Navigating the Journey of Secure Attachment: From Cradle to Adulthood

Secure attachment is the cornerstone of healthy emotional development. But how does this journey evolve from infancy to adulthood? Let's traverse this intriguing pathway.

The Dawn of Secure Attachment: Infancy

The saga of secure attachment begins in the crib. As babies, we're vulnerable beings, completely dependent on our caregivers for our most basic needs. Whether it's hunger, discomfort, or just a need for cuddles, we communicate these needs through our first language - crying.

The magic happens when the caregiver responds consistently. When a baby's cry is met with a warm, loving response, a message is sent: "The world is safe. You can trust that your needs will be met."

This trust, cultivated in infancy, sets the stage for a secure attachment style.

The Voyage Continues: Childhood

As babies transition into childhood, their world expands. Securely attached children carry the trust instilled in infancy into their new experiences. They're confident explorers, knowing they have a secure base to return to - their caregiver.

Children with secure attachments are also better equipped to handle emotions. They learn that it's okay to express feelings and that comfort is available when things get tough.

The Culmination: Adulthood

In adulthood, the seeds of secure attachment sown in early years bear fruit. Securely attached adults find it easier to form close, intimate relationships. They're comfortable expressing their feelings and are not afraid of being rejected or overwhelmed.

They also have a positive view of themselves and others. They believe they're worthy of love and trust that others are reliable and good-intentioned.

A couple holding hands on the beach

Understanding Secure Attachment Thought Patterns

Secure attachment is marked by confidence, independence, and emotional balance in relationships. It forms a foundation of trust, allowing for open communication and fostering a sense of safety. Understanding the thought patterns of those with secure attachments can provide useful insight into healthy emotional habits.

Confidence in Communication

People with secure attachments tend to have a relaxed approach to communication. They send messages without the compulsion to immediately check for a reply. They trust that the recipient will respond when they can, freeing them from the need to constantly monitor their phones. They don't associate delays in responses with negative implications about their relationship or the other person's feelings towards them.

Understanding of Personal Space

Those with secure attachment understand that everyone has a life outside their relationship. They respect personal space and time, and don't feel threatened if they are not in constant communication with their partners. They know that not being glued to their phones or chatting every day doesn't signify a decrease in affection or interest.

Self-Reliance and Personal Interest

Securely attached individuals value their independence and have their own hobbies, interests, and relationships outside their partnerships. They center their lives around their own personal growth and development. They believe in balancing their time between their partners and other aspects of their lives.

Setting Healthy Expectations

Setting unrealistic limits or expecting constant communication can lead to unhealthy habits and cause unnecessary stress in a relationship. Those with secure attachments understand that a delay in response doesn't necessarily mean a lack of interest or care. It simply means the other person hasn't gotten around to responding yet. They maintain healthy expectations and don't rush to negative conclusions based on minimal evidence. [6]

An elderly couple staking a scroll

What are the signs of a secure attachment style?

An elderly couple enjoying their time together

Benefits of a secure attachment style

The Secure Attachment Approach to Ghosting

When one encounter ghosting, the reaction varies greatly based on attachment styles. A securely attached person, who trusts in the dependability and goodwill of others, is likely to navigate the situation differently.

For instance, imagine a situation where someone you've had a great time with, who expressed a desire to be friends, suddenly ghosted you after you brought up certain past events that hurt you. As a securely attached individual, one might handle the situation like this:

Immediate Feedback

Securely attached individuals give immediate feedback when hurt. They don't wait to bring it up later as something that "has hurt in the past". The issue is addressed then and there, potentially avoiding the ghosting scenario altogether.

Maintaining Integrity

If ghosted, securely attached individuals may initially believe that there must be an unknown reason that explains the sudden disappearance. They might reach out to the person who ghosted them, and if there's no response, they would likely give them space.

Self-Reflection and Acceptance

If the ghosting continues, a securely attached individual might start reevaluating their perception of the person who ghosted them. They might conclude that they had an unrealistic idea of the ghoster's integrity and consider it a sign of weak communication skills, which they would find unattractive.

Moving On

Eventually, they would accept that they've been ghosted and conclude that the ghoster isn't someone they'd want to maintain a relationship with. They'd see it as an opportunity to learn and grow and not take the ghoster's behavior too personally. [7]

How to develop a secure attachment style?

Helpful tip

Deep breaths and self-awareness are key in managing your temper. Remember, your anger is valid, but it's how you express it that matters most.
A couple having a serious conversation about boundaries

Mastering the Art of Boundary Setting for Secure Attachment

Boundaries are invisible lines we draw to define our personal space, time, and emotional capacity. By setting clear boundaries, we can shift away from people-pleasing behaviors and move towards a secure attachment style.

Understanding Boundaries: A Practical Scenario

Let's consider a simple example to understand boundaries better. Imagine you agree to help someone but later realize that you're not available for the task. Instead of feeling obligated and resentful, you communicate the change of plan. This step of standing up for your needs is setting a boundary.

Key Takeaways:

The Spectrum of Boundaries: From Work to Relationships

Boundaries at the Workplace

In the professional context, setting boundaries might mean adhering strictly to your work schedule, ensuring that requests from colleagues do not intrude into your personal time. This helps maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Boundaries in Romantic Relationships

When it comes to romantic relationships, boundary setting involves acknowledging personal needs and self-worth. Individuals who have a healthy sense of self are better equipped to maintain their boundaries in relationships.

Key Takeaways:

Boundary Setting: A Hurdle for People Pleasers

For people who are used to pleasing others, setting boundaries can be a daunting task. They often struggle with issues of self-worth and find it difficult to assert their needs, leading to situations where they feel exploited or emotionally drained.

The Crucial Role of Self-Awareness in Boundary Setting

Becoming more self-aware is an essential step in setting healthy boundaries. This involves understanding the root causes of certain behaviors and recognizing personal patterns. One effective method is maintaining an impulse log, which can help identify triggers for particular reactions and learn from past experiences.

For instance, if you notice that you tend to lash out when your emotional needs are unmet, recognizing this pattern allows you to communicate your needs more effectively and establish boundaries to protect your emotional health.

Key Takeaways:

Interesting tip: Setting boundaries enhances your self-esteem and autonomy. One of the many benefits of therapy is helping you learn and maintain those boundaries.

People With A Secure Attachment Style Have Healthier Relationships

People with a secure attachment style tend to have healthier relationships as compared to those with insecure attachment styles (anxious, avoidant, or disorganized). Here are some areas where people with a secure attachment style typically don't encounter issues:

Consistent Communication

Securely attached individuals are generally effective communicators. They are comfortable expressing their needs, thoughts, and feelings, leading to fewer misunderstandings and conflicts. They are also more likely to have constructive discussions about issues instead of avoiding difficult conversations or becoming overly anxious about them.

Balanced Dependence

Unlike those with anxious or avoidant attachment styles, securely attached people have a balanced approach to dependence. They are comfortable with interdependence, meaning they can depend on their partner when necessary, but also maintain their independence. This balance fosters mutual respect and cooperation in the relationship.

Emotional Stability

Those with secure attachment styles tend to be more emotionally stable. They don't often experience the intense, negative emotions that characterize insecure attachment, such as fear of abandonment (common in anxious attachment) or discomfort with closeness (common in avoidant attachment).

Trust and Security

Secure individuals have a strong sense of trust in their relationships. They tend not to worry excessively about their partner's fidelity or commitment and feel secure in their partner's love for them. This level of trust provides a solid foundation for the relationship to grow and flourish.

Conflict Resolution

Secure individuals are typically better at managing and resolving conflicts. They can address issues openly and honestly without resorting to blame or avoidance. This ability leads to healthier conflict resolution and less relationship turmoil.


Those with a secure attachment style tend to be more adaptable to changes in the relationship. They can manage transitions and challenges without becoming overly anxious or resistant, allowing the relationship to evolve over time.

Remember that everyone can work towards developing a more secure attachment style through self-awareness, therapy, and consistent effort. It's never too late to work on improving your relationships and attachment style. [9]

Personal Stories Of People Developing A Secure Attachment Style


Navigating a succession of dysfunctional relationships and marriages from 18 to 49, the individual struggled with toxic patterns and relationships despite years of therapy. A transformative shift occurred when they embraced a trauma-centered therapist, engaged in EMDR therapy and activities like yoga and dancing, which led to a period of self-love and firm boundaries.

Despite these advancements, they still faced a challenging period, learning how to avoid codependency and communicate effectively. However, with time and further therapeutic support, they entered a relationship with a person who had a healthy attachment style, discovering that it was indeed possible to have a passionate relationship without drama, reinforcing the importance of working on personal trauma and fostering self-love.

Read Firefluffer's story.


In their journey towards a secure attachment style, this person found self-help exercises from dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and regular consultation with a therapist crucial in developing coping tools for anxiety. They also realized the importance of having a supportive friend network, which helped reduce dependency on their partner and understand that no one person can fulfill all their needs.

The transformation also involved a deep dive into self-discovery, cultivating personal boundaries, interests, and a sense of self-worth that helped overcome feelings of loneliness and past trauma. Acknowledging their emotional needs, they learned to provide for themselves before involving a partner in their life. Podcasts on self-development and journaling served as valuable tools in their journey, demonstrating that while paths to secure attachment differ, they are achievable.

Read Akistrawberry's story.


In the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, fostering a secure attachment style is pivotal for building healthy and fulfilling relationships. Remember, it's a process that involves self-reflection, understanding personal needs, setting firm boundaries, and most importantly, cultivating self-love.

As we navigate this path, let's embrace the transformation, knowing that while the road may be challenging, the reward is a stronger, healthier self capable of meaningful, mutually nurturing relationships.


Can an adult attachment style change over time?

Yes, attachment styles to romantic partners can change with time and experience. According to the attachment theory, as people go through different romantic relationships, they may develop new ways of relating to others that are different from their initial attachment patterns.

What is the difference between secure and insecure attachment styles?

Secure attachment styles are characterized by trusting relationships and the ability to feel comfortable being close to others. While an insecure attachment style, on the other hand, is characterized by mistrust, and difficulty building close social and personal relationships, and emotional connections.


  1. Harvard College: Attachment Styles
  2. Insider: How to develop a secure attachment style so that you can have healthier, more loving relationships
  3. Psych Central: Here Is How to Identify Your Attachment Style
  4. Circle of Security International: The Benefits of Secure Attachment
  5. MindBodyGreen: How To Rewire Your Brain To Have A Secure Attachment Style
  6. INDIGO INSIGHT COUNSELLING: Developing a Secure Attachment
  7. r/AnxiousAttachment: How would a person with a secure attachment handle getting ghosted?
  8. r/AnxiousAttachment: What is meant by "set boundaries"? What does that mean exactly?
  9. Journal of Organizational Behavior: Secure attachment: implications for hope, trust, burnout, and performance
  10. r/AnxiousAttachment: Has anyone successfully developed in a secure attachment style?

How Do I Tell If He Loves Me?

Signs He Loves You
Helpful Products

- He offers comfort, encouragement, and a listening ear
- He shares his thoughts, feelings, and concerns with you openly
- He actively listens when you
- He trusts you, respects your opinions, and values your individuality
- He is reliable and consistent in his actions and behavior
- He enjoys spending time with you
- He expresses his love through hugs, kisses, and other forms of physical affection
- He introduces you to his friends and family
- He pays attention to your likes, dislikes, and personal stories
- He takes your feelings into account when making decisions

First, think about how long you've been in your relationship. If it's only been a few weeks or months, it's new. Give yourself and your partner more time before deciding anything.

To know if your boyfriend really loves you, talk to a professional psychologist. They can help you see the signs of love.

Couple high-fiving

Signs A Man Has Deep Feelings For You

Eye contact is important to him

He values eye contact a lot. It helps him connect with you deeply. When he looks into your eyes, he's listening to your soul and feelings. It's his way of saying he's present and cares about you. In a world full of distractions, his focus on you is special. [1]

He's very giving

He always tries to make you laugh. He shares funny pictures, tells funny stories, or makes clever jokes. He wants to keep you smiling all the time.

He works hard to make you happy. This shows he cares about you a lot. Laughing together helps people connect. Bringing joy to someone else is important. [2]

A guy trying to make his girlfriend

He's constantly trying to make you laugh

He always tries to make you laugh with funny pictures, stories, or jokes. He wants you to be happy and smiling.

Making you laugh shows he really cares about you. Laughing together makes people feel close. It's special to make someone else happy. His actions show he truly cares about your happiness. This is a big part of love. [3]

He is always willing to help

He's always ready to help you, no matter what. If you have too much laundry, a flat tire, or a bad day, he's there quickly.

He really cares about you and wants to make things easier for you. He'll do extra and give up his own time for you. This shows he is serious about loving you. [4]

A man flirting with his girlfriend

He respects your boundaries

If you need alone time or are uncomfortable, he understands and respects that. Trust and understanding are key in a strong relationship, and he is committed to that. He is open to sharing personal parts of his life with you. [5]

He values your input

He listens to your thoughts and ideas. He takes them seriously and makes sure you are heard. You get a say in important things when you're with him.

This shows he is a good leader and cares about others. He respects you and values what you bring to the table. This helps build a strong, positive relationship. It's also how a guy shows real love and affection. [6]

A man showing affection to his girlfriend

He'll do things to make your life easier

He does little things to help you, like getting groceries or running errands. He might bring you coffee or take care of the kids to give you a break. He wants to support you and make your life easier.

Small acts of kindness show he values and appreciates you. You can tell he truly cares. You don’t need to worry about how he feels.

His commitment to this relationship is obvious

He is fully invested in making this relationship work and is always there for you, no matter what. He's not one to play games or lead you on, and you can always count on him to be honest and truthful.

He is sure about his feelings for you. He doesn't want other women and is clear about his future plans. You can feel safe in your relationship with him.

He's reliable

He's reliable, and that's a quality you can always count on. When he says he's going to do something, you can trust that he'll follow through on his promises. He's dependable, trustworthy, and always there when you need him.

Whether it's offering a shoulder to cry on or helping you move, he's always willing to lend a hand. You never have to worry about whether he'll come through because you know he will.

A couple posing for a photoshoot

He supports you emotionally

He supports you emotionally, and that's one of the most important things a partner can do for you. Emotional support is a vital part of a loving relationship, and it's essential to have someone who is there for you when you're feeling down.

He listens to you when you need to talk, offers a shoulder to cry on, and always makes you feel like you're not alone. He understands that life can be tough at times, and he's always there to support you and help you through it. [7]

A couple sharing dinner together

He includes you in any future plans

He includes you in his future plans. This shows he values you a lot. He always thinks about you when deciding things. He wants you to be part of his future plans. He won’t plan anything without asking you first. This shows he respects and considers you.[8]

He's open to communicating with you

He will listen to your point of view and be willing to talk through any issues that arise. He won't brush off your feelings or make you feel like your input is unimportant which shows that he's paying attention to you. [9]

A husband giving his girlfriend a gift

He cares for your well-being

He goes the extra mile to make sure you're feeling your best, both physically and emotionally. Whether it's reminding you to take a break from work, making you a nutritious meal, or simply asking how your day has been, he's always got your back. His genuine concern for your well-being is a testament to his deep feelings and the love he has for you. [10]

He likes to share his day with you

He tells you about his good and bad moments not just to talk, but to include you in his life. He shares his experiences and feelings with you. This shows he trusts and values you. These small moments of sharing make your bond stronger.

An affectionate boyfriend showing his girlfriend love

He is open with his emotions

A man who shares his feelings knows being real is key in a relationship. He doesn’t hide his emotions or act tough. He shows you his true self.

Being open like this helps you both connect deeply. It makes a safe place for honesty. This leads to a stronger, healthier bond between you two. [11]

He sends messages throughout the day

A guy who messages you all day wants to stay connected. He checks in and shares sweet words to show you’re always on his mind. He’s excited to share his thoughts and experiences.

Regular talking like this makes your bond stronger. It keeps the relationship exciting and new.

A boyfriend showing his girlfriend affection

He makes sure the two of you have quality time together

A man who makes time for you knows it’s important for growing your relationship and making memories. He puts distractions away to focus on you. This helps both of you connect more and enjoy being together.

His effort shows he wants your relationship to be strong and last a long time. It’s a clear sign he has deep feelings for you.

He lets you know how much he cares

A man who often says and shows he loves and values you is making it clear you’re important to him. It’s not just words; his actions and small gestures prove his feelings.

He’s open and vulnerable, showing his deep emotions. This is how he makes the bond between you stronger.

A man embracing his girlfriend

A loving partner puts in the effort to resolve conflicts

In a good relationship, solving problems together is important. A caring partner wants to understand you, not just win arguments. They focus on both of you benefiting.

They are open to compromise and can put their pride aside. This shows they are committed to keeping the relationship happy and strong. [12]

Tip: If you want to know if you're not meant to be or not, have a look at our article 'Signs You've Met Your Twin Flame: How To Recognize This Powerful Connection'.

He doesn't take you for granted

A man who values you will often show his thanks. He knows small things matter in a relationship. He won’t just think you know he’s thankful. He’ll show it with words and actions.

By making you feel important and noticed, he makes your bond stronger. This helps create a loving, supportive partnership. [13]

The Difference Between Love and Infatuation

Love and infatuation are strong feelings that can be mixed up. They might seem similar but are different in how deep they are, how long they last, and how they affect a relationship. Let’s look at the main differences between love and infatuation.

Depth of connection:

Time and longevity:

Stability and consistency:

Selflessness vs. selfishness:

Acceptance and understanding:

Communication and problem-solving:

Tips for Sustaining a Healthy, Loving Relationship

A woman feeling sad from unrequired feelings

What To Do if He Doesn't Love You

If your partner isn’t showing real love signs, talk openly and honestly about your feelings and worries. He might need time to grow emotionally, or maybe the relationship isn’t right. Either way, focus on your well-being and get support from friends, family, or a counselor if needed.

Considering online therapy for couples counseling? Our latest article, "The Pros And Cons Of Using Online Therapy For Couples Counseling," offers a comprehensive analysis to help you make an informed decision on whether this option is right for your relationship.

Dealing with Unrequited Love or Infatuation

Unrequited love or infatuation can hurt and be hard, making you feel rejected and sad. But with these tips, you can handle your feelings, create boundaries, and move on to find a better, two-sided relationship.

  1. Acknowledge your feelings: It's essential to recognize and accept your emotions, whether they are love or infatuation. Denying your feelings can only prolong the healing process. Give yourself permission to grieve and process your emotions.
  2. Set boundaries: If the person doesn’t feel the same way, it’s important to set and keep healthy boundaries. This can mean talking to them less, not following them on social media, or staying away from places where you might see them.
  3. Focus on self-care: Put your mental, emotional, and physical health first. Do things that make you feel good. Exercise, eat healthy, sleep well, and be with friends and family who support you.
  4. Redirect your energy: Use your feelings to do productive activities or start new hobbies that make you happy. This can help you stop thinking about the unreturned love and make you feel better about yourself.
  5. Reflect on the experience: Think about why you were attracted to this person and what you can learn. This can give you insights into what you need and want, helping you make better choices later.
  6. Avoid idealizing the person: Remember, no one is perfect. Don’t think of the person you like as perfect. Knowing their flaws can help you see things more clearly and help you move on.
  7. Give yourself time: Healing from unrequited love or infatuation takes time. Be patient with yourself and allow the process to unfold naturally. Remember that it's okay to feel sad, but trust that you will eventually move on and find happiness again. [17]

The Importance of Self-Love and Self-Care in a Healthy Relationship

Cultivating self-love and practicing self-care are essential components of a healthy, loving relationship. Taking care of your emotional health and focusing on growing as a person makes a strong base for a good partnership. Here are tips to love and take care of yourself, alone or with a partner:

  1. Develop a self-care routine: Have a regular routine that focuses on your physical, emotional, and mental health. This can include exercising, meditating, writing in a journal, or doing hobbies that make you happy and relaxed.
  2. Set personal boundaries: Know your limits and communicate them clearly with your partner. Establishing boundaries is essential for maintaining a healthy sense of self and preventing codependency.
  3. Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes. Focus on your strengths, and avoid negative self-talk. Remember, self-compassion is a crucial aspect of self-love.
  4. Pursue personal growth: Look for chances to improve and grow yourself. You can go to workshops, read books, or take online courses. Growing yourself helps you add more to your relationship and connect better with your partner.
  5. Maintain a sense of independence: It’s good to share your life with your partner, but it’s also important to keep your own interests, friends, and identity. This balance makes the relationship healthier and stops too much dependence on each other.
  6. Communicate openly with your partner: Share your feelings, needs, and desires with your partner, and encourage them to do the same. Open communication helps build trust, understanding, and emotional intimacy.
  7. Support each other's self-care: Encourage your partner to take care of themselves and grow personally. Make time for it. When you both respect and support each other’s self-care, it makes the relationship stronger and helps both of you feel good.
  8. Schedule regular check-ins: Set aside time to regularly discuss your individual needs, feelings, and personal growth with your partner. These check-ins can help you stay connected and ensure that both partners are on the same page. [18]
A table that outlines the importance of self-love and self-care in a healthy relationship

Pros of self-love and self-care in a relationship:

Cons of neglecting self-love and self-care in a relationship:


Figuring out if someone loves you can be hard. It means watching their actions, words, and behaviors and talking openly and honestly. If you’re having trouble understanding your partner’s feelings, or if the relationship is stressful, think about getting help from a therapist.

Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences below. Your comments can help and encourage others in similar situations. If you’ve thought about or tried online therapy for relationship issues, we’d like to hear your experience.


How can I tell the difference between true love and mere desire or infatuation?

True love is a strong, passionate bond built on mutual trust and respect. It's the type of connection that lasts beyond physical attraction and mere emotion - it requires commitment from both partners to thrive. In contrast, infatuation or desire can be based merely on superficial values like good looks or momentary feelings.

What traits or acts might a man exhibit if he is not truly in love?

When a man isn't genuinely in love, his conduct may display signs of instability, minimal communication, and reluctance to pledge himself wholly to the romance.


  1. Social Self: Why Eye Contact is Important in Communication
  2. Stanford: To understand how people think, look to their actions, not their words, Stanford scholar says
  3. Body Language Central: What does it mean when a guy makes you laugh?
  4. Psychological Facts: 25 Mind-Blowing Psychology Facts About Guys In Love
  5. Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship Patterns
  6. Western Governors University: For Husbands Only: Why Do I Need To Listen To My Wife's Feelings?
  7. Walden University: 10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship
  8. Walden University: 10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship
  9. Merrimack College: HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS
  10. Scholar Works: When A Man Love A Woman
  11. The Greater Good Science Center: 10 Pillars of a Strong Relationship
  12. Psychology Today: How to Tell if a Relationship Is Actually Working
  13. The Role of Appreciation in Relationships: A Journal Study
  14. The Role of Appreciation in Relationships: A Journal Study
  15. Research Gate: Infatuation, Romantic Relationship and Learning Behaviour among School Going Adolescents
  16. Research Gate: Learning Healthy Relationships
  17. Research Gate: Mutual and unrequited love in adolescence and young adulthood
  18. Jamie Grace: How To Get Over A Guy That Doesn't Like You Back
  19. Research Gate: Loving Oneself and Its Importance in Relationships

Understanding Love Addiction: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

What Is It?
Negative Impact
Helpful Products

Love addiction is a disorder that causes someone to become overwhelmingly dependent on another person or relationship. It can involve constantly seeking out new romantic relationships, displaying intense neediness or possessiveness, and using the other person as an emotional crutch.

- Childhood trauma, like a lack of affection and neglect in childhood
- Physical or emotional abuse
- Genetics
- Low self-esteem
- Codependency
- Isolation
- You have addictive personality traits
- Unresolved emotional challenges and problematic feelings
- Social norms

- Need constant reassurance from romantic partners
- Intense romantic love
- Reward seeking behavior
- Always seeking romantic love
- Feeling constantly anxious or insecure when not with the other person
- Being unable to focus on anything else besides your love interest
- Always wanting to please the other person and change yourself accordingly

- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Psychodynamic therapy
- Group therapy or support groups
- Antidepressants
- Mood stabilizers
- Medicines

- You may also find yourself in unhealthy and co-dependent relationships that are based on neediness, manipulation, and control
- Feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression
- Jealousy and possessiveness
- You neglect your friends and family
- Unrealistic expectations
- Lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder
- It can lead to anxiety and depression

Love is a strong feeling that can make people happy. But if it gets too intense, it can turn into an addiction. This kind of addiction is a big problem. It can hurt the body, feelings, and mind. It can also lead to bad relationships and drug abuse.

In this blog, we'll talk about why love addiction happens, the bad effects, and how to treat it.

What is the definition of love addiction?

Love addiction makes a person rely too much on someone else or a relationship. They always want new love partners, act very needy, and use others for emotional support.

This addiction is a type of codependency. It causes problems everywhere in life, such as toxic or abusive relationships and unhealthy behaviors. Love addictions are a form of behavioral addiction. [1]

A couple getting married

So, what causes love addiction?

Important note: Young men who are navigating the complex world of teen dating might unknowingly develop unhealthy attachment patterns that can evolve into love addiction in their later years. Our comprehensive guide on Teen Dating Advice for Guys offers valuable insights to help young men understand, nurture, and navigate their relationships effectively.

What are the signs of love addiction?

Pro tip: Are you often caught in the whirlwind of emotions, struggling to decipher if your partner's affection is genuine or stems from an unhealthy attachment? To navigate through this complexity, we recommend reading our insightful article, "How Do I Tell If He Loves Me?"

What are the negative impacts of love addiction?

Love addiction treatment

Therapy for love addiction

A table that outlines the treatment and medication for love addiction

Self-help can help, but many times, you need a professional to deal with love addiction. Therapists give special advice and support based on your needs. In this part, we'll talk about different ways therapists can help and why professional help is good for beating love addiction.

Types of Therapy for Love Addiction:

Medication for love addiction

Medication for love addiction

Ways to work on yourself

A woman going for therapy and sharing her story

Personal Stories: Triumph Over Love Addiction


David, 46, is recovering from sex and love addiction. He tried to take his own life 20 months ago because of the stress from living a double life. At first, he thought sex addiction was his main problem. But after getting sober, he saw that love addiction was the real issue. David expected too much from his partners and made them his whole world. When they didn’t meet his expectations, he felt angry and turned to sex addiction.

David didn’t have a bad childhood, but he always felt he wasn’t good enough. He tried to be who his dad wanted him to be. His dad, a tough rugby player, wanted something different than what David, a sensitive boy who loved poetry, was. David wanted his dad’s approval. This, and a twisted view of relationships, led to his love addiction. He learned early not to trust his feelings and thought they were wrong. So, he hid his feelings and replaced sadness with anger. This kept the cycle of bad relationships going.[9]


Patric, addicted to sex, love, and fantasy, was stuck in a harmful cycle after breaking up with her ex. She couldn't stop thinking about her ex with someone new and would wake up shaking. Even though she had been sober from alcohol and drugs for 6 years, the pain and loneliness from the breakup made her think about suicide.

To try to feel better, Patric watched pornography every day and visited prostitutes. But this only helped for a short time. She would end up feeling lost again, missing her ex and using sex to try to forget the pain. She felt stuck and couldn’t escape her sadness. When she hit rock bottom, she found SLAA and started to understand her addiction and its control over her.[10]


A woman in Madrid is 50 days into recovering from sex and love addiction. There are no SLAA meetings in her city, so she talks on the phone with her SLAA sponsor from another part of Spain. She works hard on her recovery every day. But sometimes, she doubts if she can regain her self-respect and connect with herself and her Higher Power. The emotional shifts she's going through affect her body. She feels like she's not seen, feels unattractive, and unworthy.

Even with these struggles, she’s set on not going back to her old painful life where she felt so bad, she wanted to die. Talking to other women who are also recovering gives her hope. Hearing their stories of finding answers helps her keep going on her path to healing and learning about herself. [11]

Are you struggling to decipher the true nature of your partner's love? Our latest article, "How Do I Tell If He Loves Me?", delves into the complexities of love and helps you distinguish between genuine affection and unhealthy attachment patterns.


Love addiction can hurt your well-being and stop you from having good relationships. If you're dealing with this, seeing a therapist can be key to learning how to have healthier relationships. Taking care of and loving yourself is also vital. It can help you build and keep positive relationships later on.

We invite you to add your voice below and share your thoughts and experiences with love addiction. Your words can help and encourage others going through the same issues.


How can I tell if I'm addicted to love?

Common signs include obsessive thoughts about a partner, an inability to focus on other aspects of life, a need for frequent validation from your partner, and strong feelings of jealousy or possessiveness. If you relate to any of these signs, it’s important to seek professional help.

What are some tips for starting a healthier lifestyle?

Start with small steps to healthier habits like sleeping enough, eating healthy food often, and regular exercise. Know the triggers that could make you fall back into old habits. Also, reward yourself when you make progress in getting better.


  1. Project MUSE: Addicted to Love
  2. Psyche Central: All About ‘Love Addiction’: Signs, Causes, and Treatment
  3. Link Springer: The Love Addiction Inventory: Preliminary Findings
  4. Psychologs: Is love an addiction
  5. American Addiction Centers: Signs of Codependency & Addiction (Impacts & Negative Effects)
  6. European Journal of Psychiatry: Treatment of love addiction: Current status and perspectives
  7. European Journal of Psychiatry: Treatment of love addiction: Current status and perspectives
  8. PsychAlive: Love Addictions: Do You Have an Unhealthy Addiction to Love?
  9. SLAA UK: I want to be US not ME
  10. SLAA UK: Sex and Love addiction crippled me worse than substance abuse
  11. SLAA UK: 50 days in SLAA without meetings

Understand And Get A Fresh Perspective On Anxious Avoidant Attachment (AAA)

What Is It?
How It Forms
How To Overcome
Helpful Products

Anxious avoidant attachment, also known as dismissive avoidant attachment, is an attachment style characterized by a person's difficulty in establishing close emotional connections with others while simultaneously desiring intimacy.

- Inconsistent caregivingu003cbru003e- Emotional neglectu003cbru003e- Dismissive parentingu003cbru003e- Lack of physical affectionu003cbru003e- High parental expectationsu003cbru003e- Trauma or loss

- Emotional distanceu003cbru003e- Difficulty expressing emotionsu003cbru003e- Discomfort with closenessu003cbru003e- Dismissive of others' feelingsu003cbru003e- Fear of rejection or abandonmentu003cbru003e- Overemphasis on self-relianceu003cbru003e- Limited emotional supportu003cbru003e- Difficulty trusting othersu003cbru003e- Avoidance of commitmentu003cbru003e- Disregard for attachment

- Recognize the signs of anxious avoidant attachment in yourself and reflect on how these patterns may be affecting your relationships
- Understand the origins
- Acknowledge your feelings
- Seek therapy
- Develop self-compassion
- Practice trust-building
- Set healthy boundaries
- Identify and challenge negative beliefs you may hold about relationships
- Slowly push yourself to be more emotionally open with trusted friends or partners
- Foster secure relationships
- Remember that change takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself

u003cimg class=u0022wp-image-996u0022 style=u0022width: 150px;u0022 src=u0022 alt=u0022u0022u003eu003cbru003eu003ca href=u0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noopeneru0022 title=u0022u0022u003eAnxious Attachment Recovery: Move From Anxious Attachment to Secure and Build Intimate Relationshipsu003c/au003e

Have you ever felt like your emotions are like a wild ride at an amusement park when you're hanging out with friends or family? Or maybe, it's tough for you to trust people and feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you're close to them? If that sounds like you, you might be experiencing something called Anxious Avoidant Attachment, or AAA for short. Some people also call it Fearful Avoidant Attachment.

In this chat, we're going to explore what AAA is all about, where it comes from, and share some cool tips to help you feel happier and more comfy in your relationships with friends and family. Cool, right? Let's dive in!

What is Anxious Avoidant Attachment (AAA)?

Anxious Avoidant Attachment is like being super shy and not wanting to be around people because it makes you feel uncomfortable. Imagine if every time you thought about hanging out with friends, you felt like you might do something silly and everyone would laugh at you. That’s kind of what people with this feel like all the time.

People who have this often worry so much about humiliation that they avoid others. It's not just being a little shy - it's feeling this way a lot, and it can make it hard to make friends or even talk to people.

It's something that doctors and counselors can help with, so if someone feels this way, they should talk to an adult about it. They don’t have to feel stuck like this forever - there are ways to learn to be more comfortable around others! [1]

Pro tip: If you're looking to overcome your anxious-avoidant attachment, we suggest having a look at The Best 5 Books On Overcoming Anxious Avoidant Attachment. These books will guide you, and teach to to help yourself.

Origins of Anxious-Avoidant Attachment

Anxious-avoidant attachment often has its roots in childhood experiences, which play a significant role in shaping our attachment styles.

A table that outlines the behavior, impact, cause, and risk factors associated with Anxious-Avoidant Attachment

Childhood Experiences

Some kids who don't get steady and reliable care from their parents or guardians might end up with an anxious-avoidant attachment style. This means that sometimes their caregivers are there for them, and other times they're not, which can be confusing.

Because of this, the kids might not trust their caregivers much and might feel like they're on their own when it comes to dealing with their feelings.

So, these kids learn to depend on themselves a lot and try not to share their feelings with others because it feels safer that way. They might avoid getting too close to people because they're not sure if they can count on them to be there when needed. [2]

Parenting Styles

The way parents act can play a big part in making a kid feel this anxious-avoidant attachment. If parents are too strict or don't pay enough attention to their kids, it can make the kids feel like they're all alone and can't count on anyone.

They might become scared to get close to people because they worry about being let down or pushed away. So, they try to keep their distance to avoid those bad feelings. [3]

Factors Contributing to AAA Development in Childhood

Caregivers with mental illnesses that hinder their ability to provide necessary support, such as:

Caregiver behaviors that influence a child's attachment style, including:

Signs of a Fearful Avoidant Attachment Style graphic

Signs of a Fearful Avoidant Attachment Style

Individuals with a fearful avoidant attachment style may exhibit the following behaviors:

Note: It's recommended to seek romantic partners with a secure attachment style to avoid toxic relationships. [5]

Overcoming Anxious-Avoidant Attachment

Getting past anxious-avoidant attachment means understanding your own feelings and thoughts better, thinking about them, and deciding to work on making your relationships stronger and healthier.

Self-Awareness and Reflection

The first step to stop feeling so scared and nervous about getting close to people is to understand your own feelings. Consider how you behave around others and how it might connect to your scared and nervous feelings.

Remember, the way you feel has a lot to do with things that happened in the past, but it's important to know that you can change and feel better. You're not stuck feeling this way forever!

Building Secure Attachment Patterns

To build secure attachment patterns, consider the following strategies:

Seeking Professional Help

If you're having a hard time with feeling too scared and nervous to get close to people, it's okay to ask for help. Talking to a online therapy or counselor can help you feel better. They're like helpers who listen to your worries and help you figure them out.

There are even therapists on the internet you can talk to, so you can get help without leaving your home. You don’t have to face these tough feelings alone; there are people who can support you!

  1. Medications, such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and beta blockers, to alleviate anxiety symptoms and make it easier to manage triggers

AAA is a tricky way of feeling, but you can definitely get through it with the right help. Talking to a therapist, especially one online, can be super helpful. They can help you understand your feelings better and figure out ways to change the things you want to change.

If you feel like being too scared or nervous is getting in the way of having good friendships or relationships, don't worry. You can use the tips from this blog and talk to a professional who can help you work through those feelings. You're not alone, and there are people who care and want to help you feel better!


What are the consequences of anxious-avoidant attachment?

Those with insecure attachment styles have difficulty forming and maintaining meaningful relationships. They struggle to trust others, feel insecure in their adult relationships and are prone to feelings of abandonment.

How can I overcome anxious-avoidant attachment?

Imagine if sometimes you feel really worried and it makes it hard to make friends or be close to people. It's okay because there's help! You can talk to a special kind of helper, like a therapist, who knows a lot about feelings. They can teach you cool ways to not feel so worried and make it easier to have friends.

How does anxious-avoidant attachment manifest in adulthood?

An anxious-avoidant attachment is like when someone , really wants to be close friends with others and feel a strong connection, but at the same time, they are very scared of getting hurt or rejected. So, it’s like they are always in a tug-of-war with themselves. They want to pull people close, but their fear pushes people away. It’s like wanting to join in a game with friends but being too scared that you might lose or that they might not like playing with you. So, you end up not joining in at all, even though you really wanted to play.


  1. Taylorfrancis: Patterns of Attachment
  2. Psych Alive: Disorganized Attachment
  3. Very Well Mind: Research Methods in Developmental Psychology
  4. Taylorfrancis: Patterns of Attachment
  5. Sage Journals: Adult Romantic Attachment
  6. How to Heal Your Attachment Style and Become Secure
  7. NLM: Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications, Second Edition
  8. Mindsplain: Patterns-of-Attachment

⚠️Disclaimer: The information provided on this health blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Is My Boyfriend Cheating? Signs to look out for

It can be incredibly unsettling when you feel like someone is hiding something from you. If that person happens to be your boyfriend, the feeling of betrayal and mistrust can take over every aspect of your relationship.

The fear of being cheated on can weigh heavily on a person's mind-- but how do you know if your gut feeling is valid? In this blog post, we'll discuss the signs that indicate a cheating boyfriend so that you can get to the heart of what's going on in your relationship.

To effectively answer the question, is my boyfriend cheating? You need to take an overall account and not focus on one aspect only to know if your boyfriend is cheating.

Look for the warning signs of your boyfriend's behavior

In your own relationship, gather evidence of your boyfriend cheating.

Confront him about his cheating


What should I do if my boyfriend admits to cheating on me?

If your boyfriend admits to cheating on you, staying calm and listening to what he has to say is essential. Ask him why he cheated and how he intends to make it up to you. If talking does not help, consider getting professional counseling to work through the issue. Ultimately, it is up to you.

What are some ways to prevent cheating in a relationship?

Be honest with each other and communicate openly. Make sure you trust each other, set clear boundaries, and respect your partner's wishes. Spend quality time together and focus on strengthening your bond. If necessary, consider getting professional help if there are trust issues.


Infidelity Beliefs and Behaviours: A Broad Examination of Cheating in Romantic Relationships

Scripps College of Communication of Ohio University: The Secrets of Infidelity

University of West Georgia: A Discourse Analytic Approach to Accusations of Infidelity

Social Networking Sites and Online Infidelity

All You Need To Know About Couples Therapy

What Is It?
Who Should Consider It?
Helpful Products

Couple's therapy, also known as relationship therapy or marital therapy, is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and strengthening the emotional connection between partners in a romantic relationship.

- Gottman methodu003cbru003e- Imago relationship therapy (IRT)u003cbru003e- Solutions-focused therapyu003cbru003e- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

- Improved communicationu003cbru003e- Conflict resolutionu003cbru003e- Enhanced emotional intimacyu003cbru003e- Strengthened bondu003cbru003e- Understanding patternsu003cbru003e- Personal growthu003cbru003e- Increased satisfactionu003cbru003e- Preventing future issuesu003cbru003e- Support during transitionsu003cbru003e- Rebuilding trust

- Gay or straight partnershipsu003cbru003e- Relationships between different racesu003cbru003e- College or young teen partnershipsu003cbru003e- Relationships with a big age difference

u003cimg class=u0022wp-image-1000u0022 style=u0022width: 150px;u0022 src=u0022 alt=u0022u0022u003eu003cbru003eu003ca href=u0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noopeneru0022 title=u0022u0022u003eCommunicate Your Feelings (without starting a fight): What to Say and What Not to Say to Your Partner (Mental u0026amp; Emotional Wellness)u003c/au003e

Recent studies have found that over 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce. Research indicates that couples therapy improves relationships and can prevent divorce. Even, if there are many factors that can influence a couple's decision to separate.

What is couples therapy?

Couples therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on assisting couples in strengthening their bond and resolving disputes. Couples counseling, aims to help resolve conflict, improve communication skills, and understand each other better.

The Role of a Couples Therapist

A couples therapist is a trained professional who helps partners identify and resolve conflicts, improve communication, and foster a deeper understanding of each other's needs and desires. They employ various therapeutic techniques and strategies to guide couples in developing healthier relationship dynamics. [1]

A couple holding hands

Types of therapy

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

Emotionally Focused Therapy is an attachment-based approach that aims to help couples develop a secure emotional bond. EFT focuses on identifying and understanding the underlying emotions that drive negative interaction patterns and helps couples develop healthier communication methods.

By fostering a deeper emotional connection, couples can build trust, resolve conflicts, and create lasting change in their relationships.

Gottman Method

The Gottman Method, developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman is based on extensive research on the factors contributing to healthy, long-lasting relationships. This approach improves communication, conflict resolution, and emotional connection by teaching couples specific skills and techniques.

The Gottman Method emphasizes the importance of nurturing friendship, sharing fondness and admiration, turning towards each other, and managing conflicts constructively.

Imago Relationship Therapy

Imago Relationship Therapy, created by Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt, is based on the idea that individuals unconsciously choose partners who resemble their early caregivers. This approach helps couples understand the underlying emotional triggers from their past and how these patterns impact their current relationships.

Through structured dialogues and exercises, couples learn to communicate more effectively, empathize with their partner's experiences, and foster a deeper emotional connection.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for couples focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to relationship problems. CBT helps couples recognize their unhelpful beliefs, assumptions, and expectations about each other and work together to develop healthier communication and problem-solving strategies.

Couples can develop a more satisfying and resilient partnership by targeting the cognitive and behavioral aspects of relationships.

Solutions-focused therapy

Solutions-Focused Therapy (SFT) is a goal-oriented approach that emphasizes the strengths and resources of couples to help them build a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship. Instead of focusing on past problems or conflicts, SFT encourages couples to identify their desired outcomes and work collaboratively to develop practical, achievable solutions.

By highlighting existing strengths and building on what already works, Solutions-Focused Therapy helps couples create positive change, enhance communication, and foster a greater sense of connection and partnership. [2]

A coupling sitting in therapy

Who should seek couples therapy?

What you need to know about couples therapy

Points involving therapy sessions

The initial counseling session often starts with basic interview questions concerning the history of the relationship. Afterward, sessions will probably delve deeply into:

What does a couples therapy session involve?

The couples therapist, or marriage counseling therapist, entails a number of sessions with a qualified therapist who focuses on couples therapy. The couple's therapist will work with both partners to identify and treat the specific relationship issues that each individual partner is experiencing in the relationship.

The therapist will assist each partner in communicating their ideas, feelings, and needs during these sessions. [3]

A table illustrating some of the typical issues couples therapists help address

Types of issues couples therapists help with

When to Consider Couples Therapy

Communication breakdown

When partners struggle to communicate effectively, it can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and emotional distance. Couples therapy can help by teaching new communication skills and facilitating open, honest conversations between partners.

Example: Jane and John constantly argued over seemingly trivial matters. Through couples therapy, they learned to express their thoughts and feelings more effectively, which improved their understanding of each other and reduced the frequency and intensity of their arguments.

Infidelity and trust issues

Couples dealing with infidelity or trust issues can benefit from therapy by addressing the underlying problems and rebuilding trust in a safe, supportive environment.

Example: After Sarah discovered that her partner, Tom, had an affair, they decided to attend couples therapy. The therapist helped them explore the reasons behind the infidelity, develop strategies for rebuilding trust, and establish healthier boundaries in their relationship.

Major life transitions

Couples facing significant changes, such as moving, career changes, or having children, may benefit from therapy as they navigate these challenges together.

Example: When Lisa and Mark decided to start a family, they struggled to adjust to their new roles as parents. Couples therapy helped them develop coping strategies and improve communication, allowing them to adapt to their unique situation more effectively.

Conflict resolution

Couples who cannot resolve conflicts healthily can learn new strategies for handling disagreements through therapy, leading to a more harmonious relationship.

Example: Emily and Brian attended couples therapy to address their ongoing financial conflicts. The therapist helped them identify their values and beliefs around money and develop a mutually acceptable budget plan.

Intimacy issues

Couples facing emotional or physical intimacy issues can benefit from therapy by exploring the root causes and working together to rebuild closeness and connection.

Example: After several years of marriage, Karen and Paul noticed their emotional and physical intimacy was fading. Couples therapy helped them identify underlying issues, such as unresolved resentment and unmet emotional needs, allowing them to rekindle their connection. [4]

An older couple getting therapy

How to Find the Right Couples Therapist


Look for a therapist who is trained and experienced in couples therapy. They should have a degree in psychology, counseling, or a related field and be licensed or registered with a professional organization in their region. Some therapists also have additional certifications in specific therapeutic approaches, such as Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) or the Gottman Method.


Ask friends or family members if they can recommend a couples therapist they found helpful. Personal recommendations can be valuable, as they come from people who have experienced the therapist's approach firsthand. However, remember that what works for one couple might not necessarily work for another.

Online resources

Use online directories and review websites to search for couples therapists in your area. Websites like Psychology Today, GoodTherapy, and the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) offer searchable databases that allow you to filter results based on location, specialization, and other criteria.

Therapeutic approach

Research different therapeutic approaches to couples therapy, such as EFT, the Gottman Method, or Imago Relationship Therapy. Once you understand these methods better, you can look for therapists who specialize in the approach that resonates most with you and your partner.


Many therapists offer an initial consultation for free or at a reduced cost. Use this opportunity to ask questions, discuss your concerns, and understand the therapist's style and approach. It's essential for both you and your partner to feel comfortable and confident in the therapist's ability to help you.


Remember that a solid therapeutic alliance, or the connection between the therapist and the clients, is essential for successful therapy. Look for an empathetic, respectful, and non-judgmental therapist with whom you and your partner feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings.

Practical considerations

Consider the therapist's office location, availability, and fees. Ensure their schedule aligns with yours and their prices are within your budget. Some therapists offer sliding scale fees or accept insurance, which can help make therapy more affordable.

A couple getting therapy

What to Expect in Couples Therapy Sessions

Session length

Couples therapy sessions usually last between 50 minutes to 1 hour, although some therapists may offer longer sessions if needed. In some cases, especially in the beginning or during intensive therapy, sessions may last up to 1.5 to 2 hours.


Couples therapy sessions are typically scheduled once weekly or every other week, depending on the couple's needs and the therapist's recommendation. Some therapists may suggest more frequent sessions in the beginning or during particularly challenging times, while others may attend space sessions further apart as progress is made.

Activities and exercises

Couples therapy sessions often involve a combination of discussion, reflection, and practical exercises designed to help couples improve their communication, understand each other's perspectives, and develop new skills for managing conflicts and solving problems. Some everyday activities and exercises include:

Individual sessions

In some cases, the therapist may recommend individual sessions for each partner in addition to couples sessions. This can help address personal issues contributing to relationship difficulties and provide a safe space for each partner to explore their feelings and experiences. [5]

5 benefits of couples therapy infographic

Ways couples therapy can benefit

Can improve relationship satisfaction

Couples therapy provides partners with the tools and techniques to improve their relationship satisfaction. Couples can work together by addressing underlying issues, fostering open communication, and building emotional intimacy to create a more fulfilling and harmonious partnership. 

This process may involve setting realistic expectations, identifying shared values and goals, and cultivating a mutual understanding's needs and desires.

Building Trust and Emotional Intimacy

Couples therapy also aims to nurture trust and emotional intimacy between partners. By addressing unresolved issues and fostering open communication, couples can establish a strong foundation of trust and develop a deeper emotional bond.

Improves problem-solving skills

Couples therapy equips partners with assertive communication techniques, active listening, and problem-solving strategies that enable them to collaborate effectively in resolving conflicts. By applying these methods, both individuals can reach mutually satisfying solutions to their disagreements, fostering a healthier relationship dynamic.

Increase self-awareness

Through couples therapy, partners gain insights into their attitudes, emotions, and behaviors, allowing them to recognize how these factors contribute to relationship challenges. Increased self-awareness promotes personal growth and facilitates more empathetic and constructive partner interactions.

It helps to build trust.

Couples therapy helps partners develop trust in their ability to manage relationship ups and downs. As they enhance their communication and problem-solving skills, they also become more adept at handling challenges in other aspects of their lives, contributing to a stronger sense of self and a more resilient partnership.

It helps to find a better relationship dynamic.

Addressing relationship issues and improving communication and connection through couples therapy enables partners to alleviate emotional stress and enhance their mental and emotional well-being. Working together can create a more supportive and satisfying relationship dynamic.

Assistance to increase intimacy

Couples counseling assists partners in identifying factors that may be impacting their intimacy and guides how to strengthen their emotional bond. By addressing these issues, teams can work together to nurture a more profound sense of connection and closeness.

Improve reflective listening and communication.

A therapist guides partners through active listening and helps them develop practical interpersonal skills during couples therapy. As partners learn to listen and respond to each other empathetically, they foster a deeper understanding and connection, promoting a healthier and more harmonious relationship. [6]


  1. Research Gate: Couple Therapy
  2. Handbook of Couples Therapy
  4. Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy: Status and Challenges
  6. Benefits and Risks of Couples Therapy


What do you think is the biggest misconception about couples therapy?

That therapy only serves as a "last resort" for couples on the brink of divorce. It's important to know that couples counseling is beneficial not just for crisis intervention, but also for the prevention of potential issues and strengthening existing relationships.

Can couple therapy save a relationship?

Yes, marriage and family therapists can help to restore a relationship that has been damaged due to conflict or other issues. It does depend on if you want to work towards a solution with your partner with the help of our couples therapist.

Is there anything that is off-limits for relationship counseling?

No, couples therapy is meant to be an open and honest forum for both partners to express their concerns and work together on finding a solution. No topic should be off-limits unless it violates the ethical standards of the therapist.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content of this video is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Consult a qualified health professional for any medical concerns.