How to Overcome Self-hatred and Build Self-love

How to overcome self-hatred and build self-love is a critical challenge in this generation, as self-loathing is increasingly prevalent and can affect anyone with negative thought patterns. Those who experience self-loathing often engage in self-criticism and harsh self-judgment.

Various factors contribute to self-hate, which can lead to severe depression, unrealistic expectations, substance abuse, mental health conditions, and even suicidal thoughts. Therefore, it's crucial to address and transform these self-hating patterns into self-love.

A woman examines a fragmented reflection of herself in a broken mirror, symbolizing the complex journey of healing and self-reflection in the process of how to overcome self-hatred and build self-love.

How To Overcome Self-loathing Thoughts

Here are some ways to develop self-worth:

Practice Meditation or Mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises and meditation are beneficial techniques that encourage you to disregard self-deprecating thoughts and judgments, negative inner criticism, and many other self-loathing patterns. Consider exercising grounding techniques, deep breathing, or mindfully engaging in a favorite activity when feelings of self-loathing arise. Distract yourself from self-loathing thoughts by engaging in an activity you appreciate. [2]

Acknowledge and Enjoy Compliments

Accepting praise and compliments is difficult when you have a negative self-image. It could even seem strange and unsettling, prompting you to downplay its significance.

Learning how to receive a compliment takes practice, but you can do it! Say "thank you" and leave it at that the next time someone compliments you. Don't be tempted to respond with extreme self-criticism or dismissal. Remember to always move with positive people.

Practice Self-compassion

Those battling self-hatred frequently show a lack of empathy and self-care for themselves. Practicing self-compassion is essential in every aspect of life. Although it may seem complicated when you first start to practice self-compassion, it will become easier. One method to use in practicing self-compassion is always to treat yourself the same way you would treat a close friend or family member when they make a mistake. [3]

Self-compassion-focused therapy entails treating oneself with kindness and understanding rather than harshly evaluating and blaming oneself for the mistake. After all, nobody is perfect.

Find Opportunities to Reaffirm and Praise Yourself

Finding opportunities to praise yourself and do some positive self-talk is essential to counteract your low self-esteem. If you took a shower today, this is the ideal time to congratulate yourself for prioritizing your sanitation. Try rewarding yourself for employing self-soothing techniques when negative thoughts arise. Reinforcement and praise effectively increase desired behaviors, thereby displacing negative emotions and we believe the book, DEEP CLEARING: Balance Your Emotions, Let Go Of Inner & Outer Negativity, Shift To Higher Consciousness should help you achieve this.

Reframe Judgments as Facts

Judgments about oneself, such as "I'm a bad friend for talking behind her back," are a common manifestation of self-loathing. Try reframing these opinions as facts when you feel them coming on: "I was concerned about my buddy, so I talked to another one to gain ideas on how to help her." Removing the judgmental undertones from words like these allows you to assess whether your actions reflect your principles.

Make a Timeline of Self-Loathing to Explore its Roots

To validate your feelings and make adjustments, getting insight into the underlying causes of your behavior is helpful. Describe the first time you felt shame, the most recent time, and any critical moments. Recall times when you witnessed others engaging in self-defeating actions.

See a Therapist

Seeing a therapist could be beneficial if you are experiencing mental health difficulties. Although it is possible to change your perspective on your own, a therapist or an online therapy program can help you deal with past trauma, emotional reaction, negative inner critic challenges, and low self-esteem. A therapist can help change your self-destructive behaviors more swiftly and guide you toward more constructive thought patterns and mental health conditions.

An illustrated representation of self-care activities such as finding a hobby, exercising, getting adequate sleep, enjoying hot coffee, and connecting with friends, emphasizing the journey of how to overcome self-hatred and build self-love.

Take Care of Yourself

Instead of engaging in self-destructive actions, you should practice self-care. This strategy entails taking care of your physical and mental health by engaging in all activities that will keep you in good spirits. Eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, limit your use of social media and electronic devices, spend time in nature, and speak compassionately to yourself, to name a few self-care practices.

A grayscale photo of an individual hugging their knees close, conveying a moment of solitude and contemplation, symbolizing the theme of how to overcome self-hatred and build self-love.

Why Should You Overcome Self-hatred?

Self-loathing is toxic and detrimental to one's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This feeling significantly contributes to depression, negative inner voice, worthlessness, low self-esteem, mental health issues, negative thoughts, and despair. [4]

You can learn to stop your self-hating thoughts and turn self-loathing into loving yourself by employing the appropriate methods.

There are different steps to developing self-love. The first step toward solving the problem is replacing your black-and-white thinking with more constructive, empowering ideas. Some other ways to build self-love include physical activity, meditation, journaling, and time spent in nature.

A man sits despondently on the edge of an unmade bed in a dimly lit room, looking down, epitomizing the struggle depicted in how to overcome self hatred and build self love.

What Causes Self-Hatred?

Below are some causes of self-loathing.

Traumatic Experiences

Some people develop thoughts of self-loathing after experiencing trauma at a young age. Some of these traumatic events include experiencing violence or a natural disaster. Even high school bullying can make some people feel terrible about themselves. Self-loathing can affect your mental health and well-being regardless of its origin or causes. [5]

Environmental Triggers

You may find yourself provoked by things that remind you of an unpleasant past event. For instance, a new coworker may remind you of a previous negative work experience you had while working at another place. Or a new acquaintance may talk about that your unpleasant childhood memory.

If your emotional response to a situation seems disproportionate to the circumstances, you may need to do more work to identify the factors holding you back. The assistance of a therapist or other mental health professional may facilitate the process.

Mental Health Problems

A mental health disorder, such as depression or anxiety, can cause self-loathing. Depression, for instance, can lead to a feeling of worthlessness because it is associated with ​hopelessness, guilt, and humiliation. [6]

You may begin to have a pessimistic outlook on yourself even more as these conditions shape your thinking. As a result, you may start to feel like people don't love you at all.

You can take this quick depression test to confirm if you have depression.

Attempts to Please Others

You may have picked meeting other people's expectations as a strategy for establishing and maintaining positive social relationships. Many people feel they can achieve well-being by using the positive reactions of others around them. This flawed thinking can easily lead to highly dependent habits, making you strive to live up to the standards set by others.

The inability to fulfill the expectations of others or the knowledge that you've let someone down can be devastating. This feeling that you've failed or are unworthy can result in self-hate.


When you look in the mirror after doing your hair, you might only like what you see if it matches the photo of the magazine cover model you were trying to emulate. When you put on clothes, they may not fit the way you imagined they would, which can lead to feelings of disgust with yourself. You might develop a critical attitude toward yourself if you don't change this mentality. Negative self-talk and even thoughts about your past mistakes may creep into your internal monologue. In such a situation, believing in yourself, loving yourself, and overcoming your negative feelings about yourself is crucial.

Meta Description

Self-loathing can stop you from achieving your goals. Thus, building self-love is essential. Learn how to overcome self-hatred and build self-love in this guide.


What are the roots of self-loathing?

Self-hate can stem from negative inner criticism, bullying, trauma, environmental triggers, and bad relationships.

How can I start liking myself?

You can build self-love by caring for yourself, identifying your strengths, and avoiding comparing yourself to others. It would be best if you also focus on positive reasoning.


  1. 'The last thing you feel is the self-disgust'. The role of self-directed disgust in men who have attempted suicide: A grounded theory study
  2. Mindfulness and meditation exercises
  3. The Role of Self-Compassion in Development: A Healthier Way to Relate to Oneself
  4. Self-disgust as a potential mechanism underlying the association between PTSD and suicide risk
  5. The Long Term Effects of Bullying
  6. What is depression?

How To Co-Parent With Someone You Hate - A Quick Guide

Understanding how to co-parent with someone you hate is crucial for your child's well-being, especially after a parental separation. While separation can impact a child's mental health, school-aged kids often benefit from Joint Physical Custody, spending equal time with both parents.

Despite the natural feelings of hatred that may arise post-relationship, it's essential to manage these emotions for effective co-parenting. This article offers guidance on re-establishing a functional relationship with your ex for the sake of your child.

Why Co-Parenting is Important?

A smiling woman in a blue dress lovingly holds a joyful baby, both looking at the camera in a post about how to co-parent with someone you hate

Co-parenting is a crucial aspect of childrearing after separation or divorce. The reason why it is important is backed by research data, which has shown that high-quality co-parenting can contribute to promoting a positive emotional family climate and affecting child mental health and social adjustment positively [1].

Children whose parents work together harmoniously in childrearing issues tend to fare better in various aspects of their lives. They have a lower risk of experiencing adjustment problems, such as academic difficulties, substance use problems, disruptive behavior, and depressed mood. Additionally, they are less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior, live in poverty, or experience family instability [2].

Did You Know? Self Harming is a coping mechanism that children practice in complicated situations like parental separation. In such situations, they get confused and think that their parents hate them. Co-Parenting can avoid such situations if you keep a healthy relationship with your ex and your kid.

How To Co-Parent With Someone You Hate

Set a Co-Parenting Arrangement

You are divorced because you cannot get along with your ex, but that does not mean you don't have to see them. You must remember how important it is for the child to have two parents. Establishing a co-parenting arrangement is essential so that both of you can be involved in the child's life and co-parenting can be successful.

Make a Custody Calendar

The agreement should include a detailed custody calendar that shows who will have the child on holidays, weekends, and school days. Be sure to keep the custody arrangements consistent so that the child will not be confused.

Communicate Via Text or Email

It is better to communicate via text or email to prevent tension. This will help to keep communication minimal and allow you and your ex to remain cordial. It is also important that any information concerning the child be shared in a timely manner.

Have a Parenting Plan

When your kid is in your custody, it is important to have a structure set up for the days that you are caring for them. This includes having a schedule, activities, and rules in place that are consistent with the other parent's rules. This will help to create a smoother transition between households.

Legal Documentation

If verbal agreements do not seem to work, you may consider consulting with a divorce coach for further assistance. This will help to ensure that both of your rights are protected and that the child's best interests are taken into consideration.

Cooperate With Your Co-Parent

Cooperative communication is a vital part of co-parenting. This means that both parents should be willing to listen to each other and respect their opinions. Additionally, they should strive to be consistent, honest, and kind when communicating with each other.

Be Consistent

It is important to maintain consistency in communication, expectations, and rules. This will help to reduce confusion and anxiety for the child. For example, if the other parent does not allow your child to watch television after school, then you should also follow that rule when they are in your care.

Have Respectful Communication With The Other Parent

Even though you may not agree with your ex about everything, try to be as respectful and civil as possible when communicating. This will create a more positive atmosphere for your child and help to foster a better relationship between their parents.


When issues arise, it is important to work out a compromise that is mutually beneficial. This will help to avoid conflict and ensure that both of your needs are being met.

Avoid Criticizing The Other Parent's Parenting Style

Everyone has their own parenting style, and it is important to recognize that. If you do not agree with the other parent's approach, then find a way to address the issue without criticizing them. This will allow you to provide constructive feedback in a respectful way.

Stop Bad Mouthing Your Ex

It's understandable if you're frustrated or even angry with your ex, but it's crucial to keep those negative emotions away from your child.

Children are intuitive and can pick up on tension and conflict, even if it's not explicitly spoken about. Bad-mouthing your ex can ultimately hurt your child and make them feel torn between two parents.

Prioritize Your Child's Life

A smiling woman in a blue dress lovingly holds a joyful baby, both looking at the camera in a post about how to co-parent with someone you hate

Remember that your child's life should always be the priority. Therefore, try to put the child's best interests first and be sure to keep their emotional needs in mind when making decisions.

For example, if your kids love to spend more time with one parent over the other, then try to accommodate that in your custody agreement. This will help to create a healthy environment for your child and make them feel secure.

Try to be good friends rather than just co-parents

No matter how acrimonious your relationship with your ex may be, it is important to make sure that the two of you remain friends. This means that you should still be willing to communicate with one another and take an active role in the child's life.

By working together as friends and being supportive of one another, you can create a nurturing environment for your kid that is free from conflict. That way, your child can develop a healthy relationship with both of their parents and feel secure in the knowledge that both parents are there for them.


Being able to successfully co-parent with someone you hate can be tricky. However, by following these tips and maintaining a positive attitude, it is possible to create an effective co-parenting arrangement that is beneficial for both you and your child.


What to do with a toxic co-parent?

If you find yourself in a conflict situation where your co-parent is being toxic, it is best to limit communication and rely on alternative methods such as email or text. Additionally, make sure to set boundaries and avoid engaging in arguments that can be harmful to your child's well-being. If the situation does not improve, it may be necessary to pursue legal action.

Is it OK to get rid of toxic parents?

Toxic parents can be damaging to a child's emotional well-being, so it is important to address the issue as soon as possible. If all attempts to de-escalate the situation have failed, it may be necessary to seek outside help from a mental health professional or even pursue legal action.


  1. Importance of living arrangements and coparenting quality for young children’s mental health after parental divorce
  2. Parental divorce or separation and children's mental health - PMC

Tips On How To Come Out To Your Parents

'How To Come Out To Your Parents' - as an LGBT teen can be both exhilarating and daunting. The prospect of sharing a significant part of your identity with loved ones can feel liberating, yet there's often worry about the impact on your familial relationships and their reaction.

Coming out is a deeply personal and emotional journey, necessitating thoughtful preparation and planning. Here are some tips and strategies to help you navigate this important conversation with your parents.

Joyful family embracing, symbolizing a supportive moment when someone might come out to their parents in a post about how to come out to your parents

Tips for preparing to come out to your parents

The process of preparing to come out to your parents as an LGBTQ adolescent can be a crucial one. As you get ready for this vital talk, keep the following suggestions in mind:

Try writing them a letter first

Consider writing a letter to your parents if you are not ready to have a direct conversation with them or prefer to communicate in writing.

Reflect on your feelings and identity

Consider your sentiments and identities before approaching your parents. It's crucial to give yourself some time to reflect on these issues. You may feel better prepared and in control of the conversation. Think about putting your ideas in writing or sharing them with a dependable ally or friend.

Consider Your Relationship With Your Parents

Every family is unique, so when getting ready to come out, it's crucial to consider how you and your parents interact. Consider their past interactions with challenging topics and whether you have any particular worries about how they handled them.

Seek out other family members

Many need to remember coming out to extended families such as aunts, uncles, and cousins. Even if coming out to them isn't essential for your peace of mind, it can open up the possibility of gaining more support from your LGBTQ community, even without parental involvement.

Reaching out to any close relatives who may have accepted their sexuality earlier can give insight into how they handled coming out and receiving acceptance. Knowing which family members have come before you on this path makes coming out more accessible and strengthens communication between yourself and the larger family unit.

Gather Support From Friends And Allies

Coming out can be a complicated process; therefore, having a network of friends and allies support is critical. Think about opening up to a close friend or relative you can trust or joining a support or therapy group.

Research Resources And Potential Challenges

As you get ready to come out, it's a good idea to look into resources and difficulties you might encounter. This can include details on LGBTQ+ rights in your area and tools for getting support and creating a welcoming, accepting community.

Diverse group of smiling young people holding a rainbow flag, representing unity and the joy of coming out to parents in a post about how to come out to your parents

Strategies for having the conversation

It's crucial to be ready and plan before conversing with your parents about who you are. Here are some tactics to take into account:

Choose a good time and place

It's crucial to pick a time and location that are both private and favorable to having a challenging conversation. Choose a moment when you and your parents are generally calm and unhurried. Think about whether you feel more comfortable having the conversation at home or in a neutral setting.

Consider using a script or talking points

A script or set of talking points might help direct the conversation. This can aid in maintaining concentration and ensuring you cover all the crucial topics you want to make.

The Top Communication Books or Affective Communication: Exploring The Link Between Language and Emotion, should help you express yourself.

Answer your parents' questions

Your parents might have questions, and it's essential to answer them honestly. Let them know if you don't know the answers or need more time to think about it.

If you don't feel comfortable answering some of their questions, you can always explain why and set boundaries as to what questions you're willing to answer.

Give your parents time

The acceptance process varies from family to family, while some may be incredibly open and supportive no matter what. Others may take a longer time to get used to the idea.

Practice self-care and stress management

Self-care and stress management are vital to practice because talking about your sexual orientation, or gender identity can be unpleasant. Make time for enjoyable activities that help you relax, such as deep breathing exercises or meditation. It would help if you also considered practicing relaxation techniques like these.

Understand that people react differently

Coming out to your parents can be nerve-wracking experience, and you may find that you need to prepare for a range of reactions mentally. People respond differently to news like this, and coming out is no exception.

Some parents understand the situation is not always set in stone, and the level of acceptance can vary depending on family dynamics. Though it is not easy, it may be necessary to remain even-keeled if you encounter any initial resistance.

Handling complex or adverse reactions

It's crucial to be ready for challenging or unfavorable reactions if you're coming out to your parents. You can take steps to deal with these feelings healthily and helpfully, even if it might be challenging to hear unpleasant comments or see your parents unhappy. Here are some ideas to think about:

Respond with kindness and empathy

If your parents react negatively, it's vital to remember that they are probably experiencing a range of emotions and might not fully get what you're going through. React with love and empathy. Try to be friendly and understanding in your responses and put yourself in their shoes.

Set boundaries and communicate your needs

You must set boundaries if your parents' responses are very upsetting or unsupportive. Informing your parents that you need some time or space to consider their response or that you want to continue the conversation once they are prepared to be more understanding is one way to do this.

Seek support from trusted friends and allies

Having a network of reliable friends and allies to lean on can be beneficial while handling challenging responses from your parents. These people can help you deal with your emotions and provide emotional support. And if you need help making friend, we suggest reading How To Make Friends When You Have Social Anxiety.

Consider professional counseling or therapy

Having a network of reliable friends and allies to lean on can be beneficial while handling challenging responses from your parents. These people can help you deal with your emotions and provide emotional support.

Exuberant group of friends laughing with a rainbow flag in the background, embodying support in coming out to parents in a post about how to come out to your parents

Finding and building your support system

Finding and creating a supportive group can be crucial to your development as a gay adolescent. Here are some pointers for locating and creating a supportive community:

Seek out an LGBTQ+ community

Support groups, social clubs, and youth organizations are just a few of the LGBTQ+ groups and resources that are available in many communities. These could be a fantastic method to get in touch with others who can relate to and share your experiences.

Here are some steps to help you find such communities using Google:

Explore online communities and forums

Many online forums and communities are dedicated to LGBTQ+ people and allies. These can be fantastic platforms for social interaction, question-asking, and the search for support and direction.

Consider joining a support group or therapy group

Being part of a support or therapy group, particularly for LGBTQ+ people, can be a terrific way to discover community and support. These groups can provide a secure and encouraging setting where you can talk about your experiences and difficulties and connect with people who can relate.

Find mentors who can offer guidance and support

Finding mentors who can offer guidance and support is a unique tool for coming out to your parents. It is often tough to take this first step, so having a support system of trusted adults is a great way to stay motivated and positive throughout the coming-out process.

Having someone with whom you can open up about how your coming-out journey has been going can provide reassurance in times of difficulty and confusion and offer helpful advice and a counsellor if needed. If coming out to your parents feels too much to take on alone, finding a mentor with similar experiences can ensure that you're not facing your challenges alone.

What To Do If You Have Homophobic Parents?

If you have homophobic parents, having a conversation about their religious views can be daunting. However, it's essential to lead with love and open the dialogue respectfully. But here are some things to remember before coming out;

Consider Becoming Financially Independent First

Becoming financially independent can be a critical step towards coming out to your parents. Being financially dependent on them for money or living in their home puts you at risk of losing essential resources if the conversation becomes difficult or if it turns out that they need to be more understanding and accepting.

Preparing yourself with a stable job, housing, and other financial support can give you more bargaining power and provide alternative solutions should things not work out as planned.

Keep pretending if coming out will put you in danger

If you are not ready to fully come out to your homophobic parents or if doing so would put you in trouble, it may be necessary to pretend to be someone you are not to survive and have a normal childhood.

Have a backup plan

If you are sure you want to come out, it is best to save money and plan where to stay if the situation does not go well. Consider making legal or financial plans ahead of time if your parents decide to cut off all ties with you.

Remind them you're the same person

Although you are coming out as something new, at the same time, you are still the same person they've always known. Remind your parents that no matter what changes your outlook, you will always view them in the same way, through the lens of unconditional love.

Give them the time and patience to adjust, and don't forget to remind them that even though it may be a new thing for them and their family, this is who you have been all along.

Different religious texts have other translations

Talking to family members - including our parents - about religious beliefs can be challenging. However, it's important to remember that different translations of holy books may have various interpretations.

If a family member believes their religion is right and everyone else's is wrong, it's crucial to remind them that faith is based on personal choice, not judgment or hate.

Forgive them but set boundaries

Setting boundaries and being clear about your needs will help you take care of yourself if your parents do not accept you. It's essential to prioritize your well-being and happiness, even if your parents are not getting it.

Reverse the situation

Coming out to your parents can be tricky, especially if it's not what they expect. Rather than allowing yourself to be at the mercy of their reaction, it might be helpful to flip things around and consider that you are rejecting them if they do not accept you're coming out.

Reframing the issue in this way allows you to maintain control and confidently stand by your thoughts and feelings without feeling pressured or judged.

Celebrate yourself

Finally, it's important to celebrate yourself and your identity. Surround yourself with people who accept you for who you are and create a space where you can express your true self.

Accepting yourself is critical to finding happiness, even if your parents disapprove of your lifestyle. To help celebrate, we recommend The Best LGBTQ Accessories.


Regardless of how your parents respond, it's important to remember that you are valuable and lovable irrespective of the outcome. You have the right to be accepted for who you are, but ultimately, it is up to you to take care of yourself if your parents do not receive you.

How Do You Prepare To Come Out As Queer?

There's no one right way to do this, as every person and situation is different. However, be sure to talk someone you trust about what you're planning to do, and prepare for possible negative reactions from those around you. Also, make sure you're ready emotionally and mentally before coming out.

What Is The Best Way For An Atheists To Come Out?

There is no one "right" way for atheists to come out, since there's no one right way to be atheist. Some people might choose to come out as atheists gradually, over time, to family and friends who they know will be supportive.

Others might choose to come out in a more public way, through social media or other online platforms. Still others might choose to come out as atheists in a more personal way, through conversations with close friends and family.

How Do You Tell If Your Parents Are Homophobic?

One way to tell if your parents are homophobic is if they make negative comments about LGBTQ people or refuse to accept them. Another way to tell is if they don't want you to associate with LGBTQ people or participate in LGBTQ-related activities.

Overcoming Agraphobia: Quality Information That Provides Results

What Is Agraphobia?
Helpful Products

What Is Agraphobia?
Agraphobia, also known as Contreltophobia, is a special kind of fear. People with this fear are really scared of sexual abuse or rape. This fear is so strong that it makes them very anxious and upset.

Causes of Agraphobia
- Being forced to sit on an adult's lap when not wanting to
- Sharing a bath or shower with an adult when not wanting to
- Accidental touching of body parts through clothing by an adult-
- Unwarranted affection from an adult
- Witnessing incidences of sexual abuse
- Being a victim of sexual abuse
- Experiences such as bereavement, divorce, or job loss can trigger the onset of this phobia
- Mental illnesses like depression, anorexia nervosa, or bulimia may increase the risk of
developing Agraphobia
- Misuse of substances

Symptoms of Agraphobia
- Perspiring
- Shaking
- Feeling overheated or experiencing cold flashes
- Breathing rapidly or struggling to breathe
- Feeling like you're choking
- Fast pulse
- Chest discomfort or constriction
- Feeling like there are fluttering sensations in your abdomen
- Upset stomach
- Experiencing headaches or a sense of unsteadiness
- Light-headedness
- Tingling or numb sensations
- Dryness in the mouth
- Frequent urge to use the restroom
- Hearing a buzzing sound in your ears
- Feeling puzzled or losing a sense of direction

Treatment of Agraphobia
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Antidepressants
- Anti-Anxiety Medications
- Relaxation Techniques
- Lifestyle Modifications
- Support Groups
- Self-Help Strategies
- Desensitization or Exposure Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Virtual Reality Therapy

Are you struggling with the overwhelming sensations associated with Agraphobia? This condition, characterized by an intense fear of certain environments or situations, can significantly hinder one's ability to live afulfilling life.

In our pursuit of understanding and overcoming Agraphobia, it's crucial to arm ourselves with reliable and practical information. Through this blog, we aim to provide insights into the nature of Agraphobia, its causes, symptoms, and the most effective treatment strategies available.

Origins Of The Word 'Agraphobia'

The word agraphobia has its origins in the Greek words for:-

There is a marked difference between fear and phobia.[1]

Fear Can Be Both Rational & Irrational

Fear can be 2 different kinds. Fear can manifest in two distinct types: Rational fear and irrational fear. Rational fear arises from tangible threats, like the danger of cars on a busy street where kids play. In contrast, irrational fear stems from unlikely scenarios, such as the notion of drowning in a shower. Sometimes, fear encompasses aspects of both. When fear becomes overwhelming, possibly signaling anxiety disorders or mental health conditions, seeking medical advice is beneficial.[2]

Rational Fear

Imagine you are awoman with ahistory of previous sexual abuse, indicative of intense fear and anxiety disorders. You're waiting for an elevator in amulti-story building. When it arrives, alone man inside invites you in.

You decline, your refusal rooted in a rational fear amplified by your history. The man, unaware of your past and mental health struggles, perceives this as a personal affront, leading to an uncomfortable situation. This incident could trigger a panic attack, characterized by excessive fear and symptoms like excessive sweating.

To manage the situation and avoid stress, you resort to anger management techniques learned from previous stressful life events and therapy for mental health disorders. You calmly exit, reaching for your panic disorder medication.

Considering your background and the risk factors involved, your reaction is entirely rational. It's a protective response informed by your fear of sexual abuse, a common issue in mental health conditions. In this context, you might be diagnosed with Agoraphobia, amental health disorder related to excessive worry and fear in certain environments.[3]

A woman with wide eyes and a tense expression in a post about agraphobia

An irrational fear

Irrational fears differ fundamentally from rational fears. The latter are responses to real dangers, like injuries from falls or snake bites. Irrational fears, however, are often about benign situations. They can become so pervasive that they disrupt normal living.

These fears frequently originate from traumatic childhood events. For instance, a dog scare in childhood might lead to a lifelong cautious approach around dogs. But when the fear escalates to the point of avoiding all outdoor activities to evade dogs, it transforms into an irrational fear. Such fears can be directed at seemingly harmless objects or situations, like balloons or sleeping, and are often indicative of other phobias.

The defining characteristic of these fears is their disproportionate impact on one's life, often without any real justification.[4]

What Is Agraphobia?

Agraphobia, also known as Contreltophobia, is aspecial kind of fear. People with this fear are really scared of sexual abuse or rape. This fear is so strong that it makes them very anxious and upset. Because of this, they might avoid places or situations where they feel scared, even if there's no real danger.

This fear can really change how someone lives. It's more than just being careful; it's afear that can stop them from doing normal things. It's important for these people to get help from a doctor or therapist. These experts can help them feel less scared and live a better life.[5]

Prevalence of Agraphobia?

As adults we have the capacity to identify and avoid potentially abusive situations, therefore agraphobia is more prevalent among children and teenagers who do not have that same capacity. In most cases, adults with agraphobia have mentally carried over a sexually traumatic event from their childhood or teenage years.

A young woman hiding behind her legs in a post about agraphobia

Causes of Agraphobia

Genes or Heredity

Twin studies conducted by our group have found phobias in adults to be moderately heritable (30–40%), with phobia subtypes having overlapping genetic and environmental influences as well as subtype-specific factors.[8]This suggests that, for reasons that are genetic, some individuals are more prone to mental disorders, anxiety attacks, or even severe panic attacks than others.

When trying to explain the reasons for their repeated panic attacks, anxiety disorders, or behaviors that are not easily understood by others, an adult with aphobia might attribute it to genetic factors and family history. They often express uncertainty about the causes of their actions, saying, "I don't know why I did that. It very possibly has something to do with my genes and my family history or heredity."

A woman being robbed in a post about agraphobia

Mental Health and Anxiety Disorder - a Double-Edged Sword of Concern

People with agraphobia often feel very embarrassed during apanic attack. They try hard to avoid situations that might be embarrassing. This makes their friends and family worried about their mental health. This worry has two sides.

Firstly, loved ones want to help. They encourage the person with agraphobia to get professional help for their anxiety and mental health issues.

But, there's another side. This push for help can make the person with agraphobia even more determined not to feel embarrassed. They think, "If I don't get embarrassed, they won't say I need help." So, they start avoiding normal activities to prevent panic attacks and stress.

By doing this, they hope to escape embarrassing moments. But this actually makes their family and friends more insistent on them seeking professional help. This cycle continues, with the person with agraphobia trying to avoid embarrassment and others urging them to get help.


Stress very easily develops into one of many other phobias, of which agraphobia is one.[9] To help you manage your stress, we suggest Stress Balls or Goodbye Stress Softgels.

A fearful woman hiding from her abuser in a post about agraphobia

Movies and the Media

Movies, printed media, and access to porn all play apart in the causes of agraphobia among children and teenagers. Children and teenagers constantly hearing or seeing stories related to sexual abuse is amajor contributing factor in them developing agraphobia.[10]

The Symptoms of Agraphobia

Aside from the mental symptoms, an adult phobic will go to great lengths to avoid what others might think of as being normal physical behavior of a couple in a serious romantic relationship.

Among adults, this illogical extreme fear of an intimate activity inevitably results in a reduced frequency of consensual sex[11]. To learn more about toxic relationships, we suggest reading Relationship Red Flags You Should Know.

Children and teenagers will show their fears by going to great lengths to avoid being in the company of specific adults. This misunderstood behavior is the cause of much family friction, especially if the abuser is a relative or family friend.

In severe cases, those with agraphobia or contreltophobia may experience any number of the following physical symptoms:-

  1. Perspiring
  2. Shaking
  3. Feeling overheated or experiencing cold flashes
  4. Breathing rapidly or struggling to breathe
  5. Feeling like you're choking
  6. Fast pulse
  7. Chest discomfort or constriction
  8. Feeling like there are fluttering sensations in your abdomen
  9. Upset stomach
  10. Experiencing headaches or asense of unsteadiness
  11. Light-headedness
  12. Tingling or numb sensations
  13. Dryness in the mouth
  14. Frequent urge to use the restroom
  15. Hearing abuzzing sound in your ears
  16. Feeling puzzled or losing asense of direction[12]

Very severe cases of these symptoms often result in a full-blown panic attack. Those who constantly experience panic attacks can develop depression. Depression can eventually can lead to psychiatric treatment and or hospitalization.

As a parent with a pre-pubescent child, look for the visible warning flags.

Young woman hiding in a corner in a post about agraphobia

Treating Agraphobia In Young Children

When a kid has a phobia, their treatment depends on how old they are, how they feel, and how serious the phobia is. Phobias can get better! Here's what might help a kid:

  1. Therapy Just for Them: This helps kids learn how to handle scary feelings and panic, in case it happens. We suggest online therapy for convenience.
  2. Family Therapy: Mom, dad, or other family members are super important in getting better.
  3. Help at School: Talking with teachers and school counselors can spot a phobia early. They can work together to make a plan that helps the kid at school.
  4. Medicine: Sometimes, medicine can make kids feel less panicked or scared. But, it's important to know about any side effects and why the medicine is needed.

Each kid is different, so their treatment might be different too. The goal is to help them feel less scared and more confident.[14]

Agraphobia Prevalence and Treatment in a table

Treating a Teenager or Young Adult

Here, the signals that your teenage son or daughter has been sexually abused are likely to be more pronounced. They will be angry, frustrated, embarrassed, and want to be left alone. They may even be signs of drug abuse.

You have to get them to talk. Go for walks together. Go for a drink together.

Get them to talk. Once they admit they have been sexually abused, suggest a self-help option to treat agraphobia and irrational thoughts. These self-help treatment methods can vary between:-

If none of this works, then seek professional help. The worst thing you can do is to do nothing, and the abuse is left untreated. This results in a panic disorder requiring anti-anxiety drugs as treatment.

Not All Agraphobics Have Been Sexually Abused

Learned Response

Phobia can manifest as learned responses. If achild gets told often enough that spiders are dangerous, that child will soon build up alifelong irrational fear of all spiders, even the harmless ones. (arachnophobia- afear of spiders).[15]

Good Touching & Bad Touching

Teaching kids about 'good touch' and 'bad touch' is really important for keeping them safe. It helps them know the difference between kind, loving touch, which is good for them and makes them feel safe, and touch that is not okay, making them uncomfortable or scared. This way, kids learn about personal space and can tell if someone's behavior is wrong.[16]

Some people think that teaching this stuff might scare kids too much, but that's not true. It's really important to teach kids about these things in a way that's right for their age. It helps them feel in charge of their own bodies and know how to set limits. This doesn't mean they will be scared of all touch or get the wrong idea about nice gestures. It just means they'll know what's safe and what's not.

Parents sometimes worry about their kids being touched by adults who aren't their parents. But not all touch is bad. Parents have abig job to talk openly and teach their kids about this in away that's right for their age. This helps kids understand how to be careful with touching, while still enjoying hugs and affection.[17]


There is no specific treatment to cure Agraphobia.

The treatment options we have, can at best help to relieve the symptoms of agraphopbia. These treatments vary between cognitive behavioral therapy and psychotropic medications.

Exposure therapy is another commonly employed therapy wherein the patient, over the duration of the treatment is exposed to their phobia for short periods of time, and in this way gradually comes to accept those specific situations pose no danger to them and they have no rational reason to fear for their safety.


Is sexual abuse and domestic abuse the same thing?

No. Sexual abuse is any non-consensual sexual activity such as rape, child sexual abuse, or sexual harassment. It can also be both verbal and physical. Domestic abuse can be physical, emotional, psychological, or financial. It generally takes place within a close relationship or partners living together, or family members.

Can sexual abuse trigger early puberty?

Yes. Sexually abused girls reach puberty before their peers.

Can sexual abuse make you hypersexual?

Sexual abuse at any age may predict hypersexuality. However, the association is stronger in men who have experienced sexual abuse earlier in their lives.


  1. very well mind: Differences Between Fear and Phobia Responses
  2. Health Research Policy: Rational vs. Irrational Fear
  3. Fearof: Fear of Sexual Abuse Phobia
  4. the awareness centre: What is an Irrational Fear and How Can I Overcome One?
  5. Drlogy: What is Contreltophobia?
  6. NHS: Causes - Agoraphobia
  7. MSN: Agoraphobia
  8. Pubmed: The Genetic and Environmental Structure of Fear and Anxiety in Juvenile Twins
  9. Mind: Phobias
  10. digital wellness lab: Fear and Anxiety
  12. NHS: Symptoms - Phobias
  13. Rainn:Warning Signs for Young Children
  14. nation wide childrens: Phobias in Children
  15. Mind: Phobias
  16. the premia academy: Good Touch Vs Bad Touch
  17. WIRC-CAA: Safe and Unsafe Touches

⚠️ Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Consult a qualified health professional for any medical concerns.

Effects Of Narcissistic Abuse On The Brain

Understanding the effects of narcissistic abuse on the brain is crucial for those who have endured such trauma. Being around a narcissist, who often believes they are superior and demands constant respect, can be damaging not just emotionally, but also neurologically.

Narcissistic abuse, inflicted by someone with narcissistic tendencies, can lead to more than just hurt feelings; it can result in actual brain damage. Such abuse has the potential to alter brain functions and cause lasting harm. This article aims to delve into these effects and offer coping mechanisms for recovery.

Torn paper with abuse typed on it in a blog about Effects Of Narcissistic Abuse On The Brain

What is the definition of narcissistic abuse?

Pubmed's study "Recognising Narcissistic Abuse and the Implications for Mental Health Nursing Practice" states that someone who holds very high standards for themselves and demands special attention from others brings on narcissistic abuse. They could be highly egotistical and indifferent to the needs or feelings of others.[1]

Physical, mental, or emotional abuse by narcissists is possible. Anything that makes someone uncomfortable or hurt can qualify.

Name-calling, pressuring someone into doing something they don't want to do, or even physically harming someone are some signs of an abusive partner. It's crucial to remember that, regardless of the circumstance, it is never acceptable for someone to abuse you.

Narcissistic man cuddling his wife in a blog about Effects Of Narcissistic Abuse On The Brain

The prevalence of narcissistic abuse

The following figures highlight the need for increased awareness and understanding of narcissistic personality disorder, particularly among these populations, as The Recovery Village explains. The prevalence of narcissistic personality disorder varies among different demographics. [2]It is estimated to occur in;

Many believe it is a reasonably common abuse, especially in romantic partnerships. Any interaction, including friendships, families, and work partnerships, can experience narcissistic abuse.

It is crucial for those who have experienced narcissistic abuse to seek support and assistance to heal and rehabilitate since narcissistic abuse can lead to actual physical brain damage.

According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey[3];

An abused victim hiding in a blog about Effects Of Narcissistic Abuse On The Brain

How does narcissistic abuse affect the brain?

Abuse at the hands of narcissists can have negative and protracted repercussions on the brain. There is an exceptionally high correlation between narcissistic abuse and trauma.

According to Hack Spirit's article, Neuroscience: The shocking impact narcissistic abuse has on the brain, the brain of a victim of narcissistic abuse interprets the abuse as a danger to their safety and well-being. This may trigger the brain's "fight, flight, or freeze" response - a normal reaction to danger. The brain then releases cortisol and other stress hormones to aid the person in overcoming the perceived threat.[4]

The brain can be harmed by prolonged stress, such as that brought on by narcissistic abuse.

The hippocampus, a part of the brain involved in learning, memory, and emotion regulation, can shrink due to chronic stress. It causes alterations in brain structure and function. The likelihood of developing mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, can rise due to these brain changes.

A drug addicted woman in a blog about Effects Of Narcissistic Abuse On The Brain

The connection between narcissistic abuse & mental health problems

There is a connection between narcissistic abuse, the emergence of mental health problems, and the relationship between narcissistic abuse and trauma.

Chronic stress and trauma can alter the brain in ways that can result in the emergence of mental health conditions, including PTSD and depression. This cycle of abuse and mental health problems can be exacerbated by these mental health problems, which can also affect how the brain functions.

To address the effects of the abuse on their mental health and to stop this cycle, those who have experienced narcissistic abuse must seek treatment.

A fearful woman in a blog about Effects Of Narcissistic Abuse On The Brain

The long-term effects of narcissistic abuse

An individual's mental health and well-being may be adversely affected by the long-term effects of narcissistic abuse. Research Gate explains that experiencing a traumatic event, such as narcissistic abuse, will have victims exhibiting signs of;[5]

Increased chance of acquiring mental health issues such as PTSD and depression

Narcissistic abuse can be painful, and the experience of that consistent emotional trauma can lead to the emergence of symptoms similar to PTSD and depression. These ailments can be difficult to manage and negatively impact a person's quality of life.

Trust, attachment, and intimacy issues

Issues with intimacy, trust, and connection can result from narcissistic abuse, making a victim feel unsafe emotionally and physically. Because of this, it may be challenging for someone who has suffered from narcissistic abuse to build solid relationships or feel comfortable being vulnerable in front of others. As a result, a person's social and emotional health could suffer.

Cognitive dysfunction and poor decision-making

Cognitive functions are the mental operations that allow us to think, learn, and remember. Decision-making is the capacity to choose and make decisions. The consequences of narcissistic abuse on the brain can affect these abilities, making it difficult for a person to think clearly and make good decisions. As a result, a person's ability to complete daily duties may remain the same.

Difficulty managing emotions

Narcissistic abuse can make a person feel various feelings, such as fear, guilt, shame, and grief. These strong feelings might be challenging to control, and one could have trouble regulating them.

Flashbacks of the traumatic events

Narcissistic abuse might bring on flashbacks of the traumatic event. These flashbacks can be incredibly vivid and lifelike, giving the impression that the horrific incident is currently occurring.

Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in routinely enjoyable activities

Sadness, helplessness, and a lack of interest in often festive activities are depression symptoms that may develop over time due to narcissistic abuse of the brain.

Chronic stress and trauma can alter the brain in ways that can result in the emergence of mental health conditions

The hippocampus may atrophy due to the consistent emotional trauma caused by narcissistic abuse, and other brain structure and function changes may also occur. These changes may pave the way for the onset of mental health illnesses, including PTSD and depression.

Difficulty establishing solid connections

A narcissistic abuser can make a person feel physically and emotionally uncomfortable. This might make it challenging for someone who has suffered from narcissistic abuse to build strong relationships with others. Establishing and keeping healthy relationships with them may be difficult since they may feel uneasy and untrustworthy.

Social and emotional health may suffer

Abuse of the selfish kind can hurt a person's social and mental well-being. A person may find it challenging to interact with others, partake in social activities, and develop lasting relationships due to the trauma and stress brought on by the abuse. This may make it difficult to sustain good connections and cause feelings of loneliness and isolation.

The abuse may impact the capacity to carry out daily tasks

Narcissistic abuse can impair one's concentration and clear thinking, making it challenging to do daily chores. Additionally, it may lead to cognitive dysfunction and lousy decision-making, making it difficult for a person to organize, plan, and carry out everyday tasks.

Increased tendency to avoid triggers

Narcissistic abuse can lead to the development of triggers or stimuli that bring up terrible memories in the victim's mind. People with PTSD may avoid particular situations, people, or activities that bring up their horrific experiences. They may find it challenging to participate in specific actions, affecting their quality of life.

Panic attacks, and chronic anxiety

Because narcissistic abuse makes a person feel uneasy, afraid, and on edge all the time, it can lead to panic. The victim of narcissistic abuse may experience confusion, loneliness, and persistent doubting of their reality due to manipulation, gaslighting, and verbal abuse.

This pervasive feeling of emotional and psychological distress might result in an elevated level of anxiety that can bring on panic attacks. It would help if you addressed the long-term repercussions of narcissistic abuse on the brain, and those who have suffered them should seek therapy to learn coping mechanisms.[6]

A woman healing with healing spelled out behind her in a blog about Effects Of Narcissistic Abuse On The Brain

Recovering from long-term narcissistic abuse

It's critical to get support if you or someone you know has endured narcissistic abuse to deal with the repercussions on the brain and start the healing process. Very Well Mind's blog, Stages of Healing After Narcissistic Abuse, suggests the following is among the most crucial things you can do[7];

Support groups

Becoming a support group member can offer a secure and encouraging setting where people can connect with others who have gone through comparable situations. Support groups can be an effective aid in the recovery process by fostering a sense of belonging and validation.


Self-care involves caring for one's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This can include working out, meditating, practicing yoga, keeping a journal, and spending time in nature.

Setting boundaries

Setting boundaries is essential for people who have experienced abuse in a relationship. It's crucial to learn how to say "no" to additional abuse and create boundaries with the abuser.

Safety planning

A safety plan is crucial for people who have experienced abuse in a relationship. This can involve making a list of secure locations to go to, virtual phone numbers, and a strategy for getting out of an abusive situation.


Drugs can effectively address some signs and symptoms of misuse, such as anxiety and depression. Before ingesting any medicine, get medical advice.

Seek Legal Help

If you are being abused, you should take legal action. Getting legal assistance can aid with custody, divorce, and restraining orders.

Seek Professional Help

Getting professional assistance might help you comprehend and view the situation differently. You can start to understand the complexities of the abuse and begin to process the trauma with the aid of a therapist, counselor, or counselor.


Journaling can be a powerful emotional freedom technique for recovering from trauma. It can offer people a private and secure forum for expressing their feelings. Writing about one's experiences might be a method to process them and release bottled-up emotions, as explained by the APA's study, Writing to heal.

Additionally, keeping a journal can help one keep track of their development and gauge how far along they are in the healing process.[8] And for daughters who's suffered under a narcissistic mother, we suggest reading The Best Books On Healing From Narcissistic Mothers For Daughters.


Using meditation to assist in managing the effects of abuse can be very beneficial. It can encourage quiet and inner serenity while helping in reducing stress and anxiety. According to Medical News Today, meditation allows you to focus the mind and develop emotional management abilities.[9]


Bodybuilding or physical exercise can be a great way to help individuals heal from abuse. Regular exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety and can promote feelings of well-being.

It can also provide a sense of empowerment and control, which can be especially beneficial for those in a controlling and abusive relationship, as stated in IOI's blog "Rape victim muscles up, opens gym for abused women." Additionally, bodybuilding can help individuals feel stronger and more confident in themselves, which can be an essential step in the healing process.[10]

It's crucial to remember that recovering from narcissistic abuse requires time, and it's acceptable to move at your own pace. Asking for assistance when you need it is also good. Resources are available to help you on your path to recovery and healing.


The effects of narcissistic abuse are both mental and physical. As we now know, narcissistic abuse can cause brain damage. This is due to the stress on the victim's body and the cognitive dissonance caused by gaslighting.

Narcissistic abuse is a form of domestic violence and should be taken seriously. If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, please seek help from a professional and call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) (the national domestic violence hotline).


Can narcissistic abuse cause brain damage?

People who have been subjected to narcissistic abuse may develop changes in their hippocampus, which controls memory, emotion regulation, and stress response. Additionally, this kind of abuse can cause chronic stress and inflammation, which can harm other parts of the brain including the prefrontal cortex, which is in charge of making decisions, and the amygdala, which is in charge of processing emotions.

How does narcissistic abuse affect the development of the brain?

It is true that narcissistic abuse can cause PTSD and despair. Narcissistic abuse can set off the body's fight or flight reaction and result in PTSD symptoms like nightmares, anxiety, and flashbacks. Additionally, it influences how the brain processes emotions, which may result in depression.


  1. Pubmed: Recognising Narcissistic Abuse and the Implications
  2. therecoveryvillage: Narcissistic Personality Disorder Statistics
  3. National Data on Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, and Stalking
  4. hackspirit: The shocking impact narcissistic abuse has on the brain
  5. researchgate: The Effects of Emotional Abuse and Neglect in Adulthood
  6. researchgate: The Effects of Emotional Abuse and Neglect in Adulthood
  7. Very Well Mind: Stages of Healing After Narcissistic Abuse
  8. APA: Writing to heal
  9. Medical News Today: Mindfulness meditation helps to control emotions, says study
  10. IOI: Rape victim muscles up, opens gym for abused women

How To Talk To Your Boss About Burnout

If you're wondering how to talk to your boss about burnout, especially when feeling overwhelmed by job stress, you're taking a crucial step. Job burnout, characterized by long hours, tight deadlines, and sometimes a lack of recognition, is a common issue.

While the idea of discussing work-related stress with your supervisor might seem daunting, it can be a constructive and beneficial conversation.

In this post, we'll guide you through effective ways to communicate with your boss. These tips are designed to help you address burnout and maintain a healthy balance in your work life.

Skeleton feeling burnout from his job in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Start by Recognizing What Burnout Is

It's important to recognize burnout – a prolonged response to prolonged stressors and stop being judgmental before recognizing it. This means that it doesn't just happen suddenly but builds up over time as our challenging tasks become more difficult, our unsafe working environments become more demanding, and our resources are depleted.

Knowing this will help you communicate with your boss from an informed standpoint and increase the chances of success for both parties.

Work Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive stress or pressure at work. It often results in helplessness and hopelessness when faced with job-related tasks. Some Common burnout signs that you may be experiencing burnout include:

Worker practicing his speech in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Express How You Feel in a Professional Way

Once you have identified that you are experiencing burnout, it is important to express your feelings professionally. When speaking to your boss, focus on the facts and avoid negativity or blame. Be honest about your feelings and explain how your current workload is taking a toll on your energy levels and productivity. You can also provide suggestions for better ways to help manage the situation, such as delegating tasks, adjusting working hours, or reducing the project scope.

conversation between an employee and a boss in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Be Respectful

It’s important to always be respectful and professional when speaking to your boss about burnout. Be mindful of their time constraints, stand up for yourself without being confrontational, and be open to any feedback they provide. Remember that your boss wants you to succeed as much as you do and is likely to be open to working together to find the best solution for everyone.

A person engaging in self-care activities in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Take Care of Yourself

Your mental and emotional well-being should always come first, so make sure that you’re taking steps to manage your stress levels. This might include getting enough rest, exercising regularly, eating healthily, and taking some time to yourself each day. When you’re in a better place mentally and physically, you can address any issues with your boss and work through them.

well-organized workspace in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Be Prepared

Before speaking with your boss about burnout, clearly understand what you want to say. How do you feel? How is it affecting your work? How can you and your boss work together to combat it? Having this all laid out in advance will help ensure that the conversation runs smoothly and efficiently.

A calendar with a marked appointment in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Set A Right Time To Meet With Your Boss

Once you have identified the problem, set aside time to meet with your boss and let them know what's happening. Make sure you come prepared:

Most bosses will appreciate seeing evidence of research and preparation when discussing a sensitive topic like employee burnout. 

An employee and boss in a candid conversation in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Be Open And Honest When Discussing

When discussing how to talk To Your boss about burnout, it is essential to be open and honest:

employee expressing themselves in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Don't Apologize For Feeling Burnt Out 

It's natural for us to feel bad or embarrassed when we admit we're struggling but don't apologize for feeling burnt out – there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking care of yourself!

Instead, explain why addressing the issue promptly is important (e.g., increased productivity) so they understand why addressing it now rather than later is key.  

employee taking a short break at work in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Find Ways To Take Care Of Yourself During Work Hours 

One way to reduce feelings of burnout during work hours is by making small changes that prioritize self-care, such as:

All these strategies can help keep feelings of overwhelming at bay while also allowing us some time for ourselves during hectic days at work!  

email being written in a post about how to talk to your boss about burnout

Follow Up As Needed 

Finally - once you have had an initial conversation with your boss about your feelings of burnout - don't forget to follow up regularly with them afterward!

Reassure them that all suggestions were considered and put into practice - they may even be grateful for this kind reminder!

Plus, this provides an opportunity for further discussion should any issues arise regarding managing workloads or other most mentally draining aspect related to burnout prevention and treatment in future weeks/months, etc.[2]

Doing this will demonstrate commitment and responsibility, too - something every employer looks favorably upon!


Burnout can be a difficult thing to talk about, but you must do so to protect yourself from long-term damage. Talking to your boss about burnout is a critical skill that you should practice to prevent and manage burnout at chronic workplace stress and also read how to be a better boss.

By following these steps, you'll have the best chance of talking to your boss openly and effectively about this important issue and starting a burnout recovery plan. Good luck!


Q: How do you talk to your boss about burnout?

Talking to your boss about burnout can be daunting, but it is important to protect your health and work-life balance. When discussing the issue with your boss, you are honest and explain how the situation has impacted your job performance and well-being. Ask them for support in finding solutions that will reduce personal stress or manageable workload and ensure that any proposed solutions are achievable given current resources.

Q: How do I demonstrate to my boss that I'm burned out?

The best way to demonstrate to your boss that you are feeling burnout is by being honest and open about your current state. Describe how the situation has impacted your job performance and well-being, and provide evidence of changes in behavior or output. Explain its impact on your overall energy and motivation levels, with specific examples if possible. Lastly, propose solutions that would help reduce stress or workload and ensure that any proposed solutions are achievable given current resources.

Q: How can I make sure my boss takes this request seriously?

Make sure to have clear evidence and examples of how burnout is impacting your work, and emphasize the importance of reducing stress and workload to ensure job performance. Be prepared to discuss potential solutions that are realistic, given current resources. Communicate why this issue is important, and be open to feedback from your boss. By taking a professional, respectful approach and being prepared to discuss the issue, you will show your boss that this is a priority for you.


  1. betterup: Signs of burnout at work — and what to do about it
  2. helpguide: Burnout Prevention and Treatment

Tips On How To Get Over Someone You Never Dated

Understanding how to get over someone you never dated can be a complex process, especially when there wasn't an actual relationship. It's one thing to end a formal romance, but quite another to move past feelings for someone you never actually dated. Perhaps you saw potential in them, but for reasons like lack of mutual interest or readiness for a relationship, it didn't work out. While challenging, overcoming these unrequited feelings is indeed possible.

Research conducted with participants from two universities reveals that both infatuation and attachment feelings can wane over time. You can manage your romantic emotions using various emotion regulation strategies, including situation selection, expression suppression, distraction, and cognitive reappraisal.[1]

If these strategies seem abstract, don't worry. We've compiled practical tips to help you deal with your feelings. These tips aim to guide you through the process of getting over someone you never had the chance to date.

person actively engaging in painting, in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Don't Wallow In Your Sorrows

It’s easy to want to curl up in a ball and cry your eyes out when you’re feeling rejected and alone. But wallowing in your misery isn’t going to do you any good. It’ll only make you feel worse.

Wallowing will only make you feel worse in the long run. Instead of dwelling on your negative emotions, try to focus on the positive.

Think about how much time you wasted on that person. You may think as if you wasted your time on someone who never gave you a chance, but it’s essential to realize that you didn’t. You may feel sad now, but you were living your life and doing what made you happy. And even though things didn’t work out the way you wanted them to, you gained valuable experience and lessons that you can carry with you into your next relationship.

An individual practicing self-love and affirmation in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Don’t Take It Personally

Just because someone doesn’t want to date you doesn’t mean something is wrong with you. There can be thousands of reasons why someone might not be interested in dating you, and none of them have anything to do with you as a person. It’s not you; it’s them.

What makes you special is that you’re you. And there’s someone out there who will appreciate everything about you, even the things that you think are flaws.

Remember that you don’t need someone else to be happy.

a person calmly releasing a butterfly in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Don’t Try To Force It

If your crush doesn’t want to be with you, there’s nothing you can do to change their mind. No matter how much you want it, you can’t make someone love you. If they don’t feel the same way about you, then it’s time to move on.

Don’t force your crush to like you back by doing things you think they’ll like. If they don’t share your interests, then it’s not meant to be.

Tablet with social media profiles in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Stop Checking On Them

Checking on them on social media and other places will only worsen things. If you keep tabs on them, you will only torture yourself. Finding out what they do and plan to do will only give you false hope. You have to stop obsessing, let them go, and move on.

You should try to avoid them, even if it is just for a little while. If you can, avoid any places where you might run into them so you don’t have to check on them.

Two people in a supportive conversation in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Talk To Someone About It

If you’re struggling to get over someone, talking to someone about it can be really helpful. According to a study, talking to your best friend or family can help you vent your feelings and start moving on. If you’re struggling to talk to someone about it, you can always seek out professional help.

While it’s painful when you don’t get over your crush, it’s important to remember that you will eventually move on. You just have to give yourself time.[2]

2 woman walking in a park in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Avoid Places Or Activities That Remind You Of The Person

If certain places or activities remind you of the person you’re trying to get over, try to avoid them. It’ll be tough at first, but it’ll help you move on in the long run.

Disappointments are never easy, but they’re a necessary part of life. Sometimes, in order to move on, you need to take some time away from the things that remind you of your crush. If there’s a particular place that always brings back memories, try to avoid it for a while. The same goes for any activities that you used to do together.

Someone deeply engaged gardening in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Get Your Passions And Hobbies Out In The Open

This is the time to focus on what you want and what makes you happy. Get out there, do the things you love, and stay busy. Distract yourself by doing different kinds of things. Doing things that make you happy will help you forget about the person you’re trying to get over.

Tip: Collecting Monster Fantasy Creature Mini Action Figure Playset and outdoor fishing are some cool hobbies you can try if you don’t have any hobbies. And if you’re planning on fishing, try our ZACX Fishing Pliers.

Focusing on your passions and hobbies will also help you find the best version of yourself and realize your worth. Stop thinking about anything or anyone else and spend time on things that can enjoy life.

woman crying in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Don’t Be Afraid To Cry

Crying is a natural way to release any sadness or pain you may be feeling. Don’t be afraid to let all your emotions out. Once you’ve had a good cry, you may feel better and be able to move on.

According to psychology, repressive coping (keeping difficult feelings inside) is bad for our health. Studies show that repressive coping can lead to a less resilient immune system, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stress, anxiety, and depression.

If you cope with your feelings and don’t cry, you may already have one or more of the above-mentioned health problems. For example, you may already suffer from a mental disorder like High Functioning Anxiety. And if you’re unsure about the symptoms, read “High Functioning Anxiety: What is it?”.

Crying can release stress and emotional pain and thus can help with your overall health.

Mental health is just as important as physical health. So, don’t be afraid to cry when you are heartbroken.

woman journaling in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Write About Your Feelings

Writing about your feelings can be a therapeutic way to deal with them. Get a journal and write about your thoughts and emotions. Writing can help you make sense of your feelings and start to move on.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing about your emotions, consider creating poems, novels, or short stories. What fits for one guy may not work for another, but being creative can help you express your emotions and start to move on.

If you’re not a writer, you can try something creative that can help you express your feelings and start to move on. If you’re not a writer, you can also try painting, drawing, or doing something that can express your feelings.

A relaxing bath in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Do Something To Make Yourself Feel Good

Do something that makes you feel good about yourself. Get a new haircut, buy yourself a new outfit, or treat yourself to a day of pampering. Spending time on things that make you feel good about yourself will help you move on from your unrequited love.

sunrise in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Focus On The Future

Rather than concentrating on the past, think about the future. Assess all you wish to do and achieve. Making future goals will assist you in forgetting about the person you’re attempting to forget.

Focusing on your future is extremely important. Ask for support from your co-worker, friends, or family to ensure you are not alone during this difficult time. Do everything you can to help you with moving forward so that you can focus on a bright and happy future.

An individual standing tall, in front of a mirror in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Rebuild Your Confidence

It can be challenging to get over someone you never dated. One-sided love can leave you feeling hollow and broken, as though you’ll never be able to put the pieces of yourself back together again. It’s essential to remember that you are not lost. The person you once were is still inside of you, just waiting to be rediscovered. With time and effort, it is possible to get over your self-loathing and start living again.

Qualified mental health professional help can be an invaluable tool in this process, providing guidance and support during a time when you need self-esteem. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you’re struggling to move on from one-sided love. It takes courage to seek informed professional advice, but it is often the first step on the road to recovery.

a casual coffee date in a post about how to get over someone you never dated

Start Dating Other People

This may sound obvious, but it needs mentioning: if you want to get over someone you’ve never dated, you need to start dating other people. Putting yourself out there and making room for new relationships is the best way to move on with your life and get your mind off of your unrequited love.

Even though you expect someone else, a healthy relationship can help you with your painful, unrequited feelings that burn you inside. So, start dating someone. You can ask for help from a dating expert, or an online dating site to find that other person. You may also get ideas from dating books, The Top Dating Handbooks.

There’s no need to rush into dating, but it’s important to start putting yourself out there. If you’re not ready to start dating, try meeting new people in other ways, such as taking classes or joining a club.


These tips will hopefully help you how to get over someone you never dated and enable you to move on with your life. Remember, taking things at your own pace and not forcing yourself to feel better before you’re ready is important. Allow yourself time to heal; you will get through this tough phase. The best medicine for any broken heart is time, so be patient and give yourself a chance to heal.

Questions and Answers

How Do You Unlove Someone You've Never Dated?

The process of unloving someone you've never dated is similar to getting over any other kind of love. You must give yourself time to grieve, focus on the future, and rebuild your confidence. Additionally, professional help can be an invaluable tool in this process. If you're struggling to get over someone you never dated, don't be afraid to seek out help. It takes courage to ask for assistance, but it is often the first step on the road to recovery.

Can You Be Heartbroken Over Someone You Never Dated?

Strange as it may sound, you can be heartbroken over someone you never dated. You can experience similar feelings: grief, sadness, frustration, rejection, disappointment, and fear. This is because when you have strong feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same way (or who is unavailable for whatever reason), it can be really tough.


  1. PLOS: Regulation of Romantic Love Feelings
  2. Research Gate: Emotion Elicits the Social Sharing of Emotion
  3. Pubmed: The costs of repression
  4. link.springer: Writing Your Way Through Feelings

How to Tell Someone You Care for Them Deeply

People yearn for love and care, making these emotions invaluable. If you're filled with love but struggle to show it, learning how to tell someone you care for them deeply is crucial. Expressing your love and concern is vital, not just feeling it.

Your display of love, care, and admiration enhances others' lives and strengthens your bonds. Remember, giving love is as essential for happiness as receiving it. Imagine the joy of being shown and told you're valued. This should be the experience of your loved one too. By expressing your care and affection, you encourage them to reciprocate. In this article, we'll explore various ways to show your care using different love languages, helping you express how deeply you care.

Couple being affectionate in a post about How to Tell Someone You Care for Them Deeply

The undeniable truth about showing care

There are many ways of expressing love, and most people have one or two ways that they most commonly demonstrate affection

A popular American author, Gary Chapman, once published a book titled The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate. In this book, he explained that there are five basic love languages: Acts of service, physical touch, quality time, receiving gifts, and words of affirmation.

One of the key ways you can express your feelings for someone you love is by understanding their love language and practicing it. For instance, if your partner values quality time, then spending time with them will mean the world to them.

Steps to show someone you care through acts of service

Showing someone you care through acts of service can be a meaningful and heartfelt way to express your affection and support. Here are some steps to consider:

Listen actively

- Face the speaker and maintain eye contact.
- Nod occasionally, smile, and use other facial expressions.
- Avoid interrupting
- Instead of thinking about what to say next, concentrate on understanding the speaker’s message.
- Paraphrase or summarize what they’ve said to ensure you’ve understood it correctly.
- If you're unsure about something, ask questions to deepen your understanding.
- Try to understand their perspective and feelings.
- Avoid judging or giving unwanted advice

Do household chores

- Start by making a list of all the chores that need to be done around the house.
- Prioritize them based on necessity
- If you're doing chores for someone else, understand their preferences
- Tackling one chore at a time can be more efficient and less overwhelming

Cook a meal

- Understand the person's likes, dislikes, and any dietary restrictions or allergies they may have
- Choose dishes that you know they love or have been wanting to try
- Use fresh, high-quality ingredients
- Set the table nicely, maybe add some candles, flowers, or soft music in the background
- Consider their comfort and preferences in serving
- Taking care of the cleanup is as much a part of the act of service as cooking the meal

Run errands

- Communicate with the person to understand what errands they need help with
- Ask about specific preferences or requirements for each errand
- Organize the errands in a logical order to save time and energy
- If you have questions or need clarification while you're out, don't hesitate to call or message them

Fix things

- Start by asking the person if there are any broken items or areas in their home that need attention
- Before committing to a repair, honestly assess whether it's within your skill set
- Once you've identified a repair task you can handle, gather all the tools and materials you'll need
- If you're not entirely sure how to fix something, do some research
- Plan and set aside enough time to complete the repair without rushing
- Keep the person informed about what you're doing
- Once the repair is completed, test it
- After a day or two, follow up to ensure that the repair is holding up and that they’re satisfied with the work

Remember important dates

- Start by finding out the dates that are important to them
- Once you have these dates, add them to a calendar system you regularly check
- For digital calendars, set automatic reminders a few days to a week before the date
- For annual events like birthdays and anniversaries, set the reminders to recur yearly
- Plan in advance
- When the day arrives, make sure to reach out
- If you're using a digital system, make sure it's backed up or synced across your devices

Transportation help

- Begin by asking about their specific transportation needs
- Assess your schedule to determine when you can realistically offer rides
- If they need regular rides (like to weekly appointments), consider setting a routine schedule
- Keep communication lines open regarding pick-up and drop-off times and locations
- Punctuality is crucial
- Keep your vehicle clean and well-maintained
- Be accommodating and patient
- Keep your phone charged and have emergency contacts and basic first aid supplies in your vehicle, just in case
- After dropping them off, especially if it's a significant event or appointment, a message to check in on how it went can show that you care

Boyfriend helping his girlfriend in a post about How to Tell Someone You Care for Them Deeply

How to show someone you care through physical touch

If physical touch is your preferred love language, it means you value it beyond all other forms of love expression. Even though sex can be a significant component of a romantic relationship, physical touch is not solely about sex.

A hug, shoulder squeeze, handhold, back pat, or even a handshake can show affection that means just as much to your spouse.

Here are some ways to express true love through physical touch.

By kissing

You might believe that kissing must result in sex, but this is untrue. One of the simplest and most powerful methods to express physical affection to your lover is by kissing. You may kiss their hand, lips, neck, cheek, forehead, and hands.

Kissing is used as a gesture of respect, saying hello, or affection in a wide variety of civilizations throughout history. It is practiced in both romantic and non-romantic relationships and should be given priority.

By holding hands

In public or private, holding hands with your lover is a simple gesture that can instantly release mood-enhancing endorphins. Even parents frequently hold their child's hand for both protective and emotional reasons.

Holding hands with loved ones, make them feel special and loved. It reassures them that they matter to you.

By fondling

A touch might be sexual or nonsexual and still be intimate. An intimate sign of affection can be tracing your fingers across your partner's back or neck.

You can demonstrate your support for your partner, your physical attraction to them, and/or your love for them by caressing their hair, stroking the nape of their neck, or even caressing their bare leg.

By cuddling

Cuddling is also a way you can spend quality time with someone you love. It builds intimacy between you and your partner, and also makes them feel connected to you. It is not a time for you to bring up issues from the past, but to ponder on the things you love about the relationship.

While cuddling, say nice things to that special person, and make them feel loved and appreciated. Cuddling should not always lead to sex, it should be one of those special moments where you get to understand your partner on a deeper level.

Couple embracing in a post about How to Tell Someone You Care for Them Deeply

How to express love by spending quality time

The best approach to make sure your relationship remains healthy is to spend quality time with your partner.

This entails doing more than just watching TV together or occasionally going out to eat. So, what is meant by quality time? It entails uninterrupted time spent with your partner. It's an opportunity for you to get together and discuss. This will promote a deeper level of emotional connection and trust.

Below are useful tips that will help you spend time with that special person.

Identify the warning signs

You must develop the ability to spot the telltale indicators that your relationship needs more one-on-one time if you want it to thrive. Our Ultiblog article Relationship Red Flags You Should Know may help you. Some warning signs include:
- You use your phones nonstop.
- You place more importance on your interests or friendships than your relationship.
- You don't attend significant events together.
- You argue more frequently or have poor connections.
- You don't schedule events or go on dates.
- You're not content.

Make date nights a habit

Couples who spend quality time together feel happier and less stressed than those who do not. Incorporating a date night into your weekly schedule is a nice way of maintaining a healthy relationship.

You'll be surprised how a candlelit dinner could make your loved one feel amazing. Don't do this only on special occasions, like birthdays or anniversaries, be romantic! This does not mean you should neglect the important dates.

Work out together

By exercising with your partner, you get to spend time with them. Moreover, research has shown that couples who work out together, tend to tie their fitness goals faster than those who exercise alone.

Create gadget-free moments

Due to our increasing dependence on technology, many of us no longer pay attention to the people around us. Members of a family, friends, or even romantic partners now " phub" each other., and this has led to broken relationships. When you're around loved ones, it is important that you keep the gadgets away. 

Attempt new things together

Have you ever wished you could pick up a musical instrument or another language? How about ballroom dancing or skydiving? Why not incorporate your partner in these activities rather than seeing them as your personal interests and hobbies?

Trying new things together strengthens relationships because it enables partners to lean on one another for both physical and emotional support.

Prepare meals together

Romantic love doesn't always involve flowers and chocolates., it could be a simple gesture like cooking with your spouse.

You don't always need actual words to profess your unconditional love for someone you care for deeply, let your actions do the work; one of the easiest ways to do this is by cooking together. It's a great way to bond with your partner. You get to tease each other and discuss the events of the day while cooking. Cool right?

Couple kissing in a post about How to Tell Someone You Care for Them Deeply

How to tell someone you love them through gifts

First of all, how do you know if your partner's love language is receiving gifts?

Such people never set a gift aside until it is opened and its contents are made clear because they simply can't wait to get their hands on them. In addition, these individuals frequently recall who gave them what, and they treat each gift as though it were their most prized asset. They also enjoy giving gifts to others as well.

Here are things you ought to know when giving gifts to someone you love.

Your intention matters

Don't give a gift because you're sorry for hurting the person or because you want a favor in return. Rather from the habit of giving gifts because you care and you never want them to forget that.

The gift must not be so expensive

The most amazing gifts are not the most expensive ones but thoughtful gifts. For instance, gifting your loved one a pup when they are allergic to fur Is quite silly, right?

So when getting gifts, go for nice things that will genuinely put a smile on the face of that special person. The most amazing gifts are not the most expensive ones but thoughtful gifts. For instance, gifting your loved one a pup when they are allergic to fur Is quite silly, right?

Surprises are a big deal to gift lovers

Most people expect gifts on specific days like birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc, and though it means a lot to them, you can't compare this to how they feel when surprised.

A perfect way to impress a gift love is to surprise them. It demonstrates that they are always on your mind and that you're willing to go out of your way to make them happy.

Timing is important

Even though your partner enjoys receiving gifts, you should be cautious of the time you offer these gifts. For instance, If they are going through a tough time at work, you should offer support and not a gift. That's what they need at that time.

Or perhaps you've been dating someone you care about for a few weeks, and getting them something pricey (like a diamond bracelet) may seem like you're rushing the relationship. They may not be ready for that level of commitment.

So, be wise in giving gifts.

How to tell someone you care through words of affirmation

Any communication that encourages, affirms, praises, sympathizes, comments, or uplifts is considered to be speaking words of affirmation.

Words of affirmation, in their simplest form, aid in making your spouse feel seen. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and, more significantly, makes them feel acknowledged in the quiet, unassuming moments of daily life. These words could be written (love letters, love notes), typed( sweet text messages), or spoken.

Your words have an impact, so it matters a great deal what you say to someone you care about. It is advisable to carefully consider both your message and your delivery.

It happens frequently that we have warm and generous thoughts for our lover but never expresses them verbally. Then open the mouth and let the words flow. Never hold a kind notion in your mind. Practice speaking the lovely words you think of instead.

You can develop a habit by repeatedly telling yourself to say the words out loud and then doing so. Your relationship will be improved if you speak positively about your mate. The following tips will help you convey your message of love to your partner using words.

Use specific words

When complimenting someone, be specific. Substitute more genuine language for overused ones.

Don't use the same words you can say to any other man or lady out there. Through the uniqueness of your words, make your partner feel particularly seen. Even though it requires more work, the payoff is enormous.

Listen to your partner

Pay close attention to what your partner is saying.

Knowing exactly what they are dealing with and what they need is necessary to properly affirm someone with your words. If you actively listen and strive to comprehend your partner's ideas and feelings, your words won't be meaningless.

Be intentional

Set a goal to compliment your spouse every day in a very particular and special way. Spend some time thinking about what it is about your partner that you truly like or find fascinating, and then tell them.

Make it a point to do this daily until it becomes second nature. You'll find yourself reflecting on your spouse's virtues regularly, and your partner will experience an increase in feelings of love.

Examples of words of affirmation you can say to your significant other

- I love the way your smile, it makes you look so beautiful.
- I have so much faith in you babe, you'll pull through this.
- While I was grocery shopping, I was thinking about how lucky I am to have you In my life.
- You mean the world to me and I never want to lose you.
- I admire the way you handled that situation.
- You're so smart, you always come up with wonderful ideas.
- I love how diligent you are with work, you'll go places.
- I am so proud of you.
- I get butterflies anytime you look at me like that.
- You're awesome! I hope you know that.
- I love you
- There's no one is rather be with
- You're such a good cook!

Bottom line

You will most likely apply all of the love languages during the honeymoon period of your relationship but with time, you get comfortable using your dominant love language. If there is a mismatch between you and your partner, the relationship may begin to feel unfulfilling, and one partner may feel like the other doesn't care anymore.

That does not imply that you give up and end it. Instead, take some time to remind each other of your respective love languages. Even if words of affirmation aren't your main form of expression of love, verbal communication is essential for letting your loved ones know what you need.

Be prepared to change your actions as necessary to make your partner feel special as well. Every single person is deserving of love and respect. When you experience negative emotions more frequently than positive ones, you may be in an unhealthy relationship.

On the other hand, pleasant, healthy relationships give you a sense of self-assurance and confidence. But strong relationships take time and work to maintain. Learn your partner's preferred method of expressing their love and care, and use that method frequently.

Consider it the ultimate rule of romance: treat people the way you want to be treated.

Still in doubt about the "love language theory"?

For those of you who may not really buy the whole love language theory, think of it this way: If you grew up in a home where giving gifts or spending time with family is an expression of love, then most likely, these acts will be what you'll expect from your partner. This is because this is what you believe love looks like.

On the other hand, if you always saw your parents fight, you may have the wrong notion that love should hurt.

So, you see, love languages are not just made-up perceptions; our parents, upbringing, and even environment play a key role in how we give and receive love. Check the sources on love language we dropped in this composition for better understanding.


How Do You Know If Someone Cares About You?

You know someone cares about you through their words and actions. The way they speak to you, how intentional they are about things that concern you, how supportive they are, etc.

Why Is It Important To Show Someone You Care?

If you care for someone and you don't show how you feel about them, they won't know it. They may even withdraw from you for that reason.


  1. Oregon Counseling in Five Ways to Express Love: Five Ways to Express Love
  2. The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate
  3. School of Life: Meaning of Life
  4. MindBodyGreen: What “Acts Of Service” Means As A Love Language + 101 Examples
  5. Verywell Mind: What Is the Physical Touch Love Language?
  6. Verywell Mind: What Is the Physical Touch Love Language?
  7. BBC: The Reasons Humans Started Kissing
  8. Relish:10 Surprising Benefits of Holding Hands with a Loved One.
  9. Susan O’Grady: Better Sex through Non-Sexual Touching
  10. Berry Amour Villas: How to cuddle to make your partner feel truly loved
  11. HelpGuide: Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship
  12. Lifehack: 14 Tips on How to Spend More Quality Time With Your Partner
  13. DEBORAH BYRNE PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES: The Importance Of Date Nights To Your Relationship
  14. NCBI: Partner Influence in Diet and Exercise Behaviors: Testing Behavior Modeling, Social Control, and Normative Body Size
  15. Silver Maples: What Are the Effects of Too Much Screen Time?
  16. MindBodyGreen: What It Really Means To Have Gifts As Your Love Language
  17. WikiHow: How to Present a Romantic Gif
  18. MindBodyGreen: What It Means To Have Words Of Affirmation As A Love Language
  19. Heart Matters: 10 tips for active listening

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How To Talk To Someone Who Is Bipolar

If you're wondering how to talk to someone who is bipolar and offer support, it's crucial to approach the conversation with empathy and understanding. Dealing with bipolar disorder can be challenging, and knowing how to talk to someone who is bipolar is key to providing effective support.

In this blog post, we'll explore effective communication strategies and share resources to help you navigate these conversations.

supportive conversation between two people in a post about how to talk to someone who is bipolar

Tips for talking to bipolar individuals

Extreme changes in mood and behavior are prevalent in people with bipolar disorder. These mood swings may happen suddenly and may hurt the person’s own life.

You might have to endure irrational behavior, absurd demands, violent outbursts, and careless choices while experiencing a manic episode. And after the manic episode has ended, it frequently falls on you to deal with the fallout. You might need to intervene for a loved one or a friend who shows bipolar symptoms.

The good news is that with the right care, medicine, and support, the majority of people with this mental health disorder can stabilize their moods. Your loved one’s treatment and recovery can benefit much from your tolerance, love, and understanding. Sometimes, all someone needs to change their perspective and motivation is someone to talk to.[1][2][3]

Here are some tips on how to interact or talk to someone with bipolar disorder:

a person offering a comforting hand to another in a post about how to talk to someone who is bipolar

Don’t argue with them

The amygdala, a fear area in our brains, is in charge of triggering our fight-or-flight responses. When this happens, we fail to communicate our precise intentions and turn irrational and unreasonable.

The amygdala may be overactive or extremely quickly triggered in people with bipolar disorder. This occurrence is known as amygdala hijack. Don’t argue or discuss with your bipolar partner while they are experiencing terror. wait till the person with bipolar disorder is calm. Arguing with someone with a bipolar disorder experience might get things heated up and violence might come into the picture.[4][5]

A compassionate gesture like a supportive touch on the shoulder in a post about how to talk to someone who is bipolar


When talking to someone with bipolar disorder, be comforting. Always remind the patient that he or she is fine, it’s just a phase. Don’t remind someone with bipolar disorder of their mental health condition but always remind them of how unique and wonderful they are.

A man screaming abusive words in a post about how to talk to someone who is bipolar

Be compassionate

When bipolar disorder symptoms worsen, the effect can resemble an ugly outburst by a two-year-old.

Try to keep your judgment to yourself as much as you can. If you come downstairs and discover your bipolar friend or relative having a screaming tantrum, treat them as much as you would with a young child whose scoop of ice cream just dropped off the cone.
The person is responding to the world as they perceive it.

Take stock and consider ideal backgrounds. Put a lot of compassion into it and try to be understanding.[6]

Never use abusive words

When talking to someone with bipolar disorder, try not to use abusive words. In as much as the person’s mood episode can be quite annoying, set your boundaries.

It takes a lot of discipline to deal with someone that has a bipolar disorder because the person’s mood changes and mood episodes can be very tiring and neck wracking but try and understand the patient’s situation and choose your words carefully. You can also find the best PTSD books in the Ultiblog Best Products category Buy The Best Ptsd Workbooks. [7]

two people sharing a laugh in a post about how to talk to someone who is bipolar

Focus on the good moments

A conversation that reminisces the fun-filled moments is always healthy for someone with bipolar disorder.

Focus on the good times you had with the person, not the hurdles and anger. Remind them of your fun memories even when life is questionable.[8]

in a post about how to talk to someone who is bipolar

How can you help someone with bipolar disorder

Helping someone with bipolar disorder, especially when going through a manic or depressive episode is a caring but challenging task to do.

Having a friend or family member with bipolar disorder can be difficult, as you are aware. Both the person with the disease and the people in their lives may struggle with unpredictable behaviors and intense mood swings.

It’s critical for those who suffer from bipolar disorder to appreciate coping mechanisms.

The individuals in their lives, such as friends or family members, must understand how to help them when they are experiencing a manic or depressed episode. [9][10]Here are some tips for supporting a loved one who is suffering from bipolar disorder:

Someone reading a book in a post about how to talk to someone who is bipolar

Educate yourself

You will be more equipped to assist if you are more knowledgeable about bipolar disorder. For example, being aware of the signs of manic and depressed periods will help you respond effectively when your mood suddenly changes. You can educate yourself by joining a bipolar support alliance where you’ll be taught about bipolar disorder.[11][12]


To be helpful, you don’t necessarily have to offer solutions or counsel. One of the nicest things you can do for someone with bipolar disorder is simply to listen to them, especially when they want to talk to you about their struggles.

By expressing your acceptance and understanding, you can greatly aid the person in feeling more at ease about their situation. You may improve your listening skills by:
– Completely paying attention to what your bipolar friend or loved one is saying
– Be calm during conversations
– Ask friendly questions about what he or she has been saying.
– Avoiding conflicts
– Staying away from any subjects that seem to annoy or disappoint them[13][14]

A hero ripping off their casual clothes in a post about how to talk to someone who is bipolar

Be their hero

People with this mental illness occasionally experience the feeling that everyone is out to get them. The person may feel more stable if you reassure them that you support them. Even if you disagree with the person’s attitudes and actions, reassuring them that you have their support no matter what can be incredibly helpful.

You can find the best communication books in the Ulti Best Products category The Top Communication Books.

Affirming their abilities and positive traits can assist those who suffer from bipolar disorder, who frequently feel hopeless or unworthy. This can make it easier for them to bounce back from depressive episodes.[15]

a person balancing stones in a post about how to talk to someone who is bipolar

Know your limits

A bipolar individual can benefit greatly from your assistance. But, you must know when to back off and let a medical or mental health expert take over. Although people with bipolar disorder can make consciously informed choices, you must recognize when their emotions and actions are beyond their control.

Also, if the person has a setback while you’re attempting to help, don’t take it personally. Keep in mind that you are both trying your best.[16]

 two people drawing a plan in a post about how to talk to someone who is bipolar

Draw a plan

Unpredictability is a risk seen in bipolar disorder. If you need to deploy an emergency plan during severe mood episodes, it’s crucial to have one in place. This plan should outline what to do if the person experiences suicidal thoughts while experiencing a depressive episode or if they lose control while experiencing a manic episode.

various treatment methods in a post about how to talk to someone who is bipolar

You should also make daily preparations to help the person get through the intervals between extreme episodes. These plans may contain coping strategies, such as what to do when one feels a mood swing coming on or how to carry out daily tasks when one is feeling low on energy. Make these arrangements when the person is composed and stable in their thoughts. For easy access by both of you, it’s preferable to put them in writing.[17][18]

Bipolar disorder treatment

A psychiatrist experienced in treating bipolar disorder and associated illnesses is the ideal professional to oversee the treatment. A psychologist, social worker, and psychiatric nurse could be on your therapy team.

As a lifelong condition, symptom management is the focus of treatment.[19]

The treatment for bipolar disorder may include:


One with bipolar disorder will often need medication to balance his or her mood right away. Medications include antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety drugs, and mood stabilizers.[20]

Renewed treatments

Even when the patient feels better, bipolar disorder needs to be treated with medication for the rest of their life.
People who neglect maintenance therapy run the danger of experiencing a relapse of their symptoms or of having mild mood swings develop into major depression or mania.[21][22]

Programs for day therapy

A regimen for day treatment may be suggested by the doctor, like online therapy. These programs offer the assistance and guidance the patient require as they manage their symptoms.


If they behave in a risky manner, experience suicidal thoughts, or lose touch with reality, the doctor may advise they should be admitted to the hospital. Whether they’re experiencing a manic or major episode of depression, receiving psychiatric care in a hospital can help them to be safe, calm, and in control of their emotions.

A person with bipolar disorder requires medical treatment and psychological counseling (behavioral therapy) to regulate the symptoms. Education and support groups may also be used as additional therapies.[23]

Understanding bipolar disorders

According to the America Psychiatric Association, bipolar disorders are a group of mental disorders that cause an individual’s mood, energy, and functional ability to fluctuate extremely.

They are one of the most prevalent forms of mental disorders in the United States of America. Every year, bipolar disorder is diagnosed in about 3 million people. This condition’s previous name was “manic depression,” but it was changed to help lessen the stigma attached to the sickness.

Although there are several types of bipolar disorders, mood changes that range from severe depression to mania are the most typical signs and symptoms.[24][25][26]


A depressive episode is one major symptom of someone with bipolar disorder. Someone with bipolar disorder may go through prolonged depressive episodes that make it difficult for them to go about their regular lives. This depression usually involves more than just feeling down. It consists of:
– Low zeal
– Inadequate focus
– Apathy: Lack of interest in formerly important issues.
– Irritability
– A low sense of self
– Alterations in appetite or sleep patterns
– Suicidal or self-harming ideas[27]


Manic episodes or hypomania are a component of the bipolar disorder diagnostic criteria. An episode of mania is characterized by an upsurge in energy or mood. These signs include:
– Unusually positive attitude
– Decreased need for sleep
– Talkativeness
– Frenzied thinking
– Not paying attention
– Impulsive behavior includes expensive decisions, dangerous sexual behavior, reckless driving, etc.
– Enhanced energy levels
– Irritability or unease

Manic patients may occasionally develop psychosis and need medical treatment. Many of these symptoms are present in hypomania, which is less severe or disruptive. Bipolar illness symptoms and severity can change throughout a person’s lifetime. However, bipolar disorder can be successfully treated.[28][29][30]


A person with bipolar disorder can be difficult to help. The person’s moods will fluctuate, making it challenging to respond or cope.

But if you put out the effort, you can significantly impact your friend or loved one’s life. Knowing they can count on you can encourage them to adhere to their treatment plan and maintain a positive outlook.

Knowing that you are assisting a friend or loved one in navigating the ups and downs of living with bipolar disorder can be enjoyable for you as well.


Can Bipolar Disorder Be Cured?

Although there is no known treatment for bipolar disorder, most people with the illness can live normal, fulfilling lives and manage their condition with the help of behavior therapy and an appropriate dosage of mood stabilizers and other bipolar medications.


  1. Mayo Clinic: Bipolar disorder
  2. NHS: Symptoms- Bipolar Disorder
  3. NCBI: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder: Decision-Making in Primary Care
  4. Verywell Mind: Amygdala Hijack and the Fight or Flight Response
  5. Bphope: Bipolar Disorder & Anger: Understanding and Getting Control of Irritability
  6. Massachusetts General Hospital: DMDD Versus Bipolar Disorder
  7. Mental Health Foundation: What it’s like to have bipolar, by people who have bipolar
  8. HelpGuide: Helping Someone with Bipolar Disorder
  9. Self-management for bipolar disorder
  10. NCBI: Improving Outcomes in Patients With Bipolar Disorder Through Establishing an Effective Treatment Team.
  12. HelpGuide; Living With Bipolar Disorder
  13. Everyday Health: 7 Things Nobody With Bipolar Disorder Wants to Hear
  14. NIMH : Bipolar Disorder
  15. SAHMSA: Living Well with Bipolar Disorder
  16. Healthline: How to Deal with the Uncertainty of Bipolar Episodes
  17. HelpGuide: Bipolar Disorder Signs and Symptoms
  18. NCBI: Treatment of bipolar disorder
  19. Healthline: Drugs to Treat Bipolar Disorder
  20. NHS: Treatment – Bipolar disorder
  21. NCBI: Risk for Recurrence in Depression
  22. National Alliance on Mental Illness: Different Types of Therapy for Bipolar Disorder
  23. Psycom: Bipolar Definition and DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria
  24. NCBI: Bipolar Disorder
  25. NIMH: Bipolar Disorder
  26. Verywell Mind: Major Depressive Episodes in Bipolar Disorder
  27. Cleveland Clinic: Mania
  28. NCBI: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder: Decision-Making in Primary Care
  29. Cleveland Clinic: Bipolar Disorder

Relationship Red Flags You Should Know

Red Flags
Not-So-Obvious Signs
Yellow Flags
Healthy Relationship
Helpful Products

Relationship Red Flags
- Being Excessively Possessive
- Pressuring You About Sex
- Emotional Abuse
- Displaying Anger, Aggressive Or Violent behavior
- Physical Abuse
- Degrading Comments A Major Red Flag (Public or Private)
- Making Derogatory Comments About Others
- Unwilling To Compromise
- Controlling Behavior
- Lying About Small Things
- Silent Treatment
- Toxic Behavior, A Red Flag
- Lacking Empathy Or Compassion
- Withholding Love And Affection As A Form Of Punishment

Here Are Some Not-So-Obvious Relationship Red Flags
- It's common to hear red flags in relationships becoming apparent regarding money.
- Slow at introducing you to their life and friends or family.
- They do not act like they are interested in you but then get angry if you do not show enough interest in them.
- They diminish your goals, interests, and dreams.
- It's all about them: They always need to be the center of attention in any situation.
- Make promises but never fulfill them.
- Having low self-esteem.
- Having a double standard.
- Partners have a history of being unfaithful.
- They don't want to commit.
- Falling into a new romance just after breaking up.
- Lacks respect for you or others

Relationship Yellow Flags
- The "you're not good enough."
- You're not happy about your partner's friends.
- The "my needs always come before yours."
- The "you deserve better than me speech."
- Your partner is too busy to spend time with you.
- You feel like there's no future for this relationship, and it might be time to move on.
- Telling you they are thinking of breaking up even in a new relationship

Healthy Relationship Signs
- Communication is open and honest
- Both partners feel respected and valued
- Both partners feel safe and secure
- Both partners feel heard and understood
- Both partners feel trust and support
- Both partners are willing to compromise and work through conflicts.
- Both partners can maintain individuality and autonomy
- Both partners have healthy coping mechanisms for managing stress and emotions.
- Both partners have shared goals and values.
- Both partners have healthy ways of expressing intimacy and affection.

We've all been there. We meet someone, and we can't help but feel like this could be the one. Immediately we ignore all of those little warning signs screaming at us or bigger things that make us question their character, telling us to back off. And then, inevitably, things go wrong. Here are the top relationship red flags to watch out for. If you see any of these in your relationship, it's time to get out before things get too complicated.

The first stepping stone in any good relationship is to have good morals and values. This is essential as it creates firm and healthy relationships in not just your personal life but also in family and business relationships. If you have different values and morals in relationships, it becomes difficult for any individual to compromise and adapt to create healthy relationships.

Now that the basics are out, here are the red flags in relationships.

Obvious red flags in relationships & warning signs

Being excessively possessive

In a relationship, your partner should love and care for you without getting too emotionally close by invading your personal space. Overprotectiveness, though, can be a red flag that indicates they don't respect your independence and privacy.

A couple being intimate in a relationship about Relationship Red Flags

Pressuring you about sex

In the realm of relationship red flags, sexual coercion stands out as a particularly serious concern. Coercion in sexual contexts refers to situations where one partner pressures the other into engaging in sexual activities against their will. This pressure can take many forms, ranging from emotional manipulation to outright threats. It's crucial to recognize that consent in a healthy relationship should be enthusiastic and freely given, without any form of pressure or duress.

When a partner persistently pressures for sexual activity, it not only undermines the foundation of trust and respect in the relationship but also crosses into the territory of abuse. This kind of behavior is a glaring red flag, signaling a deep-seated problem in the relationship dynamics. [1][2]

Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse, a critical relationship red flag, manifests in behaviors that undermine an individual's sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth. This form of abuse encompasses a range of actions including verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, and isolation. One of its most insidious aspects is the ability to distort the victim’s perception, often making them feel at fault for the abuser’s actions.

Victims of emotional abuse often experience profound psychological impacts, including personality changes, anxiety, depression, and severely diminished self-esteem. These effects are exacerbated the longer the abuse persists, creating a complex web of dependency that makes it increasingly difficult to escape the abusive relationship

Signs of Emotional Abuse:

Acting overly jealous or insecure

n the complex dynamics of relationships, acting overly jealous or insecure often raises significant red flags. Such behavior, stemming from deep-seated insecurities, can manifest in various concerning ways. For instance, a partner who frequently checks on their significant other, tracking their movements via phone or GPS without consent, exhibits a lack of trust and respect, both crucial elements for a healthy relationship dynamic​​​​.[6][7]

This form of jealousy transcends mere emotion, becoming a display of controlling behavior. It's not just about feeling insecure; it's the actions that follow - like unwarranted snooping through phones or social media accounts. Such actions signal a breach of privacy and a toxic tendency to dominate, rather than to partner in, a relationship​​.[8]

The issue compounds when this behavior leads to a partner feeling suffocated or monitored. A relationship should be a space of mutual respect and understanding, where each individual feels free to maintain their own social life and personal space. Excessive jealousy infringes on this freedom, often paving the way for a toxic environment.[9]

Displaying anger, aggressive or violent behavior

In relationships, displaying anger, aggression, or violent behavior can be significant red flags. Uncontrolled anger often escalates conflicts and leads to negative interactions that remain unresolved​​. These behaviors, instead of resolving issues, can perpetuate a cycle of retaliation and aggression​​. [10]

Recognizing and managing anger healthily is crucial, as unchecked anger can jeopardize relationships and potentially transform into emotional abuse or passive-aggressive behaviors​​.[11][12]

A man being abusive in a relationship about Relationship Red Flags

Physical abuse

Physical abuse stands out as a glaring red flag in relationships, one that demands immediate attention and action. Characterized by visible wounds or scars, physical abuse includes any form of physical harm such as punching, hitting, strangling, or forcibly restraining someone.

This type of abuse often escalates from minor aggressive behaviors to more severe violence over time, making it crucial to recognize and address it early. The impact of physical abuse extends beyond the immediate physical injuries, leading to long-term psychological trauma and a breakdown in personal autonomy and safety.[13]

Degrading comments a major red flag (public or private)

In a relationship, degrading comments, whether in public or private, are a major red flag. These remarks, ranging from subtle put-downs to overt insults, are forms of verbal abuse, indicative of toxic dynamics. They inflict emotional harm, diminishing self-esteem and fostering feelings of worthlessness.

Such behavior, far from benign, is an alarming indicator of underlying disrespect and a potential precursor to escalating abuse. [14]

Making derogatory comments about others

People often use derogatory comments to express their negative opinions of others, but this is never constructive.

This shows that the person has a tendency to be rude and hurtful. It doesn't matter what their reason is or what they say; if they can make those kinds of comments without blinking an eye about people who are different from them, this type of behavior will continue as soon as they get into a disagreement with others.

Do not make derogatory comments about others. It is important to have a positive mental attitude, as this will help you to be a better person in general. [15][16]

This is a warning sign of typical low self-esteem.

Unwilling to compromise

In relationships, an unwillingness to compromise is a significant red flag. It often manifests as one partner persistently insisting on having their way, ignoring the other's needs or desires. This behavior, a form of controlling attitude, undermines the partnership's foundation of mutual respect and understanding.

It's not just about small disagreements; it's a deeper issue where the inflexible partner may use criticism, blame, and manipulation to dominate. Such dynamics indicate a concerning imbalance, signaling a lack of healthy, two-way communication.[17]

Controlling behavior

Controlling behavior in relationships, a significant red flag, often manifests as possessiveness or obsession. This includes making decisions for a partner without consultation, indicative of a desire to exert dominance and control. Overly personal inquiries early in a relationship can also signal controlling tendencies.

More alarming are manipulative tactics like using threats, punishment, or guilt to enforce compliance, often leading to emotional abuse. Unreasonable demands, such as frequent check-ins, further exemplify this behavior, rooted in insecurity and past attachment issues. Such actions create an oppressive dynamic, undermining trust and mutual respect​. [18][19][20]

Lying about small things

In the realm of relationship red flags, displaying anger, aggressive, or violent behavior is a significant concern. This behavior can manifest as frequent explosive outbursts or a rapid switch from calm to rage, revealing an inability to regulate emotions healthily.

Such tendencies not only create a tense and unpredictable environment but also pose a serious risk to emotional and physical safety. In relationships, it's crucial to feel safe and respected; however, aggression and violence fundamentally undermine these needs. [21][22]

A couple giving each other the silent treatment in a relationship about Relationship Red Flags

Silent treatment

The silent treatment stands out as a concerning behavior. It's more than just a lack of communication; it's a form of emotional manipulation. This tactic, manifesting as prolonged silence or refusal to acknowledge the other's presence, is different from healthy conflict resolution.

It's used to control, induce guilt, or assert dominance in a relationship. The silent treatment can create an imbalanced power dynamic, eroding trust and preventing genuine conflict resolution.[23][24]

Toxic behavior, a red flag

Toxic behavior is any display of verbally or physically abusive behavior towards another person. It can be directed at the victims, their loved ones, friends, co-workers, and even pets! This toxic trait has been seen in many different types of relationships.

It's essential for us all, as human beings, to not only care about ourselves but also consider taking action- think before you speak or act because what we do will affect other people in some way, shape, or form, whether good or bad. [25]

Lacking empathy or compassion

mpathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, is essential for healthy interpersonal connections. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), for instance, is often characterized by a notable deficiency in empathy. This doesn't imply an absolute absence of empathetic abilities, but rather a dysfunctional form of empathy, influenced by various motivational and situational factors.

Individuals with NPD may display behaviors that seem empathetic, but these are often superficial and driven by self-interest. Similarly, psychological conditions like sociopathy and psychopathy are marked by a distinct lack of empathy, affecting an individual’s ability to form genuine, caring relationships.[26][27][28]

Withholding love and affection as a form of punishment

Withholding love and affection as a form of punishment is a significant red flag in relationships. This behavior, a type of emotional suppression, can lead to detrimental effects on relational dynamics. Research indicates that partners engaging in this behavior exhibit increased stress responses and diminished intimacy, eroding the relationship's foundation.

Emotional withholding is also a recognized form of emotional abuse, often used manipulatively to diminish a partner's self-worth and maintain control.[29][30][31]

Short video

Here are some not-so-obvious relationship red flags

  1. It's common to hear red flags in relationships becoming apparent regarding money.
  2. Slow at introducing you to their life and friends or family.
  3. They do not act like they are interested in you but then get angry if you do not show enough interest in them.
  4. They diminish your goals, interests, and dreams.
  5. It's all about them: They always need to be the center of attention in any situation.
  6. Make promises but never fulfill them.
  7. Having low self-esteem.
  8. Having a double standard.
  9. Partners have a history of being unfaithful.
  10. They don't want to commit. 
  11. Falling into a new romance just after breaking up.
  12. Lacks respect for you or others [32]

Do NOT let someone make you feel bad about yourself! You should be with someone who believes in you and wants the best for you, as you would want for them. If they aren't pushing you toward something good in your life, RUN!

You can ask yourself a couple of questions:

Are we equals?

Are we both happy?

Is the red flag something I can live with?

How do my family and friends see this relationship?

When asking yourself questions and answering them honestly, it is good that you will realize what value a specific relationship has in your life and if certain behaviors create any flags in your relationship.

Some more red lights flashing

  1. The "we just don't have anything in common anymore" flag.
  2. The "I need to be free to do what I want without your judgmental gaze on me all the time" flag.
  3. The "I'm never wrong, you are" flag.
  4. You feel like you always have to ask for what you want in the relationship and repeat this often with no change.
  5. You don't think your partner values your opinion or feelings at all.

It is essential to be aware of red flags as early in a relationship as possible. If you see a yellow flag, take action before it becomes a red flag, and the trust starts deteriorating. When looking for signs of an abusive or unhealthy relationship, ask yourself if your partner ever does any of these things- insults you, controls how much time you spend with other people, belittles what you do or believe in front of others, threaten violence against anyone who disagrees with them (including their own family), has been physically violent towards someone else, harms pets/animals…the list goes on and on.

Remember that every type of relationship should have equal power dynamics and fairness. People will only change if they can acknowledge that they are at fault. If you and your partner are on the same page, you can work through any problems.

Relationship yellow flags

  1. The "you're not good enough."
  2. You're not happy about your partner's friends.
  3. The "my needs always come before yours."
  4. The "you deserve better than me speech."
  5. Your partner is too busy to spend time with you.
  6. You feel like there's no future for this relationship, and it might be time to move on.
  7. Telling you they are thinking of breaking up even in a new relationship
A woman feeling anxious in a relationship about Relationship Red Flags

Energetical compatability - living in fear

One lesser know the reason for leaving a relationship that is gaining a lot of traction with experts is your energetical compatibility. If you are a high-energy individual, wanting to go out, see new places, explore new locations, and take on new hobbies, and your partner only wants to stay home, does not want to do anything, or living in a "state of fear" one of you will be unhappy.

A couple holding hands in a relationship about Relationship Red Flags

Healthy relationship

A good relationship provides a secure environment where both individuals can freely express their emotions without fear of being judged or condemned. Communication is the basis of every relationship. Therefore, you are in a good one if you and your partner can communicate openly and want to collaborate. [33]


The reason why relationships are so complex is that it's not just about you. You have to be able to take in the other person’s feelings and needs. But if your partner constantly exhibits these top relationship flags or warning signs, then that might be a sign that they're not suitable for you. If this sounds like something, you want advice on or need help with, reach out to an expert!

They can talk through what’s going on in your life and give some sound guidance based on their experience and trained knowledge. Speaking to other married couples may not give you the right advice for your relationship. It doesn't matter how “obvious" someone may seem regarding their behavior; there are always hidden clues waiting to surface.


Why Do People Ignore Red Flags In Their Relationships?

People ignore red flags in their relationships because they want to believe that things will get better. They may be in denial about the problems in the relationship, or they may be hoping that the other person will change.

Is It Better To Confront Someone About Red flag, Or Just Let Them Go?

In general, you should confront someone about a red flag if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable. If the person is able to change their behavior after being confronted, then it's likely worth it. However, if the person does not take your concerns seriously or continues to behave in a harmful way, it may be better to let them go.


  1. medicalnewstoday; Sexual coercion: Definition, examples, and recovery
  2. psychologytoday; What Everyone Needs to Understand About Sexual Coercion
  3. psychologytoday: Emotional Abuse
  4. healthyplace: Emotional Abuse
  5. psychologytoday: The Many Faces of Emotional Abuse
  6. betterup: 15 red flags in a relationship to look out for
  7. healthyplace; My Partner Cheat?
  8. healthyplace; My Partner Cheat?
  9. betterup: 15 red flags in a relationship to look out for
  10. psychologytoday: What Triggers Anger and What to Do About It
  11. psychologytoday: How to Deal With Anger in Relationships
  12. psychologytoday: 6 Tips for How to Manage Anger in Your Relationships
  13. womenshealth: Physical abuse
  14. psychologytoday:Hostile Venting: Mean Phrases Scar Intimate Relationships
  15. psychologytoday: Backhanded Comments, Digs, and Subtle Put Downs
  16. relationrise: What Does Degrade Mean in a Relationship
  17. psychologytoday; 10 Relationship Red Flags
  18. psychologytoday;Be Mine: Dealing With Possessiveness in a Relationship
  19. mantracare: Introduction To Obsessive Behavior In A Relationship
  20. clevelandclinic: Signs of Relationship OCD and How To Cope
  21. mindbodygreen; 13 Red Flags In A Relationship You Shouldn't Ignore
  22. openup: How Do You Recognise Red Flags in a Relationship?
  23. positivepsychology: 11 Anger Management Therapy Techniques and Interventions
  24. wellandgood: Yes, the Silent Treatment Can Be a Manipulation Tactic—Here’s How To Handle It
  25. webmd: What Is a Toxic Person?
  26. psychologytoday: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  27. frontiersin: The dark side of empathy in narcissistic personality disorder
  28. pubmed: Empathy in narcissistic personality disorder
  29. psychologytoday: What Happens When Partners Withhold Affection or Emotion
  31. happierhuman: 23 Emotional Abuse Red Flags in Your Relationship
  32. verywellmind: 13 Red Flags in Relationships
  33. What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like?

How To Be A Better Girlfriend For Your Partner 

Learning how to be a better girlfriend is crucial, especially when facing the challenge of a partner who emotionally pulls away from you. It's natural to feel rejected and unimportant in such situations, but it's vital to remember that you remain an integral part of your partner's life.

Despite the difficulties, there are effective strategies to improve your role as a girlfriend, even when it feels like they're pushing you away.

couple enjoying a peaceful morning in a post about how to be a better girlfriend

Steps to being a better girlfriend in the mornings

Morning Affection and Comfort

photo depicting a partner preparing a morning routine in a post about how to be a better girlfriend

Morning Routine Enhancements

A couple sharing a meal in a post about how to be a better girlfriend

Breakfast Bonding

Pro Tip

Use "Ultimate Breakfast Cookbook" for diverse breakfast ideas.
 one partner helping the other get ready for work in a post about how to be a better girlfriend

Preparing for Work

Pro Tip

Use a PIQOLA Customized Checklist Board for task management.
a couple saying goodbye at the doorstep in a post about how to be a better girlfriend

Saying Goodbye

A scene of a couple in the kitchen in a post about how to be a better girlfriend

Steps to being a better girlfriend in the evenings

Greet Them Warmly

Prepare dinner

Pro Tip

Use "The Busy Mom Cookbook: 15-Minute Homemade Express Dinners" for quick, flavorful meals.
 a couple on a bed, with one partner talking and the other listening attentively in a post about how to be a better girlfriend

Ask About His Day and Listen

a couple enjoying a quiet evening walk in a post about how to be a better girlfriend

Spend Quality Time Together

Steps to being a better girlfriend during a weekend

Sharing Breakfast

one partner is showing interest in the other's hobby or project in a post about how to be a better girlfriend

Spend Quality Time Together

Showing Interest in Your Partner's Activities


So, there you have it. Ways to be a better girlfriend for your partner. If you're feeling lost or something seems wrong in your relationship, read our article on All You Need To Know About Couples Therapy.

It might help you figure out the issue and how to solve it. We hope these tips will help make your relationship more robust than ever!


What do you think is the key to being a successful long-term couple? 

In any relationship, communication is critical. This is especially true for long-term couples who have seen and been through a lot together. Over time, partners can begin to take each other for granted and may stop communicating as effectively as they once did. It’s essential to keep the lines of communication open in order to maintain a close relationship.

How can a girlfriend become more emotionally supportive of their partner?

There are a few things that people can do in order to become more emotionally supportive of their partner. First, it's important to be understanding and non-judgmental, even when your partner shares something difficult or upsetting. Second, it's helpful to be present and attentive when your partner is talking rather than tuning out or thinking about other things.


  1. times of india; Why Being More Affectionate in the Morning Will Lead to a Better Relationship
  2. thrive global: What To Do When You and Your Partner Have Completely Different Morning Routines
  3. my morning routine: How does your partner fit into your morning routine?
  4. Eating Together Brings You Together
  5. Medium: Saying goodbye to your relationship
  6. Medium: Saying goodbye to your relationship
  9. pop sugar; A Relationship Therapist Says This Is the Biggest Act of "Real Love and Romance"

Tips On How To Be A Better Wife

Understanding how to be a better wife is crucial in the journey from getting married to staying happily married. If you're married, you're likely familiar with the excitement and love you felt while exchanging vows with your partner, eagerly anticipating your life together.

Despite the prevalence of outdated advice on what constitutes the ideal wife, much of it doesn't apply in today's world. However, timeless qualities like empathy, patience, and understanding remain essential for a successful marriage. For a marriage to thrive, both partners must be committed to self-improvement. In this article, we'll provide you with the best tips on how to be a better wife to your husband.

A tender moment between a couple in a post about how to be a better wife

Love Your Husband

This will seem basic, and you may think, "of course I love him; I won't be with him if I didn't." But, the love being talked about here is unconditional.

Loving him even when your feelings are hurt, in times of sadness or anger, when things are not going well for you, that is the time you should love him even more. [1]

A wife comforting or encouraging her husband in a post about how to be a better wife

Be Supportive

A supportive wife makes a happy husband. This is pretty tough because you may feel that some decisions he takes are bizarre or reckless, so supporting him won't be wise.

But think about it this way: has your not supporting him stopped him from taking a particular action? Has it caused friction between the both of you?

Even though you don't agree with his plans or decisions, it is best to show support. Let him understand that you have reservations about his plan, but whatever he decides to do, you'll support him.

If your husband sees you as a supportive wife, he'll feel comfortable sharing his ideas and plans with you, and it'll be much easier for him to listen to your opinion. [2]

A couple enjoying a shared activity in a post about how to be a better wife

Spend Quality Time With Your Spouse

Remember how you wanted to spend the whole day with your partner, just talking and cuddling, while dating? You couldn't get enough of each other, and you couldn't wait to get married to your "best friend." So what changed now that you're married?

With marriage comes responsibilities, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get together once in a while to do the things you love.

When you spend time with your spouse, you get to know each other better and discuss ways you could love each other better.

It could be a " staycation," a lunch date, taking a stroll, or even a vacation. The point is to create an atmosphere where you can give your husband your undivided attention. [3]

A romantic, intimate setting in a post about how to be a better wife

Never Underestimate Sex

Sex is an essential component of relationships. An anonymous gentleman once said, "Men are sexual beings. If your husband ever tells you that sex is not a big deal, he's lying. By just looking at a woman, we can get aroused; it just takes self-control to overcome such temptations".

Most men love sex. It helps reduce their stress levels and makes them feel loved. If your husband has a high sex drive, you'll have to adjust to meet his needs. Also, feel free to talk to him about it, don't be shy. "Is there something I can do to please you?", "I don't like being touched like this," "Do I meet your sexual needs?" Conversations like this may seem uncomfortable at first, but it's necessary.

Statistics show that men are more productive when having a great sex life. So, let your husband "get some."[4][5][6]

Be warm and affectionate

A wife can express love for her husband in various ways, one of which is through affection. Giving him a kiss or hug is an easy way to show him you care, but you can also probably write him a love note or do something more original.

Affection is vital in keeping a connection close and intimate, regardless of its form. A nice day can be made even better by showing affection, and even the busiest day can feel manageable with a long hug or a tender kiss.

Husbands tend to show their spouses the same love and respect if they receive themselves.

Be organized

A woman is capable of managing the daily operations of the home and ensuring that everyone has access to what they require. You should be able to complete tasks quickly and effectively and move on to the next one.

A good wife is a skilled multitasker. Try to find a means to handle different tasks at once or delegate some if you can't.

Cook for your partner

I'm yet to see a man who doesn't love a good home-cooked meal. No matter how woke you claim to be, you need to understand that cooking for your husband will forever be a big deal to him.

Make healthy meals for your husband. Don't joke with his food. This is one of the easiest acts of service in relationships.

Couple watching a movie in a post about how to be a better wife

Understand and practice his love language

There are five primary love languages-physical touch, words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, and quality time. Even though every husband loves to experience these five languages, some are more important for most men.

For instance, if your spouse loves acts of service, making his favorite meal will mean much more than taking him to a fancy restaurant. If he loves gifts, buy him some once in a while, it doesn't have to be so expensive.

Say kind words, and remind him why you love him if that makes him light up. And if he loves physical touch, hold his hands, kiss him as much as you can. [7]

Don't prioritize work over family

Having a strong work ethic is essential, but it shouldn't interfere with family time. Personal relationships will start to suffer for those who spend excessive time at work rather than at home. Your children will believe you're more concerned with your profession and financial success than you are with them.

The balance between work and family life is something workaholics must achieve. Keep all work-related tasks at the workplace. Bring no work or other assignments home to finish after work.

A woman listening to her husband in a post about how to be a better wife

Be intentional about each day

Positivity should be your first thought when you awaken each morning. Consider the household's top priorities after being thankful for another day to live. Plan out your day's activities with a specific objective in mind. Savor the little things. Set a goal to compliment each family member or perform a kind act for each person. Whatever your aim for the day—big or small—is, reach it with optimism and a beaming smile.

It's not an easy process to become a better wife, so take it one day at a time.

Old couple laughing together in a post about how to be a better wife

Be romantic

Being romantic is being considerate and caring toward your spouse and making them feel valued at all times. It involves consistently performing little acts of affection, like leaving emotional notes about the house or surprising him with an excellent breakfast in bed.

Even if you've been together for a while, it's important to maintain the romance in your relationship. This could entail organizing frequent date nights or unique weekend excursions.

This can assist you in maintaining a good and solid relationship and serve as a reminder of the initial reasons you fell in love.

A couple talking in a post about how to be a better wife

Be a better mother

You can't be a better wife without being a better mother to your kids. Men love women who make out time for them and their children. Listen to your kids, take them on play dates, make sure they are comfortable, and just be there for them. Figure out a way to be there for your husband and children.

A mother interacting with her child in a post about how to be a better wife

Respect your husband

Always respect your husband no matter how mad you get. Try to express yourself without bruising his ego. Keep in mind that even when anger fades, your hurtful words may leave a scar.

Additionally, it's good to cherish your spouse at home, and even better to do so amid others. This will help boost your husband's self-esteem and foster a healthy relationship. [8]

A wife using a hammer in a post about how to be a better wife

Be resourceful

Being resourceful is a crucial trait of a good wife. A savvy lady knows how to manage her finances, use her imagination when few resources are available, and solve issues. She is constantly willing to help and is not scared of hard work.

If you can't assist your husband or contribute effectively to the family's growth, your marriage may suffer.

A wife apologies for her mistakes in a post about how to be a better wife

Don't be too proud to admit mistakes

Some women find it difficult to admit mistakes, which is wrong. If anything, admitting mistakes shows humility and would encourage your husband to admit his faults as well.

These little things matter a great deal to most men and make for a happy marriage.

Don't be selfish

If you're in the habit of always putting your own interests over your husband, you need to stop. Marriage is about compromise, and some wives forget this. Men are providers by nature and want the best life for their family, most times neglecting their own needs. [9]

A woman making coffee for her and her husband in a post about how to be a better wife

Don't forget the little favours

Helping your spouse out without expecting anything in return is a terrific way to make any household happier. That entails not even needing to hear him thank you for a favor provided.

Keeping count may lead to conflict as family members compete with one another. Similarly, simple tasks like putting out the garbage or taking the dog for a walk can make a significant difference.

A couple gardening together in a post about how to be a better wife

Share hobbies

As much as you can, share hobbies with your partner. You may not enjoy hiking or bowling but do it with him anyways, if that's what he loves to do. It creates a deeper bond.

Moreover, who knows? you may just fall in love with the hobby.

A family taking an photo in a post about how to be a better wife

Accept his family and friends

You can't have an issue with your husband's family or friends and expect him to be happy. Whether or not you like them, these people have been in his life longer than you, so they matter to him. It's even worse if you don't like his mom. We all know how strong the "mother-and-son bond" is. So, just do your best to accept them.[10]

A couple talking in a post about how to be a better wife

Listen to your husband

Men love it when women listen attentively to them. Whether or not you are interested in what he's saying, try to listen. It makes them feel like they are loved. Your actions speak louder than your words, so by listening to your husband, he, in turn, will learn to listen to you.[11]

An old couple laughing together in a post about how to be a better wife

Make your marriage fun

Have as much fun as you can. Marriage is not a prison! Play, laugh, cuddle, tickle, and enjoy your marriage. Your home should be a safe space for you. Forget the problems of life and create memories with the love of your life.

Life is meant to be lived! So, don't spend it being a boring wife.

A man fishing alone in a post about how to be a better wife

Respect his alone time

You may notice that sometimes your spouse wants to be alone, maybe to think certain things over or do concentrate on work. Let your husband have that time.

Don't try to be clingy or take offense. When he's done, he'll come around.

Be expressive

Being a good wife doesn't mean keeping mute. You and your husband are meant to be best friends, so feel free to express yourself when you're angry, hurt, excited, or even uncomfortable.

No husband wants a boring wife, and don't lose yourself in the quest to be the best wife.

Avoid third parties in your marriage

Not every marriage advice is good advice. As much as you can, avoid taking your marital problems outside your home. It doesn't appear awful to take your concerns outdoors or to talk to your friends about your marriage, but the truth is that you can not fully understand a person or know what lies deep within them.

When you bring your marital issues into the open, they may turn into a controversy that could end in disaster. However, if you're experiencing any form of abuse, speak up! Don't die in silence.

You can also read up on How To Be A Better Husband.

A couple playing with their son in a post about how to be a better wife

Benefits of Being A Good Wife

Happy marriage

By being a better wife to your husband, you foster a happy marriage. Also, the possibility of loneliness in a person's life is lessened by a happy marriage. Marriage provides people with a lifetime of friendship, which is quite rare nowadays.

Safer environment for kids

When the partners commit to being better versions of themselves, raising kids is easier. The kids grow up learning how to love and live peacefully. Compared to single parents, married folks offer their children a happier and safer household. [12]

Health benefits

Being a better wife would result in a happy home and this has health benefits.

Couples in a contented, conflict-free marriage experience lower levels of stress, which benefits their blood pressure, lower the risk of heart disease, improves sleep, increases resistance to illness, and overall healthier mental health. [13]


If you have doubts about your ability to be a decent spouse to your partner, getting married may seem overwhelming.

However, apply the tips provided here to foster a successful marriage. They will teach you how to be a better wife to your husband.

Every marriage is unique. Remember that your husband appreciates you just the way you are, so don't try to be like someone else.


What Are The Most Important Qualities For A Successful Marriage?

The most essential components for a prosperous marriage are communication, commitment, and intimacy.

Is It Difficult To Be A Good Wife?

No, it isn't. Still, it requires commitment and daily practice.


  1. Family Studies: When Religious Couples Pray
  2. Carnegie Mellon University: Supportive Relationships Linked to Willingness to Pursue Opportunities
  3. Marriage.Com: 15 Reasons Why Quality Time Is So Important in a Relationship
  4. Verywell Mind: How Important Is Sex in a Relationship?
  5. Psychology Today: 6 Truths About Men and Sex
  6. Oregon State University: Maintaining An Active Sex Life May Lead To Improved Job Satisfaction, Engagement In Work
  7. Woman’s Health: What Exactly Are The Five Love Languages? Experts Weigh In
  8. NHS: Raising Low Self-Esteem
  9. Evolved but Not Fixed: A Life History Account of Gender Roles and Gender Inequality
  10. Motherly: The mother-son bond is tender and unbreakable
  11. Sigh: Men Think Women Who Listen to Them Are Sexier by Time magazine
  12. Forbes: 10 Steps To Effective Listening
  13. Institute for Family Studies: When it Comes to Child Well-Being, Is One Parent the Same as Two?

How To Be A Better Husband

How to be a better husband" becomes a crucial question after the initial excitement of dating, wedding, and honeymoon fades, and you settle into the routine of real life with a partner to share both joys and sorrows. As the romance starts to diminish with growing familiarity, the emotional intimacy that once flourished might begin to wane.

While not everyone upholds their wedding vows, if you're committed to being the ideal husband to the woman you love, it's never too late to start. This article delves into everything it takes to become a better husband.

For more insights, particularly on reigniting the spark in your marriage, visit How to Flirt with Your Wife: Tips.

a man engaging in various activities like listening, cooking, talking, and spending quality time with his wife in a post about how to be a better husband

8 Steps to becoming a better husband

To become the ideal husband to your wife and a great father to your children, you must work on every component of your lifestyle around your spouse, children, and friends.

Below are some clues to becoming a better husband:

A man intently listening to his wife in a post about how to be a better husband

Active Listening Skills

 A couple enjoying a meal together in a post about how to be a better husband

Shared Mealtime

Effective Communication

a couple doing household chores in a post about how to be a better husband

Household Chores

A husband presenting a surprise gift to his wife in a post about how to be a better husband

Surprising Your Wife

A man washing dishes or organizing the home in a post about how to be a better husband

Doing Dishes and Household Management

couple involved in a shared hobby in a post about how to be a better husband

Engaging in Shared Activities

a couple trying something new together in a post about how to be a better husband

Exploring Common Interests


Taking up the manly role of providing for and protecting your wife can boost your self-esteem and make you a more complete person. Your spouse will become your best friend, supporter, and biggest fan for the rest of your life, and your marriage will flourish as a result.

Start using these suggestions immediately, even if it's only the last thing you can do.

All these little changes will pile up and have a huge impact on your marriage and personal life.


What Makes You A Better Husband?

Loyalty, respect, communication, and love will make you a better husband to your wife.

What Are The Most Important Things In A Marriage?

The three most important things in a marriage are intimacy, commitment, and communication.


  1. Springer Nature: Active Listening
  2. researchgate; Active listening
  3. positivepsychology; How to Practice Active Listening: 16 Examples & Techniques
  4. goodmenproject; Your Relationship: The Importance of Shared Meals
  5. bbc; Why ‘social eating’ could help beat loneliness
  6. eatingwell; Why Cooking & Eating Together Are as Important
  7. goodmenproject; Your Relationship: The Importance of Shared Meals
  8. goodmenproject; Your Relationship: The Importance of Shared Meals
  9. psychologytoday; 5 Keys to Helping Your Partner Feel Heard
  10. psychologytoday; 5 Keys to Helping Your Partner Feel Heard
  11. psychologytoday; Communication Competence in Your Marriage
  12. psychologytoday; 5 Keys to Helping Your Partner Feel Heard
  13. ideas.ted; How to split the chores with your partner
  14. focusonthefamily;Labours of love
  15. marriage; How to Divide Household Chores Fairly in Marriage
  16. How to Divide Household Chores Fairly in Marriage
  17. extension; The Importance of Showing Gratitude to Your Partner
  18. psychologytoday; The Right Way to Express Gratitude in Relationships
  19. realsimple; This Printable Chore Chart for Couples Can Help Put an End to Arguments
  20. marriage; 15 Ways to Get Your Husband to Help More with the Chores
  21. apeacefullifecounseling; Couples and Chores
  22. practicalintimacy; Be A Better Husband By Avoiding These 21 Common Mistakes
  23. wikihow; How to Be a Better Husband
  24. wikihow; How to Be a Better Husband
  25. choosingtherapy; How to Be a Better Husband
  26. regain; 10 Tips For Being A Better Husband To Your Spouse

How To Be A Better Boss

Learning how to be a better boss is crucial, as we've all experienced that one employer who was impossible to please, always finding fault with our work and making us dread coming in.

On the flip side, some of us have been fortunate enough to work under a fantastic boss — an influential leader who genuinely cared about us as individuals, respected our input, and inspired us to do our best.

The former often leads to dismal morale and high turnover rates among workers, while the latter can boost employees' output and establish a high-performance culture. So, what exactly makes the difference? Why does one leader outperform another? And how can you, as a person, become a better boss?

If you're struggling to connect with your employees, we suggest reading How To Improve Interpersonal Relationships In The Workplace.

A confident leader standing in front of a diverse team in a post about how to be a better boss

How To Be A Better Boss

Being a leader is no easy task. Below are some strategies to help you become a better boss.

Solve Problems Effectively

A manager attentively listening to an employee in a post about how to be a better boss

Be A Better Listener

A leader standing firm amidst a stormy background in a post about how to be a better boss

Be Resilient In The Face Of Uncertainty And Pressure

Treat Employees With Respect

Coffee break in a post about how to be a better boss

Build Personal Relationships

Encourage Work-life Balance

A leader presenting a vision in a post about how to be a better boss

Incorporate A Shared Vision

Encourage Discipline

An employee climbing a metaphorical ladder in a post about how to be a better boss

Challenge Them

Get The Best From Your Team Member

A professional attending a leadership seminar in a post about how to be a better boss

Invest In Yourself And Your Future By Enrolling In A Leadership Program

Hire Better Employees

A cheerful boss greeting team members  in a post about how to be a better boss

Put Off A Positive Mood

Traits Of A Good Boss

Mostly, employees don't quit jobs, they quit bad bosses. You don't want to be a bad boss.

What are the traits of a good and effective boss? Let's take a look:

Communicates Clear Vision

When people come to work, they want to contribute meaningfully and do a decent job. Leaders that effectively convey the company's purpose to their staff should expect a more invested and productive team.

This motivates workers to take an active role in achieving the company's goals.

in a post about how to be a better boss

Sets Performance Expectations

Employees report higher stress levels when their roles, position, and responsibilities are unclear.

An effective manager will clarify employees' expectations by offering detailed job descriptions that outline their duties and include attainable goals for the company's success.

Provides Feedback

Employees may not always be aware when they are falling short of expectations.

One of the many leadership skills of successful leaders is to help employees grow and improve. The relationship with employees can be strengthened by regular feedback.

in a post about how to be a better boss


Nobody likes their employer more than they hate their job. What distinguishes a great boss from a bad boss is the quality time spent supporting employees.

As a result, the manager shouldn't be a doormat. Those who report working under a caring manager report greater job satisfaction, lower levels of stress, and more productivity.

Reward Efforts

One of the important hallmarks of a great manager is showing appreciation for staff and publicly rewarding hard work.

Employees will always value recognition, whether in the form of a certificate, award, luncheon, or email.

in a post about how to be a better boss

Gets To Know Employees

A good manager and boss take the time to stop by the office and show genuine interest in their staff.

When a boss takes an active interest in an employee's personal life, including their hobbies, training, career, family, and other pursuits, it sends a strong message that the worker is valued.

Adds Some Fun To The Workplace

Every worker appreciates a positive and enjoyable workplace. Monthly potlucks, birthday celebrations, and door decoration contests are easy ways to bring joy to the workplace. Such gatherings might serve as excellent opportunities for team bonding and entertainment.

in a post about how to be a better boss


A bad leader avoids making decisions or causes them to linger for too long. Leaders that excel at their jobs are quick to make decisions and never suffer from "analysis paralysis."

Leaders should remember that decision-making is often more crucial than the outcome itself. Bosses that act quickly and with conviction will make mistakes, but they will keep their teams moving forward.

Indecisiveness, however, can do irreparable harm to your business and reputation, whereas wrong decisions can be corrected.


Being a better manager calls for a lot of time and effort, as well as self-control, discipline, and empathy. It also necessitates perpetual study and exercise. Since people are, in general, difficult to deal with, you may find that many of your expectations are dashed.

You will have a better chance of being an effective leader, though, if you are genuinely committed to taking charge and can successfully take charge of yourself first.


Why Do New Bosses Fail?

Most new bosses fail because they weren't properly trained to be leaders and have bad attitudes.


  1. hbr; Two-Thirds of Managers Are Uncomfortable Communicating with Employees
  2. hbr; How to Become a Better Listener
  3. media; Research Insights

Tips On How To Be Friendly

How to be friendly and be kind: Are you struggling to make friends? Do you feel like you're always the outcast at social gatherings? Or maybe you just don't have the energy to put into being social. Well, have no fear! Shrink's Office is here to teach you how to be a friendly and kind person.

It's not something that comes naturally to everyone, but it can be learned with a little bit of practice. So, follow these simple tips, and before you know it, you'll be the life of the party!

A group of diverse people smiling in a post about how to be friendly

Steps to becoming a friendlier person

Body Language

Illustration showing different types of positive body language in a post about how to be friendly

Initiating Contact

Two individuals engaged in a conversation in a post about how to be friendly

Active Listening

Encouraging Conversation

A positive interaction between friends in a post about how to be friendly

Positive Interaction

A group of people in a social setting in a post about how to be friendly

Acknowledging and Responding

Maintaining Engagement

Online Therapy Can Help You Become Friendlier

Online therapy offers a unique avenue to enhance your friendliness and social skills. By providing a safe and confidential space, it enables individuals to explore and understand underlying issues that may affect their ability to connect with others, such as social anxiety or low self-esteem.

Therapists can offer personalized strategies and exercises aimed at improving communication skills, empathy, and emotional intelligence. Through regular sessions, individuals can learn how to interpret social cues more effectively, respond to others in a more engaging and kind manner, and develop a greater sense of confidence in social settings.


With the helpful how-tos delivered in this article, you can make great strides in learning how to be friendly. The key is to remember that it's all about taking small steps and building upon them. So start making an effort to be a little more friendly today, and over time you'll see your social life improve drastically!


What Is A Natural Remedy For Bad Breath From The Stomach?

Chewing gum, drinking water, and avoiding triggers are some natural remedies that can help to freshen your breath. You may also try a probiotic supplement to improve gut health and reduce bad breath. If bad breath persists, consult your doctor.

What Digestive Issues Cause Bad Breath?

Digestive issues that can cause bad breath include gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), helicobacter pylori infection, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and stomach cancer. Other conditions, such as diabetes, celiac disease, and Crohn's disease, can also cause bad breath.


  1. verywellmind; Understanding Body Language and Facial Expressions
  2. springeropen; Dress, body and self: research in the social psychology of dress
  3. everydayspeech; Mastering Social Skills Greetings: The Key to Building Strong Relationships
  4. indded; 10 Ways To Start a Conversation (Plus 15 Ice Breakers)
  5. positivepsychology; How to Practice Active Listening: 16 Examples & Technique
  6. coursera; What Is Active Listening and How Can You Improve This Key Skill?
  7. scienceofpeople; How to Ask Open-Ended Questions That Spark Good Conversation
  8. pollthepeople; How To Ask Open-Ended Questions And Build Deeper Connections
  9. academicinfluence; The 30 Most Controversial Topics for Your Position Paper
  10. frontiersin; Investigating Humor in Social Interaction in People With Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review of the Literature
  12. helpguide; Nonverbal Communication and Body Language

Steps On How To Be Kind To Others

Learning how to be kind to others can transform someone's day. A simple act of kindness doesn't require much effort, yet the rewards are immense. Not only does it uplift others, but it also boosts your own sense of well-being.

There are numerous ways to express kindness. In this article, we'll explore just a few. Whether it's a gesture for a stranger or an act of love for friends and family, you'll find plenty of ideas here.

Read on to discover more ways to be kind to others!

A man helping a stranger in a post about how to be kind to others

How to be kind to strangers

Smiling and Eye Contact

Two strangers shaking hands in a post about how to be kind to others

Greeting Strangers

Helping Others


Online therapy can enhance one's ability to be kind to others and oneself.
Coworkers having a meeting in a post about how to be kind to others

Effective Listening

How to be kind at work

We usually don't expect kindness from our workplace. But did you know that you can spread more kindness to co-workers and be a better person by doing some small acts?


Examples of greetings:

Coworkers discussing work and helping each other in a post about how to be kind to others

Getting to Know Colleagues

Tip: "How to Win Friends & Influence People" offers insights on understanding others and engaging in meaningful conversations.

A coworker helping his intern in a post about how to be kind to others

Helping Colleagues

Friends having a conversation at a cafe in a post about how to be kind to others

Avoiding Gossip

How to be kind at home

In my opinion, home is the most important place to spread genuine kindness. Because this is where we should feel the most comfortable and safe, here are a few ways you can be kind at home.

A wife embracing her husband in a post about how to be kind to others

Greet Family Members

A family taking a walk outside in a post about how to be kind to others

Have A Conversation


"Better Small Talk" offers guidance on deepening family connections and conversation skills.
Cousins posing for a picture in a post about how to be kind to others

In General

Why Does Kindness Matter?

Kindness matters because it can lead to positive emotions and decreased stress. Acts of kindness and acts of novelty affect life satisfaction, indicating that performing acts of kindness or novelty can increase life satisfaction.

Kindness can also increase feelings of happiness, calm, gratitude, and being inspired. During this study, the staff and the patients of a healthcare setting were allowed to watch kindness media or do an activity that promoted kindness. The study found that the staff and patients who participated in the kindness activity had significantly lower stress levels than those who did not participate.

There are also physical benefits to being kind. One study found that giving social support can lead to a decrease in the risk of dying. People who provided social support had a 50% reduction in the risk of death.

Another NCBI study about The Influence of the Source of Social Support and the Size of Social Networks confirmed that receiving social support from relatives reduces the risk of death by 19%.

So, being kind not only makes the recipient feel good, but it also benefits the giver. Random acts of kindness can lead to a reduction in stress, an increase in life satisfaction, and even better physical health.


Being kind to someone is not hard as you think it may be. Random acts of kindness help the well-being of others and yourself. So go out there and start being kind to others! 🙂


Why Is It Important To Be Kind?

Being kind isn't just about making other people feel good - it's also good for our mental and physical health. Studies have shown that self-kindness is associated with lower levels of anxiety and depression, as well as increased self-esteem and overall life satisfaction. Furthermore, being kind to others has been linked to improved physical health and reduced risk of death.

What Makes A Person Kind?

No one quality makes a person kind. Everyone can be kind in their way. Some people are naturally compassionate, while others may have to work a little harder at it. However, some common qualities often lead to kindness. People who are patient and understanding tend to be more kind, as they are more likely to see things from someone else's perspective.


How To Deal With A Passive Aggressive Boss?

Learning how to deal with a passive aggressive boss is crucial, as we often encounter difficult people in the workplace, where interactions with co-workers are as significant as the job itself. To maintain sanity and job security, it's important to have strategies for handling passive aggressiveness, whether it comes from a challenging boss or a bothersome colleague.

Let's explore effective methods for managing passive-aggressive bosses.

A flowchart illustrating different steps or strategies in dealing with passive-aggressive behavior in a post about how to deal with a passive aggressive boss

Steps on how to handle a passive aggressive people in general?

Since passive-aggressive people can come in all shapes and sizes, it's essential to know how to handle them. One should keep a cool head, give the other person their personal space, and refrain from playing their games. Here are some more strategies:

A person with a displeased expression in a post about how to deal with a passive aggressive boss

Subtle Discontent

in a post about how to deal with a passive aggressive boss

Procrastination and Avoidance

A person looking stressed in a post about how to deal with a passive aggressive boss

Guilt Tripping

Shifting Blame

Pro Tip for Self-Awareness

"The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment" is recommended for insight and developing self-awareness.

Strategies for Employees


Two people engaged in a constructive conversation in a post about how to deal with a passive aggressive boss

Effective Communication

Pro tip

For additional insights on enhancing communication and interpersonal relationships in the workplace, visit Shrink's Office - How to Improve Interpersonal Relationships in the Workplace.
A brainstorming session in a post about how to deal with a passive aggressive boss

Offering Solutions

A person meditating in a post about how to deal with a passive aggressive boss

Setting Boundaries and Self-Care

Pro Tip for Self-Care

"Self-Care: A Day and Night Reflection Journal (90 Days)" is recommended for self-awareness and reflection.
A supportive group meeting in a post about how to deal with a passive aggressive boss

Group Support

Online Therapy Can Help

Online therapy emerges as a vital resource for individuals grappling with the challenges of a passive-aggressive boss. It offers a confidential and accessible platform for employees to explore and understand their feelings, frustrations, and reactions in a safe environment. With professional guidance, individuals can develop effective coping strategies and communication skills tailored to navigate the complexities of passive-aggressive dynamics in the workplace.


Passive-aggressive behavior can be challenging, especially when you don't know what is happening. Your first step should always be to talk to the passive aggressor, but if that doesn't work, then it's time to make some tough decisions. In many cases, your only option may be to quit your organization and find a new one where there are better people skills in the workplace.

In other instances, if you're just not getting along with your passive-aggressive boss or co-workers, it may not be worth leaving because the company is excellent in other areas. In this case, think about speaking up more at meetings and giving constructive feedback to your new boss about how he could improve his communication skills.


What are the first steps I should take when dealing with a passive-aggressive boss?

The initial step is to objectively assess the situation. Keep a detailed record of instances where your boss displays passive-aggressive behavior, noting dates, times, and the context. This documentation can be crucial for identifying patterns and providing concrete examples if you need to discuss the issue. It's also important to reflect on your own actions to ensure that you're not inadvertently contributing to the dynamic. Seeking advice from trusted colleagues or mentors who might have observed similar behavior can also provide additional perspectives and support.

How should I communicate with my boss about their passive-aggressive behavior?

Communication should be approached carefully and strategically. Choose a private and calm setting to discuss your concerns. Use specific examples from your documentation to describe the behavior without being accusatory. Focus on how the behavior impacts your work and well-being. Express your willingness to understand their perspective and work together to improve the situation. It's crucial to remain professional, calm, and empathetic during the conversation, avoiding any confrontational tone.

What if direct communication doesn't improve the situation with my passive-aggressive boss?

If direct communication doesn't lead to a positive change, consider escalating the issue to higher management or human resources, especially if it's affecting your work performance or mental health. Provide your documented instances of passive-aggressive behavior as evidence. Additionally, seeking external support, such as online therapy, can provide you with coping mechanisms and strategies to handle the stress and emotional toll. Remember, it's important to prioritize your well-being and professional growth, even if it means seeking opportunities in a more supportive work environment.


  1. Medical News Today: 7 Examples Of Passive-Aggressive Behavior
  2. Business Insider: 11 signs your boss is passive aggressive
  3. Forbes: How To Handle A Passive-Aggressive Supervisor
  4. MindTools: Managing Your Emotions at Work
  5. Hubspot: How to Communicate Effectively at Work With Your Boss
  6. Verywell Mind: What Is Passive-Aggressive Behavior
  7. Medical News Today:  7 Examples Of Passive-Aggressive Behavior
  8. Havard Business Review: How To Deal with a Passive Aggressive Colleague
  9. HBR: How to Deal with a Passive-Aggressive Boss
  10. HBR: How To Deal with a Passive Aggressive Colleague
  11. HealthPrep: Conditions And Causes Linked To Passive-Aggressive Behavior
  12. Workology: How to Handle Your Abusive or Aggressive Boss
  13. Chron: How To Handle A Boss On A Power Strip

How To Stop Being Judgemental

'How To Stop Being Judgemental' is a challenge we've all faced, whether it's dealing with someone overly open, constantly politicking, or trying to one-up others. In our daily lives, it's easy to judge others for their choices, but this isn't beneficial. Here are some tips to help!

A poor boy sitting in trash in a post about how to stop being judgemental

How To Stop Being Judgemental Towards Those In Poverty

Try To Understand Their Situation:

Comparison of shoe quality in a post about how to stop being judgemental

Put Yourself In Their Shoes:

Someone comforting a young woman in a post about how to stop being judgemental

Be More Compassionate

A woman standing up for others in a post about how to stop being judgemental

Speak Up Against Judgmental Comments

A woman educating herself in a post about how to stop being judgemental

Educate Yourself On The Causes Of Poverty:

How To Stop Being Judgemental Towards Other Religions

Acknowledging Your Own Privilege

A woman thinking in a post about how to stop being judgemental

Understanding Different Religions

Diverse people planning together in a post about how to stop being judgemental

Avoiding Assumptions

A woman thinking in a post about how to stop being judgemental

Learning About Other Religions

A young boy educating himself on religion in a post about how to stop being judgemental

Respecting Beliefs and Avoiding Assumptions

How To Stop Being Judgmental in the Workplace/School

Reflecting on Your Judgments

A woman reflecting on herself in a post about how to stop being judgemental

Self-Awareness and Understanding

Two diverse woman talking in a post about how to stop being judgemental

Active Listening and Presence

A woman realizing her mistakes in a post about how to stop being judgemental

Acknowledging and Correcting Mistakes

To help you navigate and enhance your interactions at work, I recommend reading How to Improve Interpersonal Relationships in the Workplace.


Following the tips above, you can train your brain to think more positively about others and yourself. The next time you find yourself being judgemental, remember these tips and try to turn that judgment into something positive.

However if you're struggling to make this change yourself, we recommend Online Therapy.

Questions & answers

What Would Happen If We Stopped Judging Others And Ourselves So Harshly?

When we harshly judge others or ourselves, it only leads to anger, frustration, and self-doubt. It's a very unproductive way to conduct ourselves, ultimately destroying our peace of mind.

What Causes People To Be Judgemental?

Some of the most common causes include feeling insecure and threatened, wanting to feel superior to others, or having a rigid belief system that dictates how they should think and behave.


  1. verywellmind; How to Be Less Judgmental
  2. psychologytoday; How to Be Less Judgmental Toward Yourself
  3. socialself; How to Be Less Judgmental (and Why We Judge Others)
  4. verywellmind; How to Be Less Judgmental
  5. Religious Studies Center; Learning about Other Religions
  6. psychologytoday; How to Be Less Judgmental Toward Yourself
  7. verywellmind; How to Be Less Judgmental
  8. psychologytoday; How to Judge Without Being Judgmental

What Causes Low Self-Esteem In A Man?

Helpful Products

What Are The 10 Signs Of A Man With Low Self-Esteem?
- Sense of self doubt
- You apologize too much
- You blame everything and everyone
- You have bad posture
- You've built bad habits
- You belittle your achievement
- You have a negative self image
- You strive for perfectionism
- You are easy to influence
-You have low self confidence

What Are The Causes Of Low Self-Esteem?
- Dissatisfaction with authorities and parents
- A distant parent that doesn't teach self-esteem
- Sexually or physically abuser
- Parent relationship problems
- Bullying without parental protection
- Difficulty in academics
- Guilt related to religion

How Do Men Treat Low Self-Esteem?
- Seek professional help to address mental health
- Take medication to improve self-esteem
- Practice positive self-talk to eliminate negative self-talk
- Get regular exercise to develop well-being.
- Control your eating disorder by eating a healthy diet.
- Get enough sleep to stabilize mental health issues.
- Limit alcohol intake to boost life expectancy.t
- Parenting classes and healthy self-esteem workshops.
- Teach children to self-care.
- Spend time with guy friends that have positive qualities.

How to help a man with low self-esteem starts by understanding its impact: it can alter self-perception, affect physical health, influence perceptions of others, and shape decisions about life's challenges. Low self-esteem can lead to an unbalanced self-view, often resulting in dissatisfaction with one's abilities.

Low self-esteem can harm one's relationship, job, study, and career. Without intervention, the condition can cause severe physical and mental problems like - anxiety, anger, and depression.

Read on and learn the signs of low self-esteem in a man, the causes of low self-esteem in a man, and how a man can treat low self-esteem issues.

What are the 10 signs of a man with low self-esteem?

Here are ten signs of low self-esteem in a man:

Sense of self doubt

Do you constantly find yourself over-analyzing your actions? Are you highly critical of yourself? Perhaps you skip a job interview because you don't think you'll cut. Or maybe the only thing stopping you from asking out your crush is your inadequacy.

Feeling down on yourself is a massive sign of low self-esteem, which can hold you back from living your life.

I am sorry in blocks in a post about What how to help a man with low self-esteem

You apologize too much

Is there a situation you had no control over, yet you still apologize to everyone like you did something wrong? Apologizing for situations you have no control over is one issue. But you might also be saying sorry to avoid conflict, even when you disagree with the other person's actions.

Understand what you're apologizing for and if it's necessary.

You blame everything and everyone

You prefer to blame others than own up to your mistakes. You fear taking responsibility for your failures. This behavior happens because you have a habit of naming blame elsewhere, so the finger doesn't have to be pointed at you. The situation manifests as an inability to accept responsibility when with others and in certain situations and circumstances.

A man slouching in a post about how to help a man with low self-esteem

You have bad posture

Your body language describes you and how you feel about yourself. Bad posture can lead to low self-esteem. Do you find yourself slouching over and rolling your shoulders inward instead of sitting straight most of the time?

Sledding can indicate that you don't care much for what others think of you and indicates ill confidence in yourself.

That posture can also lead to physical problems such as headaches, jaw pain, back pain, and shoulder pain. The problem incites muscle pain and fatigue in these areas of your body, which limits your range of motion and ability to function. [1]

You've built bad habits

You find yourself picking at your skin, biting your nails, or twirling your hair, especially in a social setting. These so-called bad habits could build over time to cope with your negative feelings. Are you doing these things without even having to think about them?

While bad habits may be self-soothing for a time, doing them in excess can cause damage to your skin, nails, hair, and self-confidence. [2]

You belittle your achievement

When you have low self-esteem, it affects your self-worth and sense of value. You may feel that your achievements are minuscule and choose to belittle those achievements in front of others. You might dismiss compliments and feel unworthy of praise for all of your hard work. You may feel inferior to others despite what you've accomplished.

A man standing under water in a post about how to help a man with low self-esteem

You have a negative self image

Do you tend to look down on yourself? Do you think you're not pretty or not handsome? Do you get bombarded with negative thoughts that you're unattractive or unintelligent?

You might feel inferior to others because you think you can't measure up.

These thoughts can be intrusive and illogical. They can hurt the perception you have of body image and lead to you having a negative attitude.

You strive for perfectionism

You think your work needs to be perfect to feel competent, similar to holding on to a negative self-image and belittling your achievements.

You might use perfectionism as a way to feel accomplished. However, you may find that you give up early or avoid starting projects altogether due to a deep fear of failure. You may scrutinize anything you do that falls short of perfection in your mind.

Three people sharing a match in a post about how to help a man with low self-esteem

You are easy to influence

Another indicator of gullibility can be an indicator of low confidence in men. Do you have any trouble believing in yourself as a man? Is there a level of readiness that is absurd in your mind? "I've always had trouble feeling confident in myself." It is because you don't understand the basics of your character.

A lack of principle means there will never be a belief in your values and beliefs. Those times when you change opinions are usually attributed to a lack of esteem. It is easy to see why you change views even when you don't face a threat.

You have low self confidence

Self-confidence improves self-esteem. Both correlate positively and indicate that if self-confidence is high, you'll have high self-esteem, and vice versa if you have low confidence. You'll suffer low self-esteem if you feel unsure about managing your situation.

A man rubbing his face in a post about how to help a man with low self-esteem

What are the causes of low self-esteem?

Low self-esteem can happen at times to men. Several factors cause one to become unhappy about their look, relationships, and personal relationships. The feeling makes one have a negative outlook on their own life.

Below, we list seven reasons behind low self-esteem in a man:

Dissatisfaction with authorities and parents

The first cause of poor self-esteem in men is the feeling of dissatisfaction with authorities and parents. Lack of parental care and social rejection can destroy one's self-esteem. Many girls and boys indeed feel depressed because of the dull state of their environment, the feeling of being somehow not needed by anybody, and the feeling of rejection from their parents and teachers.

However, males are believed to be far more aggressive and self-destructive. [3]

A distant parent that doesn't teach self-esteem issues

As parents, are you holding your child accountable for their abilities? Or did they do just enough to avoid your wrath? These are often good questions to ask yourself, yet doing so is a misconception of what it means to be a parent.

You can't teach your kids how to express themselves if you're not usually around. This situation makes children feel worthless due to this neglect.

A child that isn't taught the fundamentals of building self-esteem is defenseless when they grow up. They can't learn how to ask for help or give their opinion in groups. [4]

Sexually or physically abuser

Another cause of low self-esteem in men is having been the victim of sexual or physical abuse. This situation can lead to inadequacy, self-loathing, and isolation. Victims of abuse often feel worthless and helpless and may blame themselves for the abuse.

Additionally, abusers often try to control their victims by making them feel dependent and powerless, which brings low self-esteem. If you are a man who was sexually or physically abused, it is essential to seek help and support. [5]

Parent relationship problems

A lot of research suggests that disputes in a parent's relationship cause poor self-esteem in men. This situation is particularly true when fathers are not involved in their children's lives.

Fathers who aren't in their children's lives are likelier to have lower self-esteem, leading to problems in their relationships. A vicious cycle starts as men with poor self-esteem are more likely to have issues and disputes when they become parents. [6]

Bullying without parental protection

As a result of not having parental protection from bullying, men can suffer from low self-esteem. This circumstance can lead to several problems, including social isolation, depression, and anxiety.

Without the support of their parents, men may feel like they have no one to turn to in times of need. This problem can make it difficult for men to cope with life's challenges and negatively impact their mental health.[7]

Difficulty in academics

It is a well-known fact that academic difficulty can lead to poor self-esteem in men. This circumstance is an academic success is often seen as a measure of intelligence and ability. When men struggle in academics, they can feel like they are not as smart or capable as their peers.

This position can lead to one feeling inferior and lacking self-confidence, negatively impacting every area of their life. [8] [9]

Guilt related to religion

Religion can often be a source of guilt for men, particularly when it comes to issues of sexuality. Low self-esteem and a sense of worthlessness may result from this situation. In some cases, it can even lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.

If you are a man who is struggling with religious guilt, it is essential to seek help from a specialist doctor who can help you work through these issues.

A man talking to a doctor in a post about how to help a man with low self-esteem

How do men treat low self-esteem?

There are many ways that men can treat low self-esteem. Some standard methods include therapy, medication, and self-help.

Here are three main ways that men can treat low self-esteem[10]:

Seek professional help to address mental health

Seeking help is a sign of strength. There are many ways to seek help, but the most crucial thing is that when professional assistance is required, one should not hesitate.

Anyone can have issues with mental health at any moment in their life, and the sooner they get treatment from a professional, the better off they'll be in the long term. For convenience, we would suggest online therapy.

Take medication to improve self-esteem

Research has shown many ways to improve self-esteem, such as physical activity, therapy, and medication. Some people may think that medication is not an appropriate treatment option for low self-esteem because it suppresses one's emotions and thoughts which could worsen the problem in the long run. [11]

However, medications are most often used in the short term only when there is a need for rapid improvement in mood or when someone has severe symptoms of depression or anxiety which do not respond to other treatments like therapy or exercise alone. [13]

Practice positive self-talk to eliminate negative self-talk

Practicing positive self-talk is capable of boosting your confidence, helping you build a productive relationship with other individuals, and allowing you to develop inspirational ideas about who you are.

The practice of optimistic self-talk is often referred to as positive affirmations, and there are many different ways in which you can use them in your life for success.

Some people write their affirmations and then read them aloud every morning or night before they go to sleep, while others will recite an affirmation from memory when they feel like they need a boost of confidence or energy.

It doesn't matter how you do it. Just as long as you're doing it will raise self-acceptance.[14]

Other ways to treat low self esteem

  1. Get regular exercise to develop well-being.
  2. Control your eating disorder by eating a healthy diet.
  3. Get enough sleep to stabilize mental health issues.
  4. Limit alcohol intake to boost life expectancy.
  5. Parenting classes and healthy self-esteem workshops.
  6. Teach children to self-care.
  7. Spend time with guy friends that have positive qualities.


Self-esteem is integral to a man's well-being and can be affected by many positive and negative factors. If you relate these causes and signs of low self-esteem in this article, know that you're not alone. Everyone goes through periods of self-doubt and insecurity.

It is important to be aware of these factors so that you can take steps to protect your self-esteem. Thank you for reading.


Can Low Self-esteem Be Fixed?

Yes, you can improve low self-esteem by using a few measures. In the section on how to deal with low self-esteem, we've demonstrated a few of the numerous methods. Several other strategies enhance your feeling of self and lessen emotions of inadequacy or uncertainty. Although you might not know it, you are not alone if you struggle with low self-esteem.

What Effects Can Low Self-Esteem Have On A Man's Life?

Low self-esteem can have a number of deleterious effects on a man's life. For instance, it can lead to depression, anxiety, and social withdrawal. It can also impair his ability to form and maintain healthy relationships, make him more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse, and lead to job-related problems. Finally, low self-esteem can also be a major contributor to male suicide rates.


Self-esteem is integral to a man’s well-being and can be affected by many positive and negative factors. If you relate these causes and signs of low self-esteem in this article, know that you’re not alone. Everyone goes through periods of self-doubt and insecurity.

It is important to be aware of these factors so that you can take steps to protect your self-esteem. Thank you for reading.


Can Low Self-esteem Be Fixed?

Yes, you can improve low self-esteem by using a few measures. In the section on how to deal with low self-esteem, we’ve demonstrated a few of the numerous methods.
Several other strategies enhance your feeling of self and lessen emotions of inadequacy or uncertainty. Although you might not know it, you are not alone if you struggle with low self-esteem.

What Effects Can Low Self-Esteem Have On A Man’s Life?

Low self-esteem can have a number of deleterious effects on a man’s life. For instance, it can lead to depression, anxiety, and social withdrawal. It can also impair his ability to form and maintain healthy relationships, make him more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse, and lead to job-related problems. Finally, low self-esteem can also be a major contributor to male suicide rates.


  1. AFMC: What Your Posture Says About You
  2. Health Place: How Bad Habits Affect Self-Esteem
  3. American Psychological Association: Harmful masculinity and violence
  4. The Pragmatic Parent: Teaching Feelings & 6 Steps to Help Kids Express Their Emotions
  5. Choosing Therapy: Building a Child’s Self-Esteem: Why It’s Important & 9 Ways To Help
  6. Sandra Cohen PhD: How Sexual Abuse Affects Self-Esteem & How To Change That
  7. GoodTherapy: The Effects of Parental Involvement on Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
  8. Wisegeek: What Is the Connection between Bullying and Self-Esteem
  9. Familyeducation: Why Boys Struggle with School
  10. ST Networks: Self-esteem and religion, a complicated relationship
  11. NHS: Raising low self-esteem
  12. NCBI: How Does Physical Activity Intervention Improve Self-Esteem and Self-Concept in Children and Adolescents? Evidence from a Meta-Analysis
  13. PCH Treatment Center: Low Self Esteem Treatments
  14. Forbes: How To Use Positive Self-Talk To Improve Your Self-Esteem

How To Improve Interpersonal Relationships In The Workplace

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How To Improve Interpersonal Relationships In The Workplace
- Make the workplace happy and healthy.
- Control your emotions.
- Talk well with others.
- Stay positive.
- Ask for feedback.
- Be kind.
- Be good at making deals.
- Notice the good things in your team.
- Remember to say happy birthday or happy anniversary to coworkers
- Do fun team activities not related to work
- Help solve arguments between team members

What are interpersonal relationship?
Interpersonal relationships are the connections and friendships you have with other people. It's like how you get along with your friends, family, teachers, or anyone you meet and talk to. It's about understanding each other, sharing feelings, and working together nicely. Think of it as being part of a team where everyone listens, helps, and cares for each other.

How Do Interpersonal Relationships Impact the Dynamics of a Team
When people in a team get along and are friends, they work better together, and everything goes smoothly. If everyone has strong friendships, they learn better and help the team or company do great things. Also, when team members care about each other, they can share their feelings and ideas without making anyone stressed or upset.

How to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace: is it really through interpersonal skills?

In today's organizations, having interpersonal skills is essential for successful operations. These skills foster camaraderie and collaboration among colleagues, boosting the company's productivity. Strong interpersonal abilities not only help in forging new friendships and alliances but also demonstrate to supervisors and employers your capability to bring out the best in others.

2 coworkers working late together in a post about how to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace

How To Build Strong Interpersonal Relationships

Interpersonal relationships are a significant factor in the success of a workplace. You must ensure you have all the required skills to build successful interpersonal relationships with other employees for positive outcomes in the company business.

Here are some of the things you can do to foster interpersonal relationships:

A woman looking after her mental health in a post about how to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace

Promote Health and Happiness In The Workplace

A team's productivity can take a nosedive if the members don't prioritize health and safety and cannot establish and maintain healthy boundaries with their coworkers.

An employee wellness program can be implemented to boost positive interpersonal relationships in organizations.

Employees must be able to take time off to deal with their mental health issues to boost workplace well-being. To help employees with their mental health issues, an online therapist is always available at flexible times.

If you, as an employee suspect you or a colleague have a mental health issue, you can take this quick general mental health test to check your general mental state.


Mindfulness, body language, emotional intelligence, and self-control are valuable interpersonal skills. You must know how to control yourself against interpersonal conflict.

If you're trying to assist an irate client, keeping cool could make them feel more at ease and lead to a more positive and potentially fruitful conversation. If developing a substantial awareness of one's internal experiences appeals to you, consider looking into mindfulness practices. [1]

2 woman in the workplace open to communication in a post about how to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace

Show Your Communication Skills

Interpersonal communication is critical to the success of any relationship, be it romantic relationships or workplace relationships between individuals working together or your colleagues. Maintaining as much attention as possible in all your job communications, whether with coworkers, superiors, and customers, is essential.

Communication breakdown can be disastrous. In many cases, this necessitates working without the aid of any displays, including smartphones. Since many companies prefer their employees to focus on work-related tasks instead of personal media, this is also a good practice.

Try To Maintain An Upbeat Disposition

Don't let your facial expressions be weary. Try to be optimistic in all you do by constantly thinking about your personal and professional successes.

Consider how your social abilities have evolved. Set a calendar alert or a reminder on your phone to force yourself to appraise your performance honestly.

Consider both the talents that have improved and the areas where you can continue growing. Modify your strategies if doing so will facilitate your advancement. Consider modifying your objectives as your skills improve.

Put your problems on hold until you've finished the day. If you're feeling overwhelmed by worry about a personal problem, try to keep it aside during working hours and move along with your employees to focus on the bright side.

Identify Methods To Practice

Next, generate ideas for practicing your skills and abilities. You could seek a mentor to develop your interpersonal skills and ask that individual to participate in role-playing exercises. If you locate one, ask your mentor for feedback on your interpersonal skills.

Additionally, you may attend formal training sessions focusing on interpersonal skills. Consider asking your employer if they offer this type of professional development opportunities, or use your professional network or relevant organizations to discover the courses independently.

Request Feedback

If it makes sense to do so, request feedback on your interpersonal skills whenever you are working with a mentor or participating in group training. Ask specific questions about situations and interactions to progress as efficiently as possible.

A woman comforting her coworker in a post about how to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace

Extend Compassion

One of the best ways to get along with your team members and build high-quality relationships is to develop empathy and demonstrate sympathy.

If you want to demonstrate that you care about other people's thoughts and comprehend their points of view, practice active listening by politely echoing them. This will result in more positive and fruitful encounters that will give the company a positive outlook.

Negotiate Effectively

Improving your social skills may greatly benefit from successfully negotiating disagreements with others. Carefully selecting your words may help you personally and settle problems with others.

You could also better understand your communication strengths and weaknesses while aiding others in dispute resolution via negotiating techniques.

Recognize Your Team Members' Positive Traits

Everyone enjoys being recognized for their efforts, which is particularly true regarding their abilities. If you need help with a difficult task or issue, consult a teammate who you know is competent in the subject.

Coworkers enjoying a party in a post about how to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace

Be Sure To Wish Coworkers A Happy Birthday Or Anniversary

You can build an interpersonal relationship with your coworkers by sending them lovely cards on their special days. These kinds of actions have a significant impact on the relationship between coworkers. The best way for workers to bond is to celebrate major holidays at the office.

Coworkers having fun in a post about how to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace

Plan Some Fun, Non-Work-Related Team-Building Exercises

Organize team-building events to improve communication, camaraderie, and strong association among workers. Whether operating in an office or as a distributed team, setting time for team-building exercises is essential. This will enable employees working in the same organization and team members in the same work environment to have physical contact and create a connection that brings respect and association essential to the company's growth.

People arguing in a work meeting in a post about how to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace

Settle Conflicts Among Team Members

Organizational leaders should settle conflicts among their members. Every workplace has issues with conflict. So, team leaders should try not to escalate or create interpersonal conflict.

As a business owner or manager, you should always look for signs of workplace animosity since tensions reduce efficiency and harm morale. When a disagreement arises, it's essential to get down with all parties involved to air their grievances, brainstorm possible solutions, and get everyone's verbal commitment to implement those answers. Plan a follow-up meeting for a few days or weeks to check everyone's progress.

What Are Interpersonal Relationships?

An interpersonal relationship is a social association, affiliation, or connection between two or more persons. These connections can vary in power distribution, reciprocity, duration, and degrees of intimacy.

Families, relatives, friends, love, marriage, businesses, jobs, clubs, neighborhoods, ethical ideals, support, and solidarity are fundamental themes or objectives of interpersonal relationships.

Social organizations and societies are based on interpersonal relationships, which may be governed by law, custom, or mutual agreement. They arise when people interact with one another in certain social circumstances and thrive on fair and reciprocal concessions. [2]

A work team celebrating their success in a post about how to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace

How Do Interpersonal Relationships Impact the Dynamics of a Team?

You may be wondering how the quality of even the most fundamental team interactions can profoundly impact productivity. If group members get along well, the job may flow more smoothly.

In professional settings, strong interpersonal connections serve as vital pathways for members to participate in learning behaviors that advance the organization's mission. [3]

Support networks within communities thrive when members have solid interpersonal connections. It would help to ensure all interactions have a "carrying capacity" for emotion or the maximum quantity of pleasant and negative feelings that may be shared without causing stress.


The workplace is fraught with politics, feuds, questions, confusion, and unclear priorities; cultivating strong interpersonal relationships will give you a more positive experience overall. This is true whether you work from home or in an office setting. Thus, it would be best if you strived to have a hand in fostering interpersonal relationships to avoid a relational breakdown in your place of work.


What is the key to good interpersonal relations?

Empathy. Understanding the feelings, needs, and thoughts of others, requires a level of intellect called empathy. Empathetic people communicate with awareness and compassion.

What is the cause of most interpersonal problems?

Affect dysregulation, impulsivity, and emotional outbursts are all factors that may strain interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal problems may also result from a childhood in an authoritative, emotionally negligent, or boundary-less setting. Mental illnesses are an additional factor.

What are the major obstacles to effective communication between people?

Physical, linguistic, mental, and social obstacles hinder effective interpersonal communication. This guide outlines simple but proven methods of overcoming these communication hurdles as a team member.


  1. What are the benefits of mindfulness?
  2. Conflicts Management
  3. Interpersonal Practice in Integrated Health, Mental Health, & Substance Abuse