
How To Be A Better Husband

Last Updated
December 4, 2023

How to be a better husband" becomes a crucial question after the initial excitement of dating, wedding, and honeymoon fades, and you settle into the routine of real life with a partner to share both joys and sorrows. As the romance starts to diminish with growing familiarity, the emotional intimacy that once flourished might begin to wane.

While not everyone upholds their wedding vows, if you're committed to being the ideal husband to the woman you love, it's never too late to start. This article delves into everything it takes to become a better husband.

For more insights, particularly on reigniting the spark in your marriage, visit How to Flirt with Your Wife: Tips.

a man engaging in various activities like listening, cooking, talking, and spending quality time with his wife in a post about how to be a better husband

8 Steps to becoming a better husband

To become the ideal husband to your wife and a great father to your children, you must work on every component of your lifestyle around your spouse, children, and friends.

Below are some clues to becoming a better husband:

A man intently listening to his wife in a post about how to be a better husband

Active Listening Skills

  • Prioritize Attention: Cease all activities and put away distractions like phones during conversations.[1]
  • Patient Listening: Allow her to finish speaking before responding.[2]
  • Engage in Dialogue: Ask relevant questions about her thoughts to show interest.[3]
  • Open-Mindedness: Listen without criticism, keeping an open and caring perspective.
  • Confirm Understanding: Summarize her points to ensure accurate comprehension.
  • Empathy and Validation: Acknowledge and respect her feelings, even when opinions differ. If you struggle with this, we suggest reading Steps On How To Be Kind To Others.
 A couple enjoying a meal together in a post about how to be a better husband

Shared Mealtime

  • Regular Meals Together: Aim for at least one shared meal weekly. [4]
  • Device-Free Zone: Keep phones and digital devices away during meals. [5]
  • Culinary Adventures: Experiment with new foods together. [6]
  • Mealtime Bonding: Prioritize these moments to strengthen the relationship.[7]
  • Appreciation: Express gratitude for meal preparation efforts.[8]

Effective Communication

  • Attentive Listening: Focus on her words and clarify any misunderstandings.[9]
  • Personal Expression: Use "I" statements to convey feelings.[10]
  • Problem-Solving Approach: Focus on resolving issues, not blaming.[11]
  • Understanding Perspectives: Try to see her point of view and compromise.
  • Uninterrupted Sharing: Allow space for each other to express thoughts and feelings.
  • Empathy: Show understanding and empathy for her feelings.[12]
a couple doing household chores in a post about how to be a better husband

Household Chores

  • Fair Task Division: Agree on an equitable distribution of chores.[13]
  • Proactive Participation: Offer help without being asked. [14]
  • Clear Communication: Ask for clarification on tasks when needed.[15]
  • Commitment to Tasks: Complete chores diligently and consistently.
  • Gratitude: Acknowledge and appreciate each other's efforts.
  • Flexibility: Be ready to adjust task division as needed.
A husband presenting a surprise gift to his wife in a post about how to be a better husband

Surprising Your Wife

  • Express Gratitude: Verbally appreciate her efforts. [16]
  • Give Compliments: Praise her appearance, personality, or achievements. [17]
  • Show Affection: Engage in physical gestures of love. [18]
  • Thoughtful Gifts: Surprise her with meaningful presents.
  • Active Presence: Listen attentively and value her opinions.
A man washing dishes or organizing the home in a post about how to be a better husband

Doing Dishes and Household Management

  • Chore List Creation: Make a list for shared household responsibilities. [20]
  • Initiative in Chores: Start tasks proactively to show dedication. [21]
  • Consistent Follow-Through: Maintain reliability in completing chores. [22]
  • Adaptability: Be open to changing chore arrangements as needed.
couple involved in a shared hobby in a post about how to be a better husband

Engaging in Shared Activities

  • Interest in Her Passions: Inquire about her hobbies and aspirations. [23]
  • Participation in Activities: Join her in activities she enjoys. [24]
  • Support and Enthusiasm: Encourage her interests and endeavors. [25]
  • Appreciation of Talents: Compliment her skills and achievements genuinely.[26]
  • Learning Together: Invest time in understanding her hobbies.
a couple trying something new together in a post about how to be a better husband

Exploring Common Interests

  • Mutual Activity Exploration: Discuss and find activities both enjoy. [27]
  • Creating Memories: Try new experiences together. [28]
  • Stepping Out of Comfort Zone: Embrace new challenges.
  • Dedication to Shared Interests: Invest time in mutual hobbies.
  • Quality Time: Prioritize spending time together.
  • Celebrating Achievements: Appreciate joint successes in shared activities.


Taking up the manly role of providing for and protecting your wife can boost your self-esteem and make you a more complete person. Your spouse will become your best friend, supporter, and biggest fan for the rest of your life, and your marriage will flourish as a result.

Start using these suggestions immediately, even if it's only the last thing you can do.

All these little changes will pile up and have a huge impact on your marriage and personal life.


What Makes You A Better Husband?

Loyalty, respect, communication, and love will make you a better husband to your wife.

What Are The Most Important Things In A Marriage?

The three most important things in a marriage are intimacy, commitment, and communication.


  1. Springer Nature: Active Listening
  2. researchgate; Active listening
  3. positivepsychology; How to Practice Active Listening: 16 Examples & Techniques
  4. goodmenproject; Your Relationship: The Importance of Shared Meals
  5. bbc; Why ‘social eating’ could help beat loneliness
  6. eatingwell; Why Cooking & Eating Together Are as Important
  7. goodmenproject; Your Relationship: The Importance of Shared Meals
  8. goodmenproject; Your Relationship: The Importance of Shared Meals
  9. psychologytoday; 5 Keys to Helping Your Partner Feel Heard
  10. psychologytoday; 5 Keys to Helping Your Partner Feel Heard
  11. psychologytoday; Communication Competence in Your Marriage
  12. psychologytoday; 5 Keys to Helping Your Partner Feel Heard
  13. ideas.ted; How to split the chores with your partner
  14. focusonthefamily;Labours of love
  15. marriage; How to Divide Household Chores Fairly in Marriage
  16. How to Divide Household Chores Fairly in Marriage
  17. extension; The Importance of Showing Gratitude to Your Partner
  18. psychologytoday; The Right Way to Express Gratitude in Relationships
  19. realsimple; This Printable Chore Chart for Couples Can Help Put an End to Arguments
  20. marriage; 15 Ways to Get Your Husband to Help More with the Chores
  21. apeacefullifecounseling; Couples and Chores
  22. practicalintimacy; Be A Better Husband By Avoiding These 21 Common Mistakes
  23. wikihow; How to Be a Better Husband
  24. wikihow; How to Be a Better Husband
  25. choosingtherapy; How to Be a Better Husband
  26. regain; 10 Tips For Being A Better Husband To Your Spouse

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