
9 Best Autism Awareness Activities You Can Do All Year Along


Educate Yourself
Learn about Autism through articles and videos online to help those on the spectrum. Check out recommended autism-related books.
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Share Your New Knowledge
Educate others on Autism by talking, social media, or writing articles/blogs like this. Share your knowledge to spread awareness.
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Get Involved With Organizations
Support Autism by getting involved with organizations like "Autism Speaks." Attend events, volunteer, or spread awareness to help.
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Organize A Campaign
High schoolers can foster Autism acceptance by understanding bullying and supporting diverse peers. Organizing anti-bullying campaigns helps.
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Speak On Social Media
Spread Autism awareness online by sharing posts and using hashtags like #autismawareness. Follow groups like Autism Speaks for updates and engage.
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Autism awareness activities aren't just for April's World Autism Awareness Day or National Autism Awareness Month; support and understanding for those with Autism should be a year-long effort. Raising awareness for Autism should be a year-long effort so that those with Autism can receive the support and understanding they deserve all year round.

Why Should We Raise Awareness of Autism?

Many individuals go through their lives without a clear understanding of what it is or how it affects those who have it, despite the fact that Autism Spectrum Disorder isn't visible. According to an informative article on "Autism Awareness and Acceptance in Early Childhood Education" of the Office of Early Childhood Education, 1 in every 68 children in the United States is affected by Autism.

This means that there is a good chance you know someone with Autism, even if you don't realize it. According to a CDC article about Autism Spectrum Disorder, Individuals with ASD frequently have problems with social communication and interaction, as well as restricted or repetitive activities or interests. People with ASD may also learn, move, or pay attention differently than others. But that doesn't mean they can't lead happy and successful lives.

Autism spectrum disorder (in short form ASD) is a neurological condition that manifests in children as severe social, communication, and behavioral problems. There is no one type of Autism, and symptoms of Autism can range from very mild to severe. Some people with ASD need little or no support, while others may require lifelong specialized care.

As stated by NIH, ASD occurs in all ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups but is almost five times more common among boys than girls. As the CDC states in "Autism and Vaccines," Autism is not contagious and cannot be caused by vaccines.

As stated by NIH, there is currently no cure for ASD, but intensive, early treatment can have a crucial impact on the lives of many children with ASD. You can learn more about Autism on Maybe It's Time You Understand And Embrace Autism.

What You Can Do to Raise Awareness - Autism Awareness Activities

Table on autism awareness activities in a post about autism awareness activities

Educate Yourself

Educate Yourself in a post about autism awareness activities

Take some time to learn more about Autism. This can be as simple as reading articles or watching videos online. The more you know about autism condition, the better prepared you will be to assist someone on the spectrum or answer concerns that others may have. Here are some of the best autism related books for you to start with.


  • You can learn more about Autism
  • You can clear confusion about it
  • You might become more sensitive to those with Autism


  • It might be overwhelming
  • Too much information at once can be confusing

Share Your New Knowledge With Others

Share Your New Knowledge sign in a post about autism awareness activities

Once you've educated yourself, share what you've learned with others. This can be done by talking to friends and family, posting on social media, or even writing an article or blog post like this one.

Tip: Talking to others need the skill of being friendly. Learn how to be friendly from Tips on How to Be Friendly.


  • You can help others learn more about Autism
  • You might help reduce the stigma around Autism
  • More people will be aware of what Autism is


  • You might not be taken seriously
  • People might not want to listen
  • You might forget key points

Get Involved With Autism Speaks Or Another Organization

autism spelt in sponges in a post about autism awareness activities

There are many organizations dedicated to supporting those with Autism and their families. "Autism Speaks" is one of the most well-known, but there are many others out there as well. Find one that resonates with you and get involved. This could mean attending events, volunteering, or simply spreading the word about the organization.


  • You can help support those with Autism
  • You might meet new friends
  • You will be updated on new information about Autism


  • You might not have time to commit
  • You might not agree with everything the organization does
  • You might not be able to do much

Organize A No-Bullying Campaign At School

stop bullying sign in a post about autism awareness activities

Bullying can be a very real and scary experience for students of all ages, but it can be especially difficult for those who are already struggling with developmental disabilities or autism acceptance. That's why it's so important for schools to organize anti-bullying campaigns that specifically target these populations.

High school students are in a unique position to help create a more accepting and inclusive environment for their peers with Autism. They can do this by being more aware of what bullying looks like and how it affects those who have it. They can also be more understanding and supportive of classmates who may be different from them.

Organizing an anti-bullying campaign at school can be a great way to teach students about autism acceptance and developmental disabilities. It may also assist in the creation of a more positive and supportive learning environment for all students.


  • You may play a role in making your school more inclusive
  • You can help stop bullying
  • You can learn more about Autism and other disabilities


  • It might be a lot of work
  • People might not take it seriously
  • You might not see any results

Show Your Support On Social Media

someone on social media in a post about autism awareness activities

Raising awareness for Autism is a great cause and something that we can all get behind. There are several ways to get involved and help, but one of the easiest is to simply show your support on social media.

Share articles, posts, and images about autism awareness month activities and the importance of increasing awareness. Use hashtags like #autismawareness, #autismacceptance, and #autismawarenessmonth to help spread the word. Stay up to date on the up-to-date news and information by following organizations like Autism Speaks and Autism United.

By interacting with others online and raising awareness, we can all make a difference in the lives of individuals on the spectrum by collaborating.


  • You can help spread awareness about Autism
  • You can learn more about Autism
  • You can engage with others who are interested in the same cause


  • You might not be taken seriously
  • People might not want to listen
  • You might forget key points

Contribute Therapy Tools And Equipment

Someone donating clothes in a post about autism awareness activities

National Autism Awareness Month is a time when we all come together to increase awareness and acceptance for those affected by Autism. Donating therapy tools and equipment is one approach to help those with Autism.

Therapy tools and equipment can be expensive, and many families struggle to afford them. By donating your old therapy tools and equipment, you can help make them more accessible to those who need them. This can be anything from weighted blankets to sensory cubes to noise-canceling headphones.

Consider donating any old therapy equipment or tools that you no longer need to a local autism charity or organization.


  • You can help those with Autism afford therapy tools and equipment
  • You can help make therapy tools and equipment more accessible
  • You can declutter your home


  • You might not have any old therapy tools or equipment to donate
  • You might not know where to donate them
  • People might not be grateful for your donation

Participate In A Fundraiser

People volunteering in a post about autism awareness activities

One great way to show your support for autism awareness month is to participate in a fundraiser. There are several different sorts of fundraisers to select from, so you'll be sure to find one that matches your interests and abilities.

If you're looking for ways to participate in a fundraiser this Autism Awareness Month, there are plenty of options to choose from. You can raise money by donating online or to a charity, bidding on items in an online auction, or participating in a walk or other physical event. No matter what you choose, you'll be helping to support autism research and awareness around the world. So be sure to get involved and engage in some good ol' fashioned fundraising!


  • You can raise money for autism research and awareness
  • You can choose a fundraiser that fits your interests and abilities
  • You can get people involved in the cause


  • You might not be able to raise much money
  • People might not be interested in the fundraiser
  • The fundraiser might not be well-organized

Host Your Own Fundraiser

Someone planning a fund raiser in a post about autism awareness activities

If you're looking for a more hands-on approach to fundraising, consider hosting your own fundraiser during autism awareness month. This is a great way to get creative and engage your community in the cause. There are several ways to host your own charity event, so get creative!

Some ideas for hosting your own fundraiser include having a bake sale, car wash, or yard sale. You could also organize a fun run, walk, or bike ride. By doing those activities, you can raise funds and also help people get active. No matter what you choose to do, make sure that you promote your fundraiser well and get as many people involved as possible.


  • You can get creative with your fundraiser
  • You can engage your community in the cause
  • You can raise funds for autism research and awareness


  • You might not be able to raise much money
  • People might not be interested in the fundraiser
  • The fundraiser might not be well-organized

Share Job Opportunities

Someone receiving a job offer letter in a post about autism awareness activities

One way to support those with Autism is to share job opportunities with them. Many people with autism struggle to find employment, so by sharing job openings that you come across, you can help them get their foot in the door.

There are a variety of options for distributing employment openings. You can share them on social media, through email, or even in person. If you know someone with Autism who is looking for a job, be sure to let them know about any openings that you come across.


  • You can help those with Autism find employment
  • You can share job openings that you come across
  • You can help people with Autism get their foot in the door


  • You might not know about any job openings
  • People with Autism might not be interested in the jobs that you share
  • You might not be able to help people with Autism find employment

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