How to Flirt With Your Wife? Tips For Making Romantic Gestures

Last Updated
November 29, 2023

It can be challenging to figure out how to flirt with your wife in a way that goes beyond the everyday routines.

That's why we've put together this list of 12 tips on how to flirt with your wife - Romantic gestures and playful ways to let her know she is the only one for you! So, if you're looking for subtle moves to make your better half swoon, read on! And never underestimate the power of simply stealing glances – it can go a long way.

How To Flirt With Your Wife - 12 Tips For Making Romantic Gestures

As a husband, keeping the spark alive in your marriage is important. You can do this by making romantic gestures and flirting with your wife regularly. Here are the top twelve tips to help you flirt with your wife and make her feel loved: 

A couple making eye contact in a post about how to flirt with your wife

Make Eye Contact

Engage in eye contact during conversations with your wife to show your interest and attention. This simple act can enhance intimacy and trust. [1]

A man giving his girlfriend roses in a post about how to flirt with your wife

Body Language Awareness

  • Adopt open and inviting body language.
  • Face your wife directly.
  • Point your feet towards her.
  • Avoid crossing arms or legs. [2]

Pro Tip: "The Flirting Bible" offers insights into body language to help reignite the spark in your marriage.

A man complimenting his girlfriend in a post about how to flirt with your wife

Compliment Your Wife

  • Use genuine compliments to show your love and appreciation. Examples include admiring her laugh, eyes, humor, and other qualities. [3]

Pro Tip: "150 Compliments For Your Girlfriend/Wife" offers a variety of ways to express your admiration.

A man kissing his girlfriend in a post about how to flirt with your wife

Physical Touch

  • Gently touch her hair.
  • Offer massages.
  • Hold hands and caress gently.
  • Embrace her with an arm around her waist or shoulders.
  • Kiss her cheek softly.
  • Whisper affectionately in her ear. [4]

Did You Know?: "The Couples' Massage Book" highlights the importance of touch in creating emotional bonds.

in a post about how to flirt with your wife

Undivided Attention

  • Put away distractions like phones.
  • Practice active listening.
  • Ask engaging questions.[5]

Suggestion: Online therapy can help strengthen your bond.

A couple laughing together in a post about how to flirt with your wife

Humor and Positivity

  • Use humor to lighten the mood.
  • Focus on positive and enjoyable topics.
  • Smile genuinely to appear approachable and friendly.
A man hiding a gift for his girlfriend in a post about how to flirt with your wife

Thoughtful Gestures

  • Cook her favorite meals or try new recipes.
  • Surprise her with flowers or a romantic dinner.
  • Help with daily tasks to ease her burden. [6]

Pro Tip: "The Sexy Little Book of Sex Games" offers creative ideas to spice up your relationship.


If you want to put the spark back in your better-married life, try out some tips on how to flirt with your wife. From being more present when you are around her to making romantic gestures, there are many small things you can do that will make a big impact.

Keep the lines of communication open and honest with each other, and don't be afraid to have some fun! However if you and your wife are going through a rough patch, we suggest reading The Pros And Cons Of Using Online Therapy For Couples Counseling to help you decided if therapy is for you.


How can I flirt with my wife in a new and exciting way?

There are many ways to approach flirting with your wife. If you feel like you need some fresh ideas, take some time to brainstorm together and explore new options. Think of activities that both of you can enjoy or try out something completely different from what you usually do. This could be as simple as playing a game together or going on an adventure and exploring new places.

How to flirt with your wife via text?

Texting is a great way to stay connected with your wife and flirt with her from a distance because is one of the most important person in our life. Use emoticons to help convey your feelings, write short, sweet messages that show you're thinking of her, and send thoughtful compliments or reminders about how much you appreciate her.

How to flirt with your wife?

Focus on small, intimate gestures such as holding hands, giving compliments, and initiating physical contact like hugs. Show your appreciation by telling her how beautiful she is, complimenting her on her style or sense of humour, and offering genuine expressions of admiration.


  1. coopertherapy; Why Eye Contact Matters in Your Relationship
  2. scienceofpeople; Reading Male Body Language
  3. insightconnection; Thank And Compliment Your Partner For A Stronger Relationship
  4. fatherly; 15 Ways To Be A Little Bit More Affectionate
  5. centerstone; 10 Ways to Show Your Partner Appreciation

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