You Need To know This: Understanding the 6 Anxiety Recovery Stages

Last Updated
March 27, 2023
You Need To know This Understanding the 6 Anxiety Recovery Stages

Anxiety Recovery Stages
Helpful Products

- Recognizing that you are experiencing anxiety and acknowledging its impact on your life
- Learning about anxiety, its symptoms, causes, and treatments
- Developing healthy habits to manage your anxiety
- Practicing mindfulness techniques
- Gradually exposing yourself to anxiety-provoking situations
- Continuing to practice self-care, mindfulness, and exposure techniques

Anxiety is a normal human emotion that people experience in their life to varying degrees. However, some people may experience anxiety to an extreme extent which leads to serious physical and mental health issues. Fortunately, there is hope for people suffering from anxiety disorders because recovery is possible. This article will look at the six Anxiety Recovery Stages, which provide a helpful roadmap to healing and lasting relief from debilitating symptoms.

About Anxiety Disorder

About Anxiety

Anxiety defines a group of mental health disorders that can cause feelings of fear, worry, or unease. People with anxiety may experience intrusive thoughts and physical symptoms such as sweating, difficulty breathing, and increased heart rate. From mild to severe, anxiety can take on many different forms, including panic attacks, social anxiety disorder, and phobias.

Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the US, with about 40 million adults suffering from it [1]. According to NIH, anxiety disorders can disrupt a person's life by increasing the risk of substance abuse, alcoholism, major depression, and even cardiac arrests[2]. However, a few people try to recover from it. Mentioned below are the six stages of anxiety recovery.

Note: There is no certain order to these stages. Depending on the individual, recovery may take different paths.

The 6 Anxiety Recovery Stages

  • Stage 1: Acclimating & Starting the Work
  • Stage 2: Resisting the Process
  • Stage 3: Pushing Through the Resistance and Responding to Treatment
  • Stage 4: Doing the Work and Stepping Up the Game
  • Stage 5: Creating Confidence through Mastery & Self-Advocation
  • Stage 6: Demonstrating Mastery

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A woman with anxiety disorder feeling like she's walking on strings

How Anxiety Disorders Impact Daily Life

When discussing anxiety, it's critical to understand that its effects are not confined to occasional feelings of worry or stress. In reality, an anxiety disorder can permeate every aspect of a person's daily life, from work and relationships to physical health and personal well-being. Here's an in-depth look at how an anxiety disorder can impact various aspects of daily life.

Fun fact: Hormones that cause anxiety include cortisol and adrenaline, released during the fight-or-flight response, intensifying anxious feelings.

Impact on Work Performance

Decreased Productivity and Concentration

Anxiety can be incredibly distracting, making it hard to focus on tasks at hand. This could lead to decreased productivity, missed deadlines, or lower quality of work. An individual may find themselves constantly worrying, which diverts their attention from their responsibilities and duties.

Job Insecurity

The constant state of worry might also manifest in concerns about job security. A person with an anxiety disorder might constantly feel like their job is at risk, leading to additional stress and potentially exacerbating their condition.

A small family sitting together for a meal

Impact on Relationships

Communication Challenges

Anxiety can lead to communication challenges in relationships. People with anxiety may struggle to express their feelings or needs effectively, leading to misunderstandings or conflicts.

Social Withdrawal

In many cases, people with anxiety disorders may avoid social situations due to fear of judgment or criticism, leading to feelings of isolation and potentially straining relationships with friends, family, and partners.

Helpful tip: How to make friends when you have social anxiety - Start with small steps, join supportive groups or activities, and practice self-compassion to build connections gradually.

Impact on Personal Well-Being

Physical Health

Anxiety isn't just a mental condition; it can also have physical symptoms. These can include heart palpitations, headaches, digestive problems, and insomnia. Over time, these symptoms can lead to more serious health complications.

Emotional Exhaustion

Living in a constant state of worry or fear can be emotionally exhausting. This emotional drain can lead to other issues like depression, mood swings, or a general decrease in enjoyment of life.

Lack of Self-Care

People with anxiety disorders often neglect self-care. They might skip meals, have poor sleep habits, or not get enough physical activity. This lack of self-care can further exacerbate anxiety symptoms.

Here are some quick facts about the impact of anxiety on daily life:

  • Work Performance: Anxiety can lead to decreased productivity, missed deadlines, and constant worry about job security.
  • Relationships: Communication challenges and social withdrawal due to anxiety can strain relationships with loved ones.
  • Personal Well-Being: From physical health issues to emotional exhaustion and lack of self-care, anxiety can severely affect a person's well-being. [4]
A man with anxiety disorder and he feels like he's standing on glass

Stage 1: Acclimating & Starting the Work

The initial stage of anxiety disorder recovery involves wanting to recover the condition. In the first stage, those who are overwhelmed by anxiety symptoms will try to stop panicking and start accepting the reality of their situation. They realize however, that does not matter how hard they try, they can't control their problematic anxiety. Only then do they understand that they need help from mental health professionals and will start to look for one.

If your situation relates to this stage, consider yourself lucky, as only 36.9% of anxiety patients out of 19.1% population in the US actually seek help.[1]

Stage 2: Resisting the Process

In this phase, your mind resists the idea of getting help, and you might not be able to take your situation seriously or even see the need for help. You are afraid of what change your therapy could bring. However, you must move on if you want to recover.

Stage 3: Pushing Through the Resistance and Responding to Treatment

The third stage of anxiety disorder recovery is ignoring the resistance of your mind and trying out anxiety medication given by the doctor. You might hesitate at first, but you eventually try to accept and follow through with treatment. This is a difficult stage for many patients as it usually involves confronting your fears and accepting your mental illness. This stage is so fragile that you may stop taking medications at any moment.

Tips to push through this step: Once you start getting treatments, do not stop suddenly. Otherwise, you might experience withdrawal symptoms that mimic anxiety symptoms. Practice self-care and seek support from your family and friends if negative thoughts and feelings arise. Talk to your therapist when your mind tries to resist.

Stage 4: Doing the Work and Stepping Up the Game

This is the stage where you consciously try to work through anxiety. Other than taking medications, you will set up realistic goals and take actionable steps to reach them. You will also attend therapy sessions, join support groups, or try alternative treatments like yoga and meditation. You will see progress in your condition as you work to manage and cope with it.

Tips: Passing this stage will take time and patience, and it is normal to feel overwhelmed at some point. However, stay consistent with your treatment. Also, don't forget to take regular breaks to avoid stress.

Stage 5: Creating Confidence through Mastery & Self-Advocation

You are almost recovered. You can now start whatever you want confidently. You are starting to master your condition and advocate for yourself. This means understanding your needs and boundaries, participating in activities you enjoy, and having meaningful relationships with others.

Stage 6: Demonstrating Mastery

You are now fully recovered and thriving. You have full control over your body and mental health. Now you can recognize warning signs of relapse quickly and are actively involved in self-care.

In this stage, you may also try to help others with mental health issues, which is a good sign. However, do not stop your therapy sessions unless advised by your therapist. You must also continue self-care, such as exercise, healthy eating, and relaxation techniques. Anxiety can be controlled, but there is no cure for it [3]. So, stay connected with your support system, practice mindfulness and meditation regularly, and use the coping skills you have learned as long as you can.

A man feeling anxious and struggling to stay balanced

Debunking Myths and Misconceptions About Anxiety

In order to better understand and support those struggling with anxiety disorders, it's essential to address some of the common myths and misconceptions that surround these conditions. By debunking these falsehoods, we can help remove the stigma around anxiety disorders and promote a more empathetic and informed perspective.

Myth 1: Anxiety Is Not a Real Illness

The Truth: Anxiety Is a Legitimate Mental Health Condition

Many people mistakenly believe that anxiety is just a normal part of life and not a serious mental health issue. However, anxiety disorders are real and can have a significant impact on a person's life. They are recognized medical conditions with specific diagnostic criteria and treatment options.

Myth 2: People with Anxiety Can Simply "Snap Out of It"

The Truth: Overcoming Anxiety Requires Time, Effort, and Support

One of the most common misconceptions about anxiety is that people who suffer from it can simply "snap out of it" or "think positive" to overcome their symptoms. However, managing anxiety is a complex process that often involves a combination of therapy, medication, and self-care strategies. It takes time and effort to manage anxiety effectively, and support from loved ones is crucial.

Myth 3: Anxiety Is a Sign of Weakness

The Truth: Anxiety Can Affect Anyone, Regardless of Strength or Resilience

Some people might see anxiety as a sign of weakness or a lack of resilience. However, the truth is that anxiety disorders can affect people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It's important to recognize that experiencing anxiety does not make someone weak; in fact, many individuals living with anxiety display incredible strength and resilience in managing their symptoms.

Interesting fact: Children of a mentally ill parent are at higher risk of developing anxiety due to genetic and environmental factors, but early intervention can significantly improve outcomes.

Myth 4: Anxiety Disorders Are Rare

The Truth: Anxiety Disorders Are Highly Prevalent

Contrary to popular belief, anxiety disorders are not rare. They are, in fact, the most common mental health disorders in the United States, affecting millions of people each year. Recognizing the prevalence of these disorders is essential for raising awareness and promoting understanding.

Myth 5: Anxiety Is Always Caused by Stress

The Truth: Anxiety Can Have Multiple Causes

While stress can undoubtedly trigger anxiety symptoms, it's important to understand that anxiety disorders can have various causes. These can include genetic factors, brain chemistry, personality traits, and life experiences. It's crucial to recognize that anxiety is a complex condition with many contributing factors. [5]

Helpful tip

If experiencing PTSD, remember that healing is a process. Seek therapy, practice self-care, connect with supportive people, and be patient with yourself on the journey to recovery.

Anxiety Treatment Options

Anxiety Treatment Options

There are various treatment options available for anxiety and depression.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)- This is a therapy that focuses on changing the thinking patterns and behavior of the individual to reduce symptoms of anxiety.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)- DBT is a form of psychotherapy that combines cognitive behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices.
  • Trauma Therapy- Trauma therapy helps people process and heal from past traumatic events that may be contributing to anxiety disorder.
  • Medication- Depending on the type and severity of anxiety, your healthcare provider may prescribe medications to treat your condition. These can include antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, or beta blockers.


Anxiety disorder is a serious condition that can dramatically affect your psychological and physical well-being. However, with the right treatment and support, it is possible to manage anxiety and improve your quality of life. Taking the first step is the hardest, but with professional help, you can step through the recovery process and regain control of your life. Good luck!


How long does it take to recover from anxiety?

Depending on the individual, it can take from a few months to several years to overcome anxiety.

Can anxiety completely go away?

Anxiety disorders usually go away with the right treatment and self-care plan. However, you can not cure the illness completely. But you can manage it and cope with the rest of the symptoms.


  1. Facts & Statistics | Anxiety and Depression
  2. Anxiety - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
  3. Can Anxiety Be Cured?

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